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show episodes

Liberal Halvtime

Civita og Moderne Media

Podcasten som utforsker liberale ideer. Eirik Løkke og Mathilde Fasting inviterer ukentlig nye gjester til diskusjon om aktuelle og interessante tema.
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Liberal Alliance

Liberal Alliance

Podcasts for partiet Liberal Alliance. Drives af Liberal Alliances folketingsgruppes sekretariat. Ris, ros og trusler kan sendes til
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The New Liberal Podcast

Center for New Liberalism

The New Liberal Podcast dives into the deep end of policy, politics and identity and hosts the economists, academics, industry leaders, thinkers and politicians whose ideas are shaping society.
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Liberalism in Question | CIS

Robert Forsyth | Centre for Independent Studies

Are you looking for sound, thought-provoking conversations on current affairs, politics, and culture from a Classical Liberal perspective? If yes, you are in the right place. Liberalism in Question engages some of our society’s most prominent researchers, political figures, and free speech advocates --finding out their views on the state of Classical Liberalism.
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Passion and Practicality: A Liberal Arts Podcast

Southern New Hampshire University Liberal Arts

Passion and Practicality is a podcast series produced by Southern New Hampshire University‘s online Liberal Arts department, which includes academic programs and courses in Communication, Composition, Creative Writing, English, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, History, Literature, and Philosophy. In this podcast series, faculty, staff, and guests discuss the career paths open to graduates of those programs, the research and creative work of practitioners in the field, and other interesting stuff.
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Terapia Liberal

Terapia Liberal

Podcast y Vlog liberal. Analisis de la actualidad economica y politica de argentina y el mundo. Libres pensadores - Adogmaticos Email: @terapialiberal
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Edumeasure is a new podcast for teachers, students, parents, and others concerned with transforming teaching and learning -- a podcast for exploring creative, unconventional responses to current issues in education. Hosted by Dr. Bernd Estabrook, a professor at a small liberal arts institution.
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Liberaleren Podcast

Klaus Jakobsen

En podcast av og med Klaus Jakobsen. En nyhetspodcast helt fri for medienes sensurerende filter. Befriende liberale tanker slipper til, enten man tilhører høyre, venstre eller midten av norsk politikk. Her skal alle kunne slippe til. I Oslo bidrar også Liberalerens redaksjon med sporadiske episoder, hovedsakelig av Vegard Nøtnæs og Bent Johan Mosfjell. Les dine daglige nyheter på Følg oss her: www.inst ...
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Eclosión liberal


Podcast en el que se aglutinan distintos audios liberales procedentes del Instituto Juan de Mariana, de Students for Liberty en España, Club de los Viernes y otras organizaciones o figuras relevantes del liberalismo hispano. Puedes seguir también el canal en Telegram:
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Liberala rummet

Albin Dahlén

Liberala rummet är en politisk podcast med ett liberalt synsätt och starka åsikter. I Liberala rummet diskuteras mängder med viktiga och intressanta frågor av alla dess slag. I podden får du möta intressanta gäster, ta del av intressanta samtal, debatter, intervjuer och diskussioner.
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Like the early philosophers and theologians before us, we are seeking to nourish our souls, discover the truth, and live in the world, but not of it. Welcome to the Magnus Podcast where John Johnson and Larissa Bianco hope to connect contemporary thinkers to conversations from the catacombs in the classical, Christian tradition before us. The Magnus Podcast is a production of the Albertus Magnus Institute, Inc. Dedicated to the promotion of another sort of learning, the Albertus Magnus Insti ...
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The ”Original Liberals” Podcast


”Thinking like everyone else assures you a mediocre fate; And it’s later than you think” From aliens and whiskey, to liberty and evolutionary psychology, Matt & Ben discuss everything it means to be a red-blooded American man in a modern world . Episodes released weekly. Thanks for watching & keep up the good fight! You got this!
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Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt Liberala Partiet

Klassiskt liberala partiet skapades för att Sverige saknade ett liberalt parti. Vi jobbar för att begränsa staten, sänka skatterna och skydda människors grundläggande rättigheter. Vi säger nej till EU, morallagstiftning och slöseri. Vi tror att du vet vad som är bäst för dig, och vill därför att du ska ha makt över ditt eget liv. Myndigförklara människan - rösta på Klassiskt liberala partiet!
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Latinx Liberal

Jo'el Serrano

Latinx Liberal is a podcast about progressive ideals, from a brown perspective. Discussing all of the latest in political, social, and cultural news which affects the Latinx community and all liberals.
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Applying It Liberally

