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正念生活禪 Mindfulness and Living Zen

香光禪播團隊 Luminary Podcasters

我們以輕鬆有料的生活故事,分享正念和生活禪的智慧世界, 與您一起探討轉化 生命的契機。 在節目中我們會介紹最近很夯的正念減壓法,以及更進階的內觀禪法和禪宗的心法。在每集最後,我也會分享一個正念的小方法,讓大家可以在日常中減壓、轉化無聊、苦悶和空洞的生活,提昇生活樂趣和品質,讓大家過著自在又有智慧的人生。 歡迎在FB留言給我們: FB: 也歡迎加入我們正念生活禪的臉書社團: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to 'Zen Brain: Exploring Mindfulness, Technology, and Authentic Living.' Dive deep with us as we unravel the synergy between cutting-edge technology and timeless mindfulness practices. Each episode offers a unique blend of expert insights, practical techniques, and enlightening conversations, fostering a balanced and enlightened approach to life's challenges. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a mindfulness seeker, or someone yearning for genuine connections, Zen Brain bridges the gap ...
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#真正讓自己不受傷害、受苦的有效方法, #要求完美和封關自我,容易受傷, #哈佛最受歡迎的課程,#幸福的魔法—讓人更快樂的101個選擇,#支付寶、淘寶網和阿里巴巴集團創始人馬雲, 1.我們都希望平平安安,快快樂樂的做事和過日子,所以,對於可能會傷害到我們或使我們受苦的人事,基於自我保護本能,我們都會選擇以不同方式保護好自己,但是我們可能都曾經有過即使我們覺得自己已經做的很好了,結果卻是跟預期相反的事,不但沒有掌聲,反而聽到很多的批評,讓我們覺得不僅受挫也很難過,甚至不禁自我懷疑是不是有人跟我做對、看我不順眼,或故意刁難我。這些推側雖然有可能,但是這麼想,不僅無法解決問題,反而會增加壓力,也會讓自己跟週遭的人產生敵對和不好的人際關係 2.在這集正念生活禪 中,我們將分享 哈佛最受歡迎的公開課程…
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#不以壓抑方式讓自己的怒氣和傷痛能得到疏解、療癒的有效方法 當我們很生氣時,或覺得被委曲、被傷害時,在衝動下就會做出或說出讓自己後悔,也傷害到別人的事,造成可能難以挽回後果,和遺憾。在這集正念生活禪—S3-15 用慈心換煩惱心—中,我們將分享如何不以壓抑方式讓自己的怒氣和傷痛能得到疏解、療癒,同時以對自己好也不傷害對方,甚至也有益對方的方式解結問題。 按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書與我們互動: Iphone: 安卓手機: 臉書 小額贊助支持本節目:…
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常因生氣、心裡受傷,為情所苦的人,一定要聽... 1.在生活中總免不了遇到不順心和不如我們希望的事,我們可能就因此暴怒、生氣或難過,甚至因而陷入情緒的低谷和漩渦中,無法自拔。在這集香光正念生活禪中,我們將與大家分享,如何在情緒風暴中,不做出傷害自己,也得罪或傷害別人的事, 2.要安撫自己的情緒,在不壓抑情緒下,讓自己減少生活中的暴風雨,是需要有方法的,在這集正念生活禪S3-14 靜觀生活中的暴風雨中,禪子老師將分享一個自我慈悲的方法,讓我們能從日常的情緒暴風雨中走出來,按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書中與我們交流: Iphone: 安卓手機: 臉書 https://www.fac…
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#每月一禪, #禪詩, # 讀詩可以開拓心視野和心胸, # 用優美淺白的話表達深奧禪機哲理力#香光 1.今天我們開始回到每月一禪的時間,這次要和大家分享的是唐朝寒山禪師所做的詩,他的詩能夠把深奧的禪機哲理,以很淺顯的口語表達出,很受一般人的喜歡。另外,他的詩也常充滿了生動、活潑、意象鮮明的譬喻,所以,讀寒山禪師的詩,讓人有如沐春風,心曠神怡的感覺。特別是在這初春時節,花草樹木,生氣勃勃地長出新芽翠綠時,讀這些詩,更讓人別有一番滋味在心頭。 2.我們分享二首很美的詩,如下: 一、桃花欲經夏,風月催不待, 訪覓漢時人,能無一個在, 朝朝花遷落,歲歲人移改, 今日揚塵處,昔時為大海。 二、我見世間人,生而還復死, 昨朝猶二八,壯氣胸襟士, 如今七十過,力困形憔悴, 恰似春日花,朝開夜落爾。 3.這…
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#心經, #觀音菩薩, #正念減壓法, # 空性智慧力#慈悲 1.我們在前面節目中分享了很多有關慈悲的好處和作用,但有聽眾朋友問,我們提到能使慈悲加分的智慧,指的是什麼?所以,在這集中,我們會分享智慧的二層意思。 2.第一種智慧是正念減壓法提到的七種心態—不評價、接納、耐心、信任、初心、無為心和放下。而第二種智慧是大慈大悲的觀世音菩薩所修的般若妙智慧,又稱空性智慧。 3.這空性智慧在著名的<>中有清楚的解說,但沒接觸過的人,也許會忽略或無法看懂,所以在這集s3-12 讓慈悲加分的空性智慧中,我們會詳細為大家解說,並以實際例子做說明。精彩內容請聽本集節目。 4.按下連結就可以聽到我們精彩節目,也歡迎到我們臉書與我們連絡: Iphone: …
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#meditation, #Living Zen, #正念與慈悲, #讓無助的自己找到希望 1.在這集正念生活禪中,我們將分享另一個幫助自我療癒的有效方法--寫一幫給自己的慈悲信。 2.在人命旅程中,有時我們難免會做錯事,或受到傷害,也有可能一時衝動做了對不起家人親友的事,心中懊悔痛苦,又無法說給別人聽,或擔心別人會取笑我們,因而難以說給別人聽,這種痛苦是加倍的,在這種時候,要怎麼辦? 如果就繼續埋在心裡,我們可能會變得很敏感、憂鬱或暴燥,心中的疤痕越來越深。 3.美國心理學家james w. pennebaker 說寫出心中的痛苦和掙扎,對我們身心會有正面的影響,慈悲信就是在這理論上加上慈悲,讓寫信的作用更加分。所以,痛苦又無法說出是,最有效的方法就是寫一幫給自己的慈悲信,這信只有你一個人…
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# 新手爸媽, #疲憊的身心得到療癒, #帶好小孩必備的祕招 1.在日常生活中,我們常聽到很多人談到工作的壓力,但除了工作外,教養小孩也會造成很多父母甚至爺爺奶奶的壓力,這是因為每個小孩都有自己的個性和脾氣,加上父母的期待和擔心,常讓照顧小孩者,壓力大不能有放鬆的時候。所以,在這集香光正念生活禪中,我們會分享如何用正念自我慈悲的二個小密招,來減輕壓力,並讓疲憊的身心得到療癒。 2.我們也會分享三個科學研究,證明正念慈悲如何幫助到新手 爸媽、奶奶,甚至帶孩子或學童的人。 3.在這集S3-10 正念慈悲的療癒力量--帶好小孩必備的密招中,我們會分享二個很容易上手又不費力的正念自我慈悲方法,詳細內容,按下連結就可以聽到,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書與我們交流: Iphone: https://reurl…
