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show episodes

The Lydian Spin

Lydia Lunch

A series of lively, deep and often hilarious interviews conducted by Lydia Lunch, one of the most vocal spoken word artists of this or any century and Tim Dahl, musician and general know it all.
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Lydia Speaks Podcast

Lydia Speaks

Lydia SPEAKS podcast aims at reaching out to today's woman to encourage her to fulfill her destiny. On this podcast, you will hear from a diverse group of experts, including professionals and everyday individuals, discussing topics such as relationships, marriage, parenting, career, women’s empowerment, education, mentorship, and various other sectors.
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Lyden af Videnskab

Lyden af Videnskab

En podcast der tager dig med på en lydrejse ind i videnskabens verden. Hvert afsnit dykker ned i ét emne indenfor natur- eller sundhedsvidenskab. Lyden af Videnskab er støttet af OpEn -Udenrigsministeriets Oplysnings- og Engagementpulje og Novo Nordisk Fonden
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Claim Your Confidence with Lydia Fenet

Lydia Fenet

Have you ever looked at someone striding confidently into a room and thought...“They must have been born with that confidence." More likely, they have faced ups and downs in every facet of their life and career that made them realize that to keep rising you have to claim your confidence and never look back. From the best-selling author of The Most Powerful Woman in the Room is You comes the podcast Claim Your Confidence, a podcast that pulls back the curtain on success and introduces listene ...
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Lydia Nicole's Acting Smarter Now Podcast

Lydia Nicole

Immerse yourself in the rich, dynamic world of 'Acting Smarter Now" with Lydia Nicole, your vibrant guide to mastering the business and craft of acting. With Lydia, a seasoned industry veteran of 40 years, you'll experience a journey of practical wisdom, brimming with empowerment, and street-wise common sense. Join Lydia Nicole as she transforms the mindset of actors and creatives, infusing confidence and cultivating fun while executing their craft. As a multifaceted creative—actor, stand-up ...
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The Daggers & Lyds Podcast

Charles Dagnall

Charles Dagnall and Lydia Greenway return for an all-encompassing round up of the world of Women's cricket. From Analysis and opinion, to star guests and breaking news, if there is women's cricket to cover, here is your one stop shop!
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Fælles lyd

Radio Glad

Et overflødighedshorn af forskellige programmer fra redaktionens fem vidt forskellige værter. Fra tøjkrise med Mads Nørgaard, Nordens første Cannabismesse, besøg hos Twerk Queen og en blind på toppen af Kilimanjaro. Dyk ned og find din egen favorit! Se mere og lyt til alle Radio Glads udsendelser på
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Reportagepodcasten Lydtapetet maler billeder i dine ører. Vi giver blandt andet ordet til en hvalfanger uden tænder, den lokale kunster på Lolland, og skaterpiger der finder frihed ved at rulle på ramper i Palæstina.
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Lyden af White Hart Danes - En Podcast for Spurs-fans

Lyden af White Hart Danes

Hele Danmarks officielle podcast om Tottenham Hotspur - en podcast fra fans - til fans! Ugentlig analyse af nyheder, resultater og udtalelser fra klubben. Previews af kampe. Særudsendelser om transfers og breaking news. Interviews med danske Spurs-fans om deres forhold til klubben. Og meget, meget mere.
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Nørrebro lydvandring


I denne lydvandring lavet af kulturmagasinet VINKkbh kan du komme med bag Nørrebros facader. Du kan finde et kort over lydvandringen her: Lydproducent: Anna Hjortsø Musik: All the Colours of the Dark Fotografier: Nordic Noir Photography
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Lola Tocados

Trata de contar los cuentos de mi más tierna infancia, pero que aún me fascinan. He intentado poner voces a los diferentes personajes, espero que disfrutéis Green's.
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LYDskrift - Filosofisk Podcast