Applying It Liberally

Interracial married couple Keisha Zollar and Andrew Kimler share a fiery liberal bias. But that doesn't stop them from going toe-to-toe as they debate the news of the week. Complete with original sketches, top-notch guests, and a candid autopsy of a modern American marriage.
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Liberalismo Para Principiantes

Liberalismo Para Principiantes

En este podcast serás testigo del alcance y atención que se merece una de las doctrinas económicas, sociales y políticas más exitosas de todo los tiempos: El Liberalismo. Aprenderás sobre historia, política, economía, actualidad y también las evidencias de porqué este sistema merece ser implantado en el planeta actualmente. Desde reducir el Estado al mínimo hasta pagar impuestos tan solo por lo que compras, que esto te sirva de advertencia de las creencias que vas a cuestionar...
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Liberal Arts Endeavor

College of Arts & Letters - Michigan State University

The Liberal Arts Endeavor is a podcast by the College of Arts & Letters (CAL). Each episode throughout the academic year will feature a different Liberal Arts story within the College. Learn more at
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show series
The federal budget is always a hot topic in election years. How can we build a budget that address our deficit problem while funding the things we need? PPI's Ben Ritz and Laura Duffy join the podcast to discuss their new proposed budget. They discuss how they'd stabilize runaway costs for Social Security and Medicare, how to pay for programs like …
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Skjermbruk, særlig blant barn, har skapt stor debatt. Er det grunn til å rope varsku, eller er advarslene overdrevet? Bør vi innføre politiske begrensninger på bruken av skjerm? Dette er fjerde del av Liberal halvtimes sommerserie om digitale utfordringer. Gjest: Magnus Hoem Iversen, forfatter av boken «Skjermtid: nødhjelp til frustrerte foreldre».…
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On the July 22, 2024 episode of Liberal Dan Radio, we will be discussing the major events of the 2024 Presidential Election with Biden withdrawing from the race and supporting Vice President Harris. We were going to discuss all of the turncoats but for right now, it is time to focus on winning. Tune in live at 8PM Central on Liberal Dan Radio, Talk…
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Afrika er den verdensdel, hvor befolkningsudviklingen er hurtigst. Noget der både medfører store udfordringer men også positive udviklinger i de afrikanske lande, og tilhørende hver udvikling er der en historie at fortælle. Desværre får kontinentet meget lidt opmærksomhed i det vestlige mediebillede, og derfor har Steffen Frølund inviteret Afrikajo…
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Who is man, what is he building, and why does this matter? Alan Cornett of Cultural Debris joins John Johnson to discuss mans relationship with architecture and both the worldly and eternal implications therein. Listen as they explore the architecture behind majestic Italian Cathedrals, bold American Art Deco and oppressive modern urbanism. Follow …
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In the last part of this series, Miyanovich and Carmen discuss: the early challenges of the LGO Facebook group, left-wing toxicity, Miyanovich primal screaming with Josh Bacon, being a housewife, the 2024 election, the future of guns, and the end of The White Penis Gun Club For Men.
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Ben Lord, Executive Communications Specialist with Equifax joins us to give us an idea of what a typical workday looks like as communications professional. Ben speaks about contextualizing your samples of work when it comes to preparing your portfolio. Ben also talks about preparing for interviews as “algorithmic conversations” and how it’s importa…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Kamala Harris har nå sikret seg stemmer nok til å bli Demokratenes presidentkandidat på landsmøtet. Kan hun slå Donald Trump? Dette og mye mer i dagens episode av Liberaleren Podcast! NB! På vår Podpage-side kan dere nå sende oss lydsnutter (maks to minutter), kontaktskjema og annet. Jeg skriver og en liten blog der dere …
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Lobbying in the 1950s and 60s was a small-time, sleepy industry without much impact. How did it grow to the behemoth political force it is today? Brody Mullins is the author of the new book The Wolves of K Street, and he joins the podcast to talk about corporate lobbying power, how lobbyists actually influence politicians, and how to design a bette…
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Hva får to professorer i middelalderhistorie til å sykle fra Norge til Roma i fotsporene til middelaldermunken Nikolas Bergsson fra Island? Hva er forskjellene mellom 1100-tallspilgrimer og moderne pilgrimer? Hvorfor reiser vi? Hvorfor er 1100-tallet et av de mest spennende århundrene i Europas historie? Hva er kontinuiteten fra Romerriket, Det tys…