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1.在這集正念生活禪節目中,我們解答聽眾朋友在聽了慈悲觀後的一些擔心和疑惑,特別是在工作、職場和身為管理者的人如何能在把公司績效做好,又能修好慈悲觀呢? 或如果想用慈悲方式做企業管理要怎麼做呢? 2.我們會分享一個學習企業管理的小主管,如何在工作和管理上受挫後,轉用慈悲企管法成功的案例,也會詳細說明她慈悲管理成功的密訣,歡迎收聽精彩節目—S3-9 慈悲的企業管理怎麼做? 3.按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書與我們交流 Iphone: 安卓手機: 臉書 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firs…
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Dive into the barking, wagging world of dogs with "Paws and Listen: Unraveling the Woofs," a podcast that explores the nuanced language of our canine companions. Join us as we decode everything from excited barks to meaningful tail wags, offering insights and laughs along the way. Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or just a pup enthusiast, this p…
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#新春, #元宵節, #賞燈, #正念自我慈悲, # 讓疲憊的身心得到深度休息和療癒的方法 新春假期也告一段落,不管是和家人、親友聚會、出外旅行或回老家的忙碌日子,也暫時告一段落,有人也恢復上班、上學或平常工作的日子,但是轉眼間,又到了元宵節,大家可能又要忙著準備過元宵的種種事物和賞燈了。 忙碌不安的身心,好像一直無法真正安定下來。所以,在這次節目中,跟大家分享一個以自我慈悲的方式,讓自己疲憊的身心能得到深度休息和療癒的方法。 按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到正念生活禪臉書與我們服務: Iphone: 安卓手機: 臉書 …
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Dive into the hilarious world of "Man-Speak Decoded" with Michael and Samantha, your guides on this riotous journey through the quirks of male communication. Each episode, this dynamic duo tackles the mystifying signals, grunts, and nods that men use to express themselves. With a magnifying glass in hand and a detective's hat firmly on head, they d…
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"Chirps, Cheeps, and Chatter" is your gateway to the enchanting world of avian communication, where every tweet, trill, and squawk holds a secret waiting to be uncovered. Join Michael, your amiable host, and a rotating cast of bird whisperers, including the renowned Dr. Feathers, as they delve into the melodious mysteries of our feathered friends. …
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Welcome to "Whisker Wisdom," the purr-fect podcast for cat lovers and feline aficionados alike! Hosted by Michael, with frequent visits from cat expert Charne, this show dives into the fluffy world of cats, unraveling the mysteries of their language, behaviors, and the deep bonds we share with them. Each episode is a blend of humor, heartwarming st…
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#點亮心光, #元辰光彩 # 慈悲觀完整版, #遠離苦厄和不順心的人和事 新年發好願,讓一切好事都如願。在這集香光正念生活禪中,我們將分享香光山大師給的祝父福--行善龍天佑,也將用一個感人的真實故事說明,當我們落實去做這個祝福語時,感召到的強大力量。 2.同時禪子老師也會分享慈悲觀的完整版和簡要版的修練方法,讓我們在春節一開始時,就點量心光,讓自己在末來一年中元辰光彩,正能量滿滿。也讓大家在面對苦厄和不順心的人和事時,有一個挽救的方法。 3.按下連結就可以聽到精彩節目,也歡迎到我們臉書留言和交流: Iphone: 安卓手機: 臉書…
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#春節快樂, #龍年到,鴻運照,煩惱的事情龍往邊靠, # 禪詩, # 活在當下的藝術, # 具體有效的方法, 1.這集正念生活禪播出時,恰逢歲末年關,首先恭祝大家: 龍年到,鴻運照,煩惱的事情龍往邊靠。只有祝福語,禮數不夠,所以,我們也加碼分享一首真的能讓大家在新一年煩惱都往邊靠的禪詩。 3.這禪詩是明末石屋禪師所寫的—在<>中的<>。詩是這樣的: 「過去事已過去了,未來不必預思量, 「只今便道即今句,梅子熟時梔子香」 這詩對現代人而言是很好很好的心葯,因為處在現代的資訊社會,工作腳步很快,生活壓力很大,很多人常為要擔心自己的工作、事業或小孩的學習是不是都要更新,否則會變更跟不上時代,也因此,時常無法專心地活在當下,也無心去感受當下生活的美好和快樂。而石屋禪詩的山居…
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In this eye-opening episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosts Michael and Alice delve into the modern-day psychedelic renaissance and the pivotal role that chatbots can play in navigating this vibrant yet complex realm. The duo explores the concept of creating a centralized, curated hub of verified information on various psychedelic substances and th…