LYDskrift er podcasten til den filosofisk nysgerrige studerende - og alle andre interesserede. Her kan du lytte til interviews med artikelskribenter, de seneste filosofi-nyheder samt et lydligt kig ind i en læsekreds eller to, så du ved hvad der bliver snakket om 'derude' i studiemiljøet. Kort sagt, så handler LYDskrift om, at sætte engagementet og glæden ved at læse og skrive filosofi på lyd. LYDskrift bliver produceret i forlængelse af magasinet for filosofistuderende: TIDskrift.
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show series
REJSEN TIL ISKANTEN 2010 Ny og bearbejdet version af PRIX FUTURA vinderen fra 1985 (Prix Europa) Af Niels Peter Juel Larsen © En jagtrejse på hundeslæde til iskanten ved Ummanaqfjorden efter hvidhval; en rejse tilbage til den tabte fangerkultur midt i den ’moderne civilisation’. ”A contemporary classic, a beautiful and provocative documentary by th…
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Ali Smith, a portrait and documentary photographer, moved to the UK from NYC, where she built a career shooting for The Guardian, The New York Times, and more. She’s shot campaigns for Rimmel, Disney, and Johnson & Johnson and published two acclaimed photography books—Momma Love earned praise from The NY Times and Gloria Steinem. Her work, rooted i…
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In the fog of Trump Two, we’re asking: what’s new? The co-presidency with Elon Musk is surely new, also the raging battle of exotic ideas among techno-optimists and libertarian anarcho-capitalists at war with the very idea of popular democracy and republican government. Further question: do citizens have to follow the action? Matt Taibbi’s headline…
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Ready to unlock the secrets to acting success and take your career to the next level? In this power-packed episode, I’m joined by Emmy-winning producer Tommy Morgan Jr. as we explore what it takes to truly master your craft and thrive in Hollywood. From essential acting tips to invaluable career advice, this video is your ultimate guide to building…
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Erstveröffentlichung am 10.02.2025 auf TWITCH Webseite Lydia Webseite WTF Twitch Kanal Unterstütze den WTF Talk: Du möchtest deine Werbung in diesem und vielen anderen Podcasts schalten? Kein Problem! Für deinen Zugang zu zielgerichteter Podcast…
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Vi sejler op af floden gennem fiskerbyen Elmina og under os spredes en dødelig cocktail af giftstoffer, iltsvind og vand, der bliver varmere og varmere, så alt liv under os må enten flygte eller dø. Medvirkende: Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Professor ved DTU Aqua Justice Amiin Yeboah, Project Support Officer ved Centre for Coastal Management - University…
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Bruce Moreland grew up in West Covina California, playing in glam rock bands with his brother Marc before diving into LA’s punk scene in the late ’70s. He hung around The Masque, played bass for The Weirdos, and co-founded Wall of Voodoo, recording on most of their albums between stints in and out of the band. He later formed Black Cherry, played w…
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Ved Langelands Museum på Jens Winthers Vej står morfar og venter på sit barnebarn, Isak. Morfar kan en masse gode historier om spændende personligheder her i Rudkøbing. Dem vil han fortælle Isak om på en hyggelig tur rundt i byen, og du må gerne komme med. Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum invi…
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Morfar kan en sjov fortælling om Byskriver Rasmussen og hans tromlegevær.Men et tromlegevær. Hvad dælen er det? Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum inviterer børn til at udforske Rudkøbing bys historie gennem tre spændende lydvandringer. Projektet er skabt med midler fra Realdania og byder på tre…
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Nu bliver det helt eksotisk, for i fortællingen her skal vi høre om købmandssønnen Mads Lange, der senere skulle blive kendt som Kongen af Bali. Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum inviterer børn til at udforske Rudkøbing bys historie gennem tre spændende lydvandringer. Projektet er skabt med mid…
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Barbermester Valbum var ikke en kendt personlighed i den store vide verden, ja faktisk ikke engang kendt i Danmark. Men på sin samtid kendte alle her i Rudkøbing ham. Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum inviterer børn til at udforske Rudkøbing bys historie gennem tre spændende lydvandringer. Pro…
