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Love, Spirituality and Freedom Powered by Soul Streaker

Soul Streaker Spirituality and Special Needs Parenting

Hi! Welcome to the Love Spirituality and Freedom podcast. I'm your host Jena Jake. I am a therapist, coach and lover of spirituality, love and freedom! This used to be the Soul Streaker Podcast but I thought it was too esoteric. This podcast is for my fellow lovers of a self-growth, spirituality, love, relationships and how be our highest and freest selves doing just that! Let's live with more soul! Do you want to know all of the goodness the universe has in store for you? Are you looking fo ...
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Hallo und schön, dass es Dich gibt! Oneness. Freedom. Love and Happiness. steht für die Reise in Dein inneres Selbst. Auf dieser Reise findest Du Dein eigenes Glück direkt vor Deinen Füßen liegen. Du brauchst es einfach nur noch aufzuheben und kannst sofort voller Leichtigkeit, Energie und Liebe einfach nur Glücklich Sein. Willst Du das auch? Dich erwarten neue Impulse, Wissen für Deinen Verstand, Seelenfrieden für Dein Herz, Coaching-Tipps, persönliche Weiterentwicklung, Experteninterviews ...
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show series
We love to hear from you text us! Hello! Welcome to this episode. How are your relationships going? Did you ever notice that you are only as healthy as your relationships? Are you in relation in those relationships or they something you have not something you participate in? IF you want to get more into this topic then definitely check out this epi…
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“As Life Happens” Welcome back to Love, Growth, and Freedom! After two years of navigating major life changes, I’m finally back with a fresh perspective. Life happened—I moved overseas, started a new career in Melbourne, and have been on a journey to create a life that feels authentic to me. In this episode, I reflect on the biggest lessons I’ve le…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi all Having trouble with a file. I will put the podcast out ASAP Here is a short podcast to make up for it Check out my journal on Amazon See you next time XO JJ Support the showโดย Soul Streaker Spirituality and Special Needs Parenting
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We love to hear from you text us! Are struggling in your relationship? Are you struggling to find love? Do you have some unresolved issues? Don't worry Coach Riana Milne has the solution. Riana is a Certified Singles & Couples Relationship and Life Coach. She is a true authority in relationships, trauma and mindset. You can find out more about her …
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We love to hear from you text us! Are you a skeptic about mediums? So was Beau Maxwell until she became after her grandmother visited her from the other side. If this intrigues you check out this episode. Beau talks about her SAGE Method and how you too can learn to raise your intuition. You can learn more about Beau here…
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We love to hear from you text us! We all of a story. What is yours? How is your story controlling you? If this resonates chek out this episode. Learn about stories and how to transform yours. Check out the book I wrote for you! Welcome Home To You Yourself. Your Daily Growth Partner You can find it on Amazon Are you wanting m…
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We love to hear from you text us! I had the pleasure of interviewing Giovanna Silvestre She has a new book coming out called Confused Girl Find Your Peace In The Chaos. Her story of losing her false self and finding her true self is amazing! We have a great discussion about life, love and peace. If you are ready to be transformed check out this epi…
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We love to hear from you text us! Do you think you know what love is? Maybe you should check out this episode then decide. What if I told you love is freedom period. Love is presence. Love is what is. Love never leaves it is you. How would you feel knowing that and what would be different? Check out this episode for more! If you like journals and a…
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We love to hear from you text us! Getting through the holidays as an ASD family is hard. People don't understand or act as compassionately as we would like. I am here and I get it. I just want you to know I love you and I am thinking of you. Check out this episode for suggestions. If you are looking to get your ASD child some friends this ebook wil…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers If you are an ASD parent I would like you to consider the spiritual side of things. I think our kids are here to teach us lessons. They are above the usual things we fret about. I go over this in this episode plus what we want other parents to know. I hope this episode comforts and inspires you! P…
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We love to hear from you text us! Have you ever wondered what is what like to be a Medium? Are you an aspiring medium? Medium Karen Docherty came by to tell us her experience of being medium. You can get a reading from her or learn more about her here. She is amazing and I recommend you reach out to her to get a readi…
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It’s easy to get caught up in negativity—focusing on what went wrong, what didn’t happen, or the worst-case scenarios our minds instinctively create. But what about the good? In this episode, we explore the power of shifting perspectives and practicing gratitude for the successes, joys, and meaningful experiences we’ve achieved throughout the year.…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi All! Meghan is back! Yay! We talk about being a mom, Autism, spiritual concepts and a whole host of things in between, If you are ready for a great conversation then check out this episode! You can find Meghan on Instagram @megs.malloy Please support Soul Streaker Podcast and but a ticket for the gallery here. h…
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We love to hear from you text us! I am doing a series call What Special Needs Parents Want You To Know This one is about casual complaints to them. If you are friends with a special needs parent or you are one or you want to learn about this definitely check out this episode! I also talk about the spirituality of it all. How to be spiritual no mate…
