Liberal Gun Owners สาธารณะ
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In the final part of the 2024 Election Debrief, Miyanovich and Bacon discuss: the hypocrisy of the internet radicals who want to burn it all down, solving all bullshit by letting Meal Team 6 and The Latch-Key Leftists purge themselves out through Civil Derp War 2.0, potential 2025 events, the lobsided economy of violence, the waking giant redux, an…
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In Part 6 of this Election Debrief series, Miyanovich and Bacon discuss: Josh's original expectations for election outcome, the psychological dysfunction of our current society, Big Man / Sky-Dad Redux, Chritstofascist Dreams, Trump and Musk are Beta AF, Lakoff's Hierarchy, appealing to the center, the Dems kowtowing to lib-bretz, Josh's liberalism…
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In Part 5 of the Election Debrief, Miyanovich, Sorum, and Ashe discuss: the realities of social coercion and why the use of violence is not really as effective as people think, the emerging assassination script, the potential negatives that we could see in the years to come, the need for everyone to stay focused and cool, and the potential for a qu…
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In part 4 of the Election Debrief, Miyanovich, Sourm, and Ashe discuss: a female being president, the reality of Kamala and Hillary just being unlikable, "liberals" abandoning issues for the conservatives to dominate, the cancer of the left redux, toxic lefties causing people to leave the tent, the expectation of cutting your own throat to help oth…
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In Part 3 of the Election Debrief series, Miyanovich, Sorum, and Ashe discuss: everyone's initial election expectations, the popular vote vs the Electoral College results, cult-of-personality and the dangers of the MAGA movement, universal platform issues, "radical centrism", the negative effects of niche issues, the lack of "liberal" leadership, a…
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In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Magnuson discuss: the dust cover, "Chamber Lore", the CAR-15, the 1911, the flamethrower, hand grenades, post Vietnam developments, the AR-15 and the Glock representing the complete winners of the semi-auto design game, and what the boys will be discussing next year.…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Magnuson discuss: the weapons reality of the Korean War, The Domino Theory, the semi-automatic standard in war, the impact of atomic weapons, the need for a new caliber, Eugene Stoner, the traits of the AR-15, Miyanovich no-likey charging handle, the realities and the myth of M16 unreliability.…
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In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Blunk discuss: the survival realities of stage four lung caner, saying "fuck cancer", gun therapy, libido, facing death, having end of life conversations, 1 in 2, society doesn't deal with death well, "Floppy and Sloshy", needing dark humor, the afterlife or lack thereof, staying positive, looking af…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Blunk discuss: Byron having stage four lung cancer, recognizing the symptoms, chemo, genetics, the environment, radical acceptance, Byron's current lung capacity, managing pain, traveling with lung cancer, making life adjustments, and exercise.
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Blunk discuss: Byron's career and education, Byron's start with guns, the George Floyd riots, when humans are jarred into waking up their self-defense needs, media gun narratives, the con of absolutists, the parts of the socal contract that are naive, and liberals supporting a firearms tradition.…
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In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Yamane discuss: what the future holds for David, getting past Gun Curious, addressing the Cultured Despisers of Guns, Liberals doing very little for gun rights, the future of David's gun course, Saved by Zero, leaders leading, and charging into the 2025 unknown.…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Yamane discuss: The Miyan-Starr-Yamane Borg-mind Weapon for social evolution, penetrating the mainstream media in an unprecedented way, the negatives of pleasing others, dealing with insecurities, same but different, Hitler's nuts redux, getting back-up from your compadres, critical morale boosts, Koi no Tak…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Yamane discuss: the Gun Curious book tour, frustration and disappointment with the broader reaction to the book, wanting to quit, closed-minded liberals and Big Publishing, and the casual alliance between David and Randy starting to created some impact. Hitler's nuts are also discussed.…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich weaves the concept of The Anthropologic Requirement into his previous discussion and covers: the colorless, genderless, universal reality that lies beneath the resource reality, the toxicity of left-wing irrationality, and the coming backlash from The Waking Giant of The Center.…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich gives his opinion on the number one reason behind the definitive Trump win: the lack of real leadership in the Democratic Party. He also discusses: the now toxic political and cultural reality on the left, the illiberality of not voting, the dynamics of the human "village", left-wingers demonizing classical poli…
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In this run and gun episode, Miyanovich opens up the curtain on the current focus of The Lens research and writing. The following concepts are covered: how the law and religion have the same foundation, seeing the law for what it is, the law's lack of fundamental theory, the anthropology of the law, the arrival of the gods with the arrival of agric…
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In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Waltz discuss: The realities of the 2024 election, Trump as an American icon of ass-clown, what the boys think the results will be, no matter what...still fucking vote and vote for Harris / Walz, and the importance of David Yamane's work.