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At den lille gæve Hans Christian, der engang løb rundt og legede lige her på Gåsetorvet, skulle gøre en opdagelse der fik indflydelse på hele verden, var der nok ikke mange, der havde regnet med. Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum inviterer børn til at udforske Rudkøbing bys historie gennem tre …
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Så blev det sidste stop på turen. Foreviget som statue her i Ørstedsparken sidder den anden af Rudkøbings to kendte Ørstedbrødre. Ham kan morfor også fortælle en spændende historie om. Medvirkende: Isak : Johan L. Lollesgaard Morfar : Troels Krøyer ______ Langelands Museum inviterer børn til at udforske Rudkøbing bys historie gennem tre spændende l…
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Are you falling for common acting myths that could derail your path to success? In this video, we’re busting the "Top 3 Acting Myths That Could Ruin Your Career." Lydia Nicole dives into misconceptions like how "easy" it is to become a star, build a brand, or make a name in Hollywood. With wisdom-packed insights and heartfelt advice, Lydia shares r…
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As Season 2 of Claim Your Confidence comes to an end, we’ve also hit the milestone of one hundred episodes released! In celebration, join me as I reflect on the past two years of the podcast, talk about upcoming projects, and answer audience submitted questions about taking ownership of your career, staying motivated, and what it means to scale you…
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I Ghana bliver der udvundet guld som aldrig før, og meget af det på ulovlig vis, ved hjælp af store mængder kviksølv, der forurener natur, drikkevand og mennesker og ophobes igennem fødekæder. I dette afsnit følger vi sporene af kviksølv hele vejen fra det dybeste af den tropiske regnskov, langs vandløb og floder, og op i atmosfæren for til sidst a…
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Matilda Joon Dominique Stringfellow In this cuntroversial episode we feature the dynamic poetry of Matilda Joon, and an in depth conversation between Lydia and Dominique Stringfellow concerning the need for female empowerment to replace the ever present imbalance in sexual relationships which have spiraled out of control.…
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We’re picking up the pieces of our country in the age of Trump, Part II. Is the USA still here? Is it still us? Kurt Andersen. Cue Kurt Andersen, with his finger in the wind. We want him on a mission to track the spirit of the age, because he’s been a cool, creative, wide-angle eye on events since the ’80s, when he founded Spy magazine, and then St…
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I Ghana lever over 3 millioner af fiskeri, men fiskene er ved at forsvinde og dermed millioner af menneskers livsgrundlag. Det skyldes en dødelig cocktail af forurening, klimaforandringer og overfiskeri. Sammen med Torkel Gissel Nielsen professor ved DTU Aqua, Danida projektet Hotspot og University of Cape Coast, Center of Coastal Management, under…
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Erstveröffentlichung am 27.01.2025 auf TWITCH Webseite Lydia Webseite WTF Twitch Kanal Unterstütze den WTF Talk: Du möchtest deine Werbung in diesem und vielen anderen Podcasts schalten? Kein Problem! Für deinen Zugang zu zielgerichteter Podcast…
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JD Pinkus, who set a Georgia Boy's State 100-meter freestyle relay record in 1980, left swimming behind in 1985 to tour with the Butthole Surfers, later playing bass for Melvins, Helios Creed, and others. He took up the 5-string banjo, releasing albums like Keep On The Grass (2018), Fungus Shui (2021), and Grow A Pear (2024). JD splits his time bet…
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We’re with writer-world’s exotic traveller and truth-teller Pico Iyer. He’s been the Dalai Lama’s friend from boyhood, and our friend, too, in years now of reading and talk. In his new book, Aflame, subtitled Learning from Silence, we catch him at a turn in his thinking. His fresh question, for all of us, might just be: how do we surface our spirit…
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Unlock your emotional depth as an actor with powerful tools and exercises designed to elevate your craft! 🎭 In this video, Lydia Nicole dives into the importance of balancing mental health and emotional availability for creatives. Learn how therapy, life coaching, and practical acting tips can help you connect with your emotions and deliver authent…