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We love to hear from you text us! Does your soul need. tune up? You came to the right place Holly Copeland stopped by to share about how to do just that. You can find her here Holly is an architect of the soul! She knows so many modalities to help your soul get to the next level. She is a master of biofield tuning, soa…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hello Soul Streakers! I had the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Tabitha Stitt. She is The Self Help Psychic. She is a warm intuitive soul and her reading of me was very generous and spot on! Her website is here If you are looking for more clarity in your life check her out! Thank you …
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We love to hear from you text us! I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Alison Snowden a Chinese medicine doctor who is an expert in Theta healing. Theta healing is an energy healing that puts one in direct contact with the creator. You can learn more here. Dr. Alison has an incredible story of healing and you can lea…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers! Stephaine Banks is amazing! I am so excited for this interview She channels for those still living that can't speak for themselves. That is way cool! I would love to be able to do that one day! If you would like to learn more about Stephanie you can do that here Please ch…
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We love to hear from you text us! What a treat! I had the pleasure of interviewing the talented Lady Phyillis Okon. She is the author of 83 books under many names and a psychic medium! She gave me the best impromptu reading. You can find her here She also writes under many different pen names Brit London and Carol P Roman S…
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We love to hear from you text us! Have you had a strange thing happen that you just could not explain except to call it a miracle? Well my guest today Kevin Hall has experienced this many times I am so excited that he came by the Soul Streaker studio to talk about his experiences and his book SIGNS The veil is Thinner Than You Think. Fascinating st…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers Have you ever thought about using your personality to become more spiritually aligned and find your purpose. JR From Brushfires Ministry stopped by to tell us about the personality assessment they use in houses of worship that does just that! If you are looking for a sure fire way to get clear on …
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers Welcome to this episode of the Soul Streaker Podcast. If you find yourself ruminating in your emotions whatever they might be then this episode is for you. I have been practicing something called Self Enquiry. This is the focus on who is witnessing the event rather than the event or emotion itself…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hello Soul Streakers, Albert Einstein said imagination is everything! I would agree! How much do you use your imagination? You can imagine yourself into any situation and manifest it we are all the products of our thoughts! That is right your life is the product of your thoughts. Darius Wallace actor, writer, story…
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We love to hear from you text us! Have you ever thought about creating an altar in your home? I have started to do this and it has been helpful to have a sacred space that is comforting and just for you. Please try this and fill it with photos that comfort and and inspire you and anything else that brings you comfort or joy. Please take a photo of …
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We love to hear from you text us! Have you ever noticed that thinking can lead to to trouble? This week I have been practicing not thinking being present instead. It has been helpful. The future and the past don't exist we made them up. It is always right now. What if we stopped going there? We would be right here. I have read three books by RJ Spi…
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We love to hear from you text us! Are you curious about A Course in Miracles? Supposedly we all have to take it eventually. I love how peaceful the ACIM people are. That is why I asked Janet to stop our studio and tell us her thoughts. Janet is a regular on yourtube you can find that here. You can also find ou…
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We love to hear from you text us! There is a special way to manifest according to Neville Goddard. You can find the youtube here If you are interested in the Law of Assumption acting as if you already have it and want to make your dreams come true you MUST catch this episode! Leave me a comment if you try…
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In this episode, I share about the shaking that's coming, and already here. Only the things of God will stand tall and strong. Only the holy, the righteous, the just, and the pure things that are of God are the only things that will remain. All the things of the enemy, the world, and the flesh will crumble and fall.…
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We love to hear from you text us! Does your life feel like an emotional groundhog day? You can change your life by changing your mindset! Investigate your limiting beliefs and figure out what the opposite is Then start to make a list of evidence pointing your brain in a new direction. Once you do that you the universe starts to conspire with you. I…
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We love to hear from you text us! Are you as curious about angels as I am? Rachel Corpus a real angel is the focus of this episode and she is a real angel! It was such an amazing pleasure to talk with her and get the scoop about angels. I learned a ton about and angels and the heavenly realm. Rachel is the host of her own podcast Angel Talk. You ca…
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In this episode I share the importance of knowing and remembering what Jesus did for us by willingly being beaten, shamed, crucified, and then then dying for us. But more importantly, realizing that Jesus didn't just die for us. But that He also arose again, and He is still alive. He ascended to heaven to sit at God the Father's right hand, and to …
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We love to hear from you text us! Are you ready to love out loud? What does that even mean? Coach Junie Moon stopped by the Soul Streaker Podcast to explain that loving out loud is giving you permission to unleash the true you and explore your shadow side to have a breakthrough to the next level and become the amazing person you were meant to be. J…