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In Part 2 of this episode, Miyanovich and Waltz discuss: the effect that the Tump presidency had on liberal gun ownership, the beginning of Jon's FFL - Rocket Armory, why Jon had to shut the business down, Lib-gunner All-Talk-No-Walk Redux, LGO is always going to keep going, forces working against our success, Erik Estrada lowers might be the solut…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Waltz discuss: general gun-derpage on both sides, rural vs. urban worldviews, The Erik Estrada Litmus Test For Implicit Racism, Online vs Real World, Big Wheels, Estrada's hot ass again, Jon's beginning with guns, and Jon being a good natural shot.
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In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Carmen discuss: the early challenges of the LGO Facebook group, left-wing toxicity, Miyanovich primal screaming with Josh Bacon, being a housewife, the 2024 election, the future of guns, and the end of The White Penis Gun Club For Men.
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Carmen discuss: Carmen's beginnings with guns, crispy-good revolvers, being a super-owner, concealed carry realities, favorite guns, having early-stage Parkinson's, disabilities and adjustments, and Carmen being known as "The Wolf."
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In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Norry discuss: Lex Nugatorius (complete legal irrelevancy), that which really motivates people, law vs. deep human drives, both supporting and being wary of government, secular and religious versions of Sky-Dad, the realities of institutions evolving.
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Norry discuss: the fundamentals of myth inside of religion and law, underlying assumptions, treating myth as something literal, the people needing a daddy, the attractiveness of certainty in an uncertain world, emotions vs. rationale, and The Myth of the Chevy Chevette.…
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In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Yamanaka discuss: how weapons can be deep in the blood, another story of a previous anti-gunner crossing over into connecting with guns, women owning their self-defense needs, butt-ugly concelaed carry purses, men mailing it in, and the complexity of guns and relationships.…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Yamanaka discuss: the challenges of being a female CEO, the sex differences in corporate social aggression, drawing strong boundaries, healthy people vs. toxic people, the sausage-fest in guns, and Deb's entry into gun ownership.
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In the final part of this series, Miyanvoch and Kenyatta discuss: the limits of the physical guns' importance in matters concerning guns, the gun community being almost entirely reactive to important current issues, and the need for people right and left-of-center to approach problem solving.