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Værts-Andreas har samlet et stærkt hold - stærkere end hvad Ange lader til at kunne samle for tiden. Praktikant-Nikolaj, Huskorrespondent Lars Apel og Sure Gamle Wolny vender de fem januarkampe, hvor det har set temmelig sløjt ud. Panelet debatterer: Ange IN eller OUT? Giver det mening at fyre ham? Giver det mening at købe spillere forhastet nu, me…
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Ready to take your acting career to new heights with cutting-edge AI tools? In this video, I’m diving deep into how actors like you can use AI to amplify your talent and streamline your hustle! From creating custom GPTs to mastering tools like Canva and ChatGPT, AI isn’t here to replace you—it’s here to empower you. 💡 Sit down with me and AI expert…
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Daggers and Lyds get together to review a dominant start to the WAshes by Australia as they complete a 3-nil series whitewash of the 50 over part of the series. That means a lead of 6-nil lead in the multi format system needing only 2 more points to retain the trophy. The pair discuss the games and try and put a finger on what's gone wrong for Engl…
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Mike IX Williams, the voice of New Orleans for lack of a better term "sludge" pioneers Eyehategod, embodies the unrelenting grit of the genre. Raised in High Point, North Carolina, he gravitated toward rebellion and punk before finding his footing in the music scene of late-70s New Orleans. Over the years, he’s faced addiction, incarceration, Hurri…
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What's the SECRET to Making SHAKESPEARE SONNET 29 Sound So Good? Unlock the secrets of Shakespeare with this 14-minute master class! Join me and acclaimed actor Robert Beltran as we dive into the art of Shakespearean acting. Learn how to analyze iambic pentameter, understand inversions, and breathe life into the Bard's timeless words. Ever felt int…
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As a women’s health advocate, fashion designer, TV and podcast host, producer, celebrity stylist, and mother of five, Mary Alice Haney is a true multi-hyphenate. Beginning her career as a stylist and magazine editor before founding her own fashion brand HANEY, Mary Alice is the mind behind some of the most iconic media moments in Hollywood over the…
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Erstveröffentlichung am 13.01.2025 auf TWITCH Webseite Lydia Webseite WTF Twitch Kanal Unterstütze den WTF Talk: Du möchtest deine Werbung in diesem und vielen anderen Podcasts schalten? Kein Problem! Für deinen Zugang zu zielgerichteter Podcast…
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Daggers & Lyds are back for their big preview of the forthcoming Women's Ashes series. After Australia retained the Ashes in England in 2023, this contest is one of the most eagerly anticipated in years after England won both the T20 and ODI sections of the multi-format series, with the Aussies winning the test at Trent Bridge. Plus the pair answer…
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Discover how AI is revolutionizing the acting industry! As a 45+ year veteran in Hollywood, I'm sharing the 5 game-changing AI tools that transformed my acting career and can do the same for yours. From crafting perfect agent query letters with ChatGPT to creating stunning promotional materials with Canva's AI features, these tools are essential fo…
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Tapping Techniques that ACTUALLY Work for Actors! Unlock your acting potential with powerful tapping techniques that can transform your performance and career! As actors, we often face mental blocks, self-doubt, and performance anxiety that hold us back from reaching our full potential. In this eye-opening session with tapping expert Brad Yates, di…
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Randy Blythe, frontman of Lamb of God, will release his second book, Just Beyond the Light, on February 18, 2025. The book combines memoir and philosophy, detailing his approach to maintaining perspective through challenges. Randy writes about his childhood, touring, sobriety, and the lessons shaped by his life in music and art.…
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We’re here with a capsule of memory from late last year. It was a spark of generosity in Liz Walker’s story that lit up the Christmas season for lots of us, and maybe the path ahead. She’s been a pathfinder—for decades—in television newscasting in Boston; then as an ordained minister, leading the Roxbury Presbyterian Church in town; and then in the…
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