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We love to hear from you text us! Relationships are a fundamental part of life. We are only as health as our relationships. Coach Corey Lyon Folsom dropped by the Soul Streaker Studio to educate us on how to be in relationship. He can be found here his book Soul Statement can be found here, Corey is a…
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We love to hear from you text us! In this episode of the Soul Streaker Podcast I had the pleasure of interviewing Mary Firestone who survived a horrible trauma when her California house went down a mudslide. She went on a healing journey and wrote a book called Trusting the Dawn How to Choose Freedom and Joy After Trauma. Her website is here https:…
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We live in a society that celebrates being busy, from jumping from one goal to another. But to live our lives fully is up to us. With every moment we have, we are allowed to stop and enjoy the life we have created for ourselves while acknowledging all the things and people that helped us to be this version of ourselves.…
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Life's challenges come in waves and so do our growth. As we encounter different scenarios in our lives that encourage us to view things differently and make us go through growing pains; these are crucial parts of building and rediscovering who we are. With the tides, we change. A new era for this podcast and a new and reinvigorated version of me to…
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In this episode I have a guest on my podcast. A good friend of mine, and brother in Christ, Greg Seay. I share a little about how Greg and I met, and Greg shares his testimony about when he had his heart attack. And Greg shares about what was going on in his life prior to the heart attack, and how it positively affected his life afterward, and the …
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers! This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Tahir she the author of the Chiron Effect (pronounced Ki Ron) This book about healing your core wounds through empathy, astrology and self-forgiveness. She is a fellow podcast host of the All Things Therapy Podcast You can find here https://podcas…
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In this episode I share about how important it is to wait on the Lord. That we a lot of times are impatient and don't like to wait on things. And we need to think back on all the times we rejected the Lord, and He had to wait on us to wise up and see the error of our ways. We definitely shoudn't have a problem with waiting on the Lord once and a wh…
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In this episode, I share about how important it is to be yielded to the Holy Spirit. So that way, we will recognize the importance of when we have a defining moment in our life. We don't want to miss the opportunity of a defining moment in our life, because it could be a life changing situation that could make our lives better if we're yielded and …
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We love to hear from you text us! Are you single on Valentines Day? Great! It 's a day of love self and others and maybe some random acts of kindness. Check out the love tips in this episode! Love yourself!! Compassion leads the way! Hugging you and myself today! XO JJ Support the showโดย Soul Streaker Spirituality and Relationships
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This episode is intended to be an update of some upcoming changes to my podcast. For some of you this may affect how you listen to my podcast, but for others it may not change anything at all. I share my new email address with the listeners that I specifically created for my podcast. That way people can keep in touch and share how much the podcast …
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers! In this episode I talk about using small wins, baby micro steps and structure to move you to the next level! What small changes can you make today? Don't forget to celebrate the smallest win! XO JJ Support the showโดย Soul Streaker Spirituality and Relationships
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In this episode I share about how important it is to be able to recognize our brokenness before God, and lean on Him, and call on Him even in the midst of the storm. And also, that when we are experiencing a rough time in our life, as we praise the Lord during these times it will build up our faith in the Lord and the things unseen.…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers I have been having a rough go the last few months. I am going to be recording as much as I can as part of my healing journey to claim my life back better than before! I will be recording mini episodes. Your support, patience and encouragement is appreciated. I hope these mini episodes help! XO JJ …
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streakers! Have you ever been faced with a crisis and wanted to come at it for the highest good of all but did not know how? Sarah Armstrong may have the answer in her book, The Mom's Guid To A Good Divorce you can find here…
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We love to hear from you text us! Hi Soul Streaker I had the pleasure of having Susan Burrell Stop by the studio and enlighten us with empowering conversations about her book and her podast Empowering conversations with Susan Burrell. You can learn more about her She is a wealth of knowledge and very inspiring Enjoy JJ…
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In this episode I share about how important it is to be surrendered to God, and to lean on God for all of our cares and needs. We need to sometimes step out in faith, and just trust in the Lord that He will not reject us, and that He accepts us just the way wr are. That does not mean that we are supposed to continue living the same way after our co…
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We love to hear from you text us! Do realize how much power you have? How do you use your power? What archetypes do you identify with that guide you in wielding your power? Do you use power to empower or disempower others? How do you leave people feeling after an interaction? If you find these questions insightful be sure to listen to this episode!…
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