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#meditation, #compassion, #禪修, #慈悲觀, #可以為我們賺進無價的財富, #身心健康, #快樂, #平安 1.您知道禪修和慈悲觀可以為我們賺進無價的財富嗎? 我們大多數的人會覺得禪修和慈悲觀卻是出世的靈性修行,怎麼可能會讓我們賺進金錢、房地產、珠寶等世俗物質財物呢? 但依腦神精科學家的研究證明,禪修和慈悲悲確實會為我們帶來許多無價的財富,為什麼?又要如何做自己才能也得到這些無價之寶呢? 在這集香光正念生活禪S3-5 禪修和慈悲觀為我賺進無價的財富 中我們將分享這個秘密,也將告訴您如何做,要投入多少時間才能做到。 2. 按下連結就可以聽到我們精彩節目,也歡迎到我們臉書與我們連絡: Iphone: 安卓手機: http…
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Engagement Galore: Delve into the world of bot marketing with a fun twist as Michael Pierce, our visionary host, and Alice the AI, explore the game-changing potential of Knowledge Quizzes in the latest episode of the Zen Brain Podcast. Discover how a well-crafted quiz isn't just an engagement magnet but a strategic asset in your marketing arsenal. …
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In the episode titled "Google Sheet Integration: Automatically Collect and Store Customer Data. Say Goodbye to Manual Data Entry!" of the Zen Brain Podcast, host Michael and AI co-host Alice delve into the transformative power of automating data collection via Google Sheet Integration. The episode commences with a nod to MindSync Assist, an AI chat…
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In the latest episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, host Michael and AI co-host Alice unravel the significant benefits of collecting customer feedback seamlessly within a chat interface. The discussion kicks off with a mention of MindSync Assist, an AI chatbot designed for engaging website visitors consultatively. Michael and Alice emphasize the essent…
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In this intriguing episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosts Michael and Alice delve into the transformative potential of Intelligent Bot Pop-Ups in customer engagement and business growth. As they traverse the realms of perfect timing, the dialogue illuminates how this innovative tool transcends the traditional limitations of pop-ups by harnessing i…
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Welcome to "Decoding Her World," the podcast where we turn the complex art of communicating with women into an engaging, enlightening, and often humorous journey! Blog: episode dives into the nuances of female communicatio…
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#meditation, #改變腦神精科學和心理學, #情緒大腦的祕密檔案, 腦神精的可塑性, #禪修15到40年的腦跟平常人的腦一樣嗎? 1.可能我們都聽過一句俗語說: 江山易改,相性難移,這句話的意涵似乎印證了1906年諾貝爾醫學獎得主卡哈博士所說的: 在成人大腦中,神經迴路是固定的,不可改變的。而近百年來,我們也深受這句話,常有人說25歲後的學習就不可能了,但事實上,這個說說卻在1992年被威斯康辛大學心理與精神科學系教授理查戴維森教授提出的神精可塑性的理論所打破,而且,傳統以研究負面和病態心理學為主流的心理學界,也因戴維森教授研究而轉變成研究正面心理學,如耐心、慈悲心、快樂和幸福等。您知道戴維森教授是何方神聖?研究了什麼,為什麼有這麼大的貢獻嗎? 在香光正念生活禪S3-4慈悲觀對大腦…
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In this episode of the Zen Brain podcast, we explore how AI can enhance your meditation practice and help you achieve a deeper state of awareness and relaxation. We talk to Alice, an AI researcher and developer, who explains how AI can guide, personalize, and optimize your meditation sessions. We also talk to Ken, a meditation enthusiast and user, …
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Do you want to improve your writing skills and productivity with the help of artificial intelligence? In this podcast, you will learn how to use AI writing tools to write faster and better for various purposes, such as emails, blog posts, resumes, and more. You will also discover the best AI writing tools available, how they work, and how to use th…