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In part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Kenyatta discuss: Kofi's father introducing him to guns at a young age, starting the Black Bottom Gun Club with Chad King, the existing stigma against gun ownshership in the black community, trends in black gun ownership, getting beyond motivation to responsibility as the driver, and the role of the state in…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Kenyatta start the discussion talking about root causes and more general issues, with gun discussion to follow in subsequent parts. The impacts of guaranteed income on struggling families, the luxury of singel-issue voting, root causes, wrap-around services, the reality of idealism vs. the grindstone, and th…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyaovich and Rossi discuss: the operational facts of NICS, society's need to have discomfort minimized by "having something", the question of a standard for when legal mechanisms work, OSD's anonimized black box criminal check app idea, being over the status quo, and the fact that constucted...simply does not ha…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Rossi discuss: how gun rights absolutism ignores 50% of the rights-based fight, Chuck working with the FBI on Fix NICS in 2016, Facebook's gun content policy, the myth of gun industry dominance, the need for more world beaters, and anti-gunners representing an unattractive position.…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Poole discuss: Deryck's process of becoming a defensive shooting instructor, the process of evolving Fudd ranges to include real defensive training, the stupid shit that people do with guns, defensive training with a rifle, Deryck's future, and the future of guns in America.…
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In Part 1 if this series, Miyanovich and Poole discuss: Deryck's time in the Marines, the differences in gunfighting between the theater of war and the civilian world, the process of finding Rob Pincus and reality-based defensive curriculum, the importance of both sighted and unsighted fire, and breaking through thick heads with better information.…
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Beckmann discuss: law as a totalizing system, the human need to have comfort delivered, social media as a totalizing system, the realities of the administrative state, legal fetishes, jury trials as important but ridiculous theater, and the totalizing nature of law leading to its own demise.…
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In episode 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Beckmann discuss: John's background in the law, the reality of lawyers being technically adept but not cognizant of the greater jurisprudential reality, the gap between what people claim laws can do and what they can actually do, the myths associated with deterrence, and the possibility that free will is …
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In Part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and MarkO discuss: the general wack-a-doodlery of gun laws in California, the list of the current bills proposed related to guns, policy embedding, disparate impacts, Newsome's 28A, redefining semi-auto rifles as constitutionally unlawful, and the new level of nuance needed at the Guns / Public Safety Nexus.…
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In episode 1 of this series, Miyanovich and MarkO talk about the community-wide lack of action by libgunners, the unique opportunity for changing how guns are dealt with in America, working with the conservatives on gun issues, quantifying liberal gun ownership through professional polling, and Mark's experiences at SHOT show with The Liberal Gun C…
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In the final part of the series, Miyanovich and Johnson discuss: how it's illiberal to automatically bend the knee to American symbols, the Protect Illinois Communities Act, the realities of gun control, caring about kids, and the realities of the Clinton era Assault Weapons Ban with the Koper DOJ studies.…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Johnson discuss: Linwood getting into guns through self-defense, bringing nuance to issues, the effects of the pandemic and George Floyd protests on black gun ownership, starting off as an anti-gunner, inner-city violence, stereotypes, misinformation, the black community and the foundational symbols of Ameri…
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In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Bacon discuss: Josh's MILSURP roots, Rabbi Hillel and the K98, evolving from a Fudd to someone who understands the importance of modern arms and modern training, toxic patriots, church security, liberals needing to own and represent semi-auto rifles, the negative shit that libgunners do, and the futu…
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Bacon lay down the riffs about: growing up hunting in Texas, deep Texas and stupid gun shit, Hippy Rednecks, Liberaltarians, actual liberalism, the complexity of the liberal gun owning reality, Kevin Bacon, Pennsylvania roots, the essence of cooking Dove, and invasive Californians.…
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In the final part of this series Miyanovich and Dr. Gene discuss: the 2007 Virginia Tech Shooting, Gene being hired in response, the psychology of the shooter, our society's issue with desensitization, the internet and social tribalism, the future of mass shootings, and Gene's potential real retirement.…
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In part 1 if this series, Miyanovich and Dr. Gene talk about: the importance of sense of humor when always facing difficult things, Gene growing up hunting with his dad, doing some competition shooting, hip problems from being a cop and carrying, his profesional arc, co-responder programs, and the nexus between the law, human behavior, and guns.…
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In the final part of this series, Miyanovich and Dr. Stephanie discuss: the realities of Autism and threat assessment, neurologically typical and atypical emotionality, the power of teenage sexual validation, narcissism and entitlement in mass shootings, professional vicitims, and...well...we have to change things in this country with mass shooting…
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In part 2 of this series, Miyanovich and Dr. Stephanie get into some advanced analysis of the school shootings reality: is the term "high-risk" really appropriate? Does gun control get to the root of the matter? With these young kids, why is sucidality given ample resource but the prevention of homicidality treated differently? Why do people believ…
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