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Embark on a galactic voyage with hosts Michael and Alice in this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast as they unravel the transformative essence of In-Bot Purchases. Delve into a realm where convenience reigns supreme, and every interaction is a portal to conversion. The episode kicks off with a cosmic shoutout to MindSync Assist, he…
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#正念冥想, #慈悲觀, 腦神精科學, #大腦的可塑性, # 察戴維森教授 (professor Richard Davidson), #改善青春期青少年的情緒調節力、課業學習的專注力和成續, 1.在這集節目中,我們將從腦神精科學的研究,進一步探討慈悲如何減少青春期的青少年暴力、校園霸淩、課堂叛逆等行為,進而提昇學習專注學習力,和社交情商力。 2.青春期的小孩,由於還在成長階段,荷爾蒙加上腦神經也還沒發展成熟,所以,情緒容易衝動、無法用理性的方式思考事情,給人感覺是情緒陰晴不定,行為反叛,又無法講道理等,有時更會因為衝動造下無可挽完的遺憾事件,例如最近震憾了台灣教育界的青少年割頸案。 3.在節目中,我們將分享美國威斯康馨大學李察戴維森教授 (professor Richard Davidso…
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In this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosts Michael and Alice delve into the transformative realm of body detoxification, offering a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for this cleansing journey. Amidst the cacophony of daily life, taking a pause to cleanse the body has gained traction as a way to rejuvenate both physically and mentally. How…
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Join Michael and Alice in this eye-opening episode of the Zen Brain Podcast as they explore the revolutionary impact of bots on labor costs and customer support quality. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for business owners and tech enthusiasts eager to discover smart investments that offer substantial returns. The episode unfolds with a…
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#meditation, # 正念冥想, #慈悲社區, #比戒菸、戒酒、吃養生食物以及運動鍛煉等更能降低死亡率的好方法, # 可以增進幸福、快樂和長壽且追蹤75年的研究報告, # 1.您知道慈悲和諧的人際關係比戒菸、戒酒、吃養生食物以及運動鍛煉等更能降低死亡率嗎? 而且在一份花了75年的研究中,發現能讓人更健康、幸福和長壽最重要的因素是—好的人際關係。所以就有醫師在英國做進一步調查,以慈悲關懷為主的社區,會有什麼改變,結果創造出了沒有們何葯物能達到的好成續。 2.所以,在這集正念生活禪中,S3-2 創造醫學奇蹟的慈悲社區中,我們將分享英國Julian Abel 博士所報導的英國西南部Somerset市 附近的小鎮Frome,因為推動慈悲社區計畫,創造出醫學上的奇蹟—讓整個一年內降低了15%的…
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In this enlightening episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosts Michael and Alice embark on a fascinating exploration of Type 3 personalities as delineated by Julia Ross. With a keen focus on the serotonin connection, this discussion unravels the intricate ways in which this vital neurotransmitter influences the emotional and physical well-being of Ty…
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In this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosts Michael and Alice explore the uncharted territories of full automation through bots. Amidst the digital evolution, businesses are continuously seeking ways to stay connected with their clientele around the globe, and what better way to achieve this than having a virtual representative available 24/7? …
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Dive into an invigorating conversation between Michael and Alice the AI in this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, as they unlock the secrets to achieving sky-high conversion rates through bot-driven engagement. Before taking the plunge, Michael introduces listeners to MindSync Assist, a tool poised to revolutionize audience engagement. MindSyncAssi…
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Join Michael and Alice, your dynamic hosts of the Zen Brain Podcast, in a captivating episode titled "Sonic Serenades: Exploring the Dance of Sound and Psyche." Dive into the rhythmic world where sound healing meets psychedelic support, and discover how these ancient practices can harmonize the body, mind, and soul. With a blend of insightful discu…
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In this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, host Michael and AI co-host Alice delve into the revolutionary world of Messenger Scan Codes, showcasing how they are bridging the physical and digital marketing realms. Michael extends a warm shoutout to MindSync Assist, heralding it as the ultimate ally for those keen on blending their offline and online …
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#meditation, # 慈心觀, #如果你覺得身心倦怠,心情低到谷底,什麼事都不想做,一定要聽,#革命性的科學新研究, #慈悲經濟學 Compassionomics 大家新年快樂,很高興香光正念生活禪終於可以推出第一集了,在S3-1用40秒救一個人 中,我們會分享第三季的內容主題,以及歐美對慈悲新的研究發現。 2.您是否有過身心倦怠到全身無力,什麼事都不想做的經驗? 或心情低落到谷底,只想躺在床上或躲在自己的黑洞裡? 或只想逃到山裡,一個人安靜獨處,不要與人來往呢? 這些都是每個人生命中,或多或少會遇到的情境。在香光正念第三季的第一集 S3-1 用40秒救一個人中,我們將分享一位美華羅文醫學院教授--史蒂芬·特謝西亞克教授,他也是一位急診室的醫生。,也研究慈悲對醫生、照輔員、病人及看顧…
  continue reading⁠Embark on a cosmic journey with hosts Michael and Alice in this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, as they delve into the mystical dance of booking sales calls through bots. In the realm of high-ticket sales, the intimacy and personal connection found in one-on-one conversations can be the game-changer. However, the preparatory st…
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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness in this engaging episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, hosted by the insightful Michael and the enlightening Alice the AI. In a world awash with both visible and hidden toxins, the quest for detoxification becomes a pathway to reclaiming control over your health and well-being. But is detoxing…
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In this captivating episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, your hosts, Michael and Alice the AI, embark on an exploratory discussion on how chatbots can play a pivotal role in centralizing and verifying information concerning psychedelics and their associated therapies. Amidst the burgeoning psychedelic renaissance, they identify a crucial need for a re…
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#meditation, #mindfulness, #正念冥想, #慈心觀, #在工作和家筳中改善人際關係, #與同事愉快相處的有效方法 1.在這集中,我們分享如何與難相處或不好溝通的人溝通,並能雙贏的正念慈心方法。, 2.禪子老師說工作上的人際關係,確實是一個大學問,但是每個人和每一件事,都會有正面和負面二個部分,我們可以試著去發掘同事和工作的正面特質,同時適時地向他們表示感恩和欣賞,這樣做可以讓工作環境和諧,同事相處愉快,切記不要一開始就把難相處的人或事,想成絕對不可能改變。如果一下子無法友善地對待難相處的人,禪子老師在節目中分享了很具體的正念自我覺察的方法,面對自己的負面情緒,以及改善的方法。 3.禪子老師也分享了可以培養增進人際溝通的六個特質—開放、同理心、悲心、慈心、隨喜心和平等…
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Unlock the cosmic potential of Offer Coupons in the latest episode of the Zen Brain Podcast titled "Offer Coupons: The Cosmic Key to Unlocking Sales 🌌." Michael and Alice, the AI co-host, navigate through the celestial realm of coupons, elucidating their significant impact on boosting sales and enhancing customer satisfaction.⁠ A…
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Embark on another cosmic exploration with Michael and Alice in this enlightening episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, as they delve into the transformative realm of Automated Follow-Up. In the bustling universe of business engagements, the follow-up is often the bridge between interest and conversion. But amidst the chaotic dance of daily tasks, this …
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In this episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, delve into the groundbreaking realm of Growth Tool URLs with your hosts, Michael and Alice the AI, as they unravel the profound potential of this innovative tool in bot marketing. Discover how a simple URL is being transformed into a robust gateway for acquiring and engaging subscribers, ushering in a new e…
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Welcome to a fresh episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, where your hosts Michael and Alice the AI, unravel the marvel of automated pre-session intake through chatbots in the realm of therapy. As you tune in, you'll discover how the convergence of conversational AI with the therapeutic intake process can revolutionize the way health histories and infor…
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#meditation, #mindfulness, # zen, #正念冥想,# 正念飲食, #穩定情緒, #擔心體重增加變胖, # 減重, #用餐、吃點心和喝下午茶時都可以練習 ,# 覺察內在的衝動, # 心情不好、有壓力、焦慮和緊張,想吃東西發洩時 1.正念飲食可以培養專注覺知力外,也可以減重和穩定情緒: 正念吃東西,不會吃過量。有的人心情不好的時候,或感到有壓力、焦慮和緊張時,也會一直吃食物,吃後又後悔吃的太多,擔心體重增加變胖等,正念飲食可以改變這種不好的飲食習慣。 2.正念飲食可以改變不好的飲食習慣,幫助胃腸消化:在有壓力、緊張和焦慮或心情不好時吃食物,衝動地吃東西發洩情緒,對身體和胃腸的健康都是不好的,法真正解決壓力、情緒和焦慮的問題,若能在此時,正念飲食,可穩定情緒,也可幫助…
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Dive into the enigmatic world of Type 2 personalities in this captivating episode of the Zen Brain Podcast with your hosts Michael Pierce and Alice the AI. Delving into the pioneering work of Julia Ross, this episode unveils the profound connection between dopamine levels and the unique traits of Type 2 individuals. Michael and Alice explore the pa…
  continue reading In the recent episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, host Michael and AI co-host Alice delve into the enticing world of bots and automation, emphasizing their critical role in achieving a positive Return on Investment (ROI) for businesses. Initiating the discussion with a nod to MindSync Assist, an AI chatbot that stands as a game-cha…
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Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Zen Brain Podcast, where your host Michael and the adept Alice the AI take you on a journey through the digital frontier of customer engagement. In a world where time waits for none and customers anticipate instant responses, the virtue of 24/7/365 availability isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Thi…
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#Meditation, #mindfulness, #zen, #正念冥想,#正念減壓法, #正念是正向思考嗎, #不想打坐或無法打坐的人也可以學正念嗎, #生活中如何有正念? 1. 很多聽眾朋友問: 什麼是正念?正念是正面思考,不能有負面想法嗎?如果這假設是真的,那不是跟人世間脫軌嗎? 因每個人的生命中都有正面也有負面的情緒和想法,生活中有快樂也有悲傷的一面,學正念靜心和禪坐,又有何用呢? 如果不是,在日常忙碌生活中,可以如何學正念? 不想打坐的人,可以學嗎? 在S2-65 正念日常好事多中,我們將為大家解開這些問題的答案。 2.歡迎收聽我們精彩節目,按下連結…
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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing in this enlightening episode, where we unravel the potent role of amino acid therapy in managing mood swings, irritability, and depression. The narrative of mental health is complex, yet within it lies a realm of biochemical solutions awaiting exploration. Amino Acid Therapy emerges as a beacon of h…
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