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CNL assistant director Matti Miranda joins the show for an emergency podcast on Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris. Is this a positive development for Democrats? How will Republicans respond? How does this change the dynamics of the 2024 presidential race? To get bonus episodes, support us at…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Da rakk vi episode også denne uken! Håper folk har en flott fredag og helg når den tid kommer! Mye å snakke om også denne gangen. Trekker Joe Biden seg nå, en del tyder på at det kan skje, og det bør skje! Hva så med Trump og J.D. Vance, er det en bra duo for seier? Dette og mer til i episode 432 av Liberaleren Podcast! N…
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Hva er mikrochiper og hvorfor er de så viktige i dagens samfunn? Blir den neste store konflikten en microchip-krig? Dette er tredje del av Liberal halvtimes sommerserie om digitale utfordringer. Gjest: Henning Åsheim, studentpraktikant i Civita See for privacy information.โดย Civita og Moderne Media
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Watch here: Reflecting on his pivotal role in the development of a proposal to recognise Australia’s Indigenous peoples in the Constitution, Damien Freeman explains how something that started off as an exercise in settlement politics ended in a failed referendum. Damien Freeman is a visiting scholar at the PM Glynn Inst…
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Jeremiah discusses the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and why liberalism requires that we oppose political violence. To get bonus episodes, support us at or Got questions? Send us a note at Follow us at: https://…
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This week on Laughing Liberally Milwaukee, Alan Guszkowski joins host Matthew Filipowicz to discuss how the Supreme Court has recently criminalized being homeless, as well as the upcoming 40th anniversary celebration of Comedy Sportz.โดย Laughing Liberally Milwaukee
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Hva får to professorer i middelalderhistorie til å sykle fra Norge til Roma i fotsporene til middelaldermunken Nikolas Bergsson fra Island? Hva er forskjellene mellom 1100-tallspilgrimer og moderne pilgrimer? Hvorfor reiser vi? Hvorfor er 1100-tallet et av de mest spennende århundrene i Europas historie? Hva er kontinuiteten fra Romerriket, Det tys…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! I en stadig mer polarisert politisk verden, gikk denne til et nytt nivå i natt, da en 20 år gammel mann forsøkte å drepe Donald Trump på et rally i Pennsylvania. Det gikk heldigvis bra med Trump, men det var bare ørsmå centimetre unna drap. Dessverre døde andre, og noen er livstruende skadd. Det er fryktelig at vår verden…
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Hvordan bør vi som samfunn beskytte oss mot cybertrusler? Og hvordan skal vi balansere behovet for overvåkning med beskyttelse av personvernet i en digital virkelighet? Dette er andre del av Liberal halvtimes sommerserie om digitale utfordringer. Gjest: Vivi Ringnes Berrefjord, forsker ved Forsvarets Høgskoles Senter for internasjonal sikkerhet og …
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In Part 1 of this series, Miyanovich and Carmen discuss: Carmen's beginnings with guns, crispy-good revolvers, being a super-owner, concealed carry realities, favorite guns, having early-stage Parkinson's, disabilities and adjustments, and Carmen being known as "The Wolf."
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Wybory we Francji 2024 – druga tura. Wybory - lewica i Macron. Porażka Le Pen? | Kultura Liberalna. Po pierwszej turze wyborów wydawało się, że prawica we Francji zatriumfuje, a Marie Le pen idzie po władzę. Zjednoczenie Narodowe miało przejąć władzę po tym jak Macron rozwiązał parlament. Jednak Francja nie po aż pierwszy zaskoczyła świat. Zwycięzc…
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The Magnus Podcast is BACK and better than ever. If you’re a returning listener, you’ll notice that this season premiere is a change of pace from previous episodes as we announce a tier of courses in the Magnus Fellowship: The Cohort: A Community of Learning for Liberal Education. This three-year program is at the heart and soul of the Albertus Mag…
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Hei igjen liberale venner! Klaus snakker med Baard, fra Ytringsforum (, og nå er det mye valg-greier å snakke om! Joe Biden, Donald Trump, valget i UK, valget i Frankrike, med mye mer! NB! På vår Podpage-side kan dere nå sende oss lydsnutter (maks to minutter), kontaktskjema og annet. Jeg skriver og en liten blog der dere kan lese. Sjek…
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Hva får to professorer i middelalderhistorie til å sykle fra Norge til Roma i fotsporene til middelaldermunken Nikolas Bergsson fra Island? Hva er forskjellene mellom 1100-tallspilgrimer og moderne pilgrimer? Hvorfor reiser vi? Hvorfor er 1100-tallet et av de mest spennende århundrene i Europas historie? Hva er kontinuiteten fra Romerriket, Det tys…
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In the UK, Labour have just cruised to a historic election victory, winning a huge majority in Parliament for the first time in 14 years. PPI's Claire Ainsley joins the podcast to discuss how it happened and what it means. Why did the Conservatives collapse so hard after more than a decade in power? What will be on Keir Starmer's agenda as takes po…
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Kto wygra wybory w USA 2024 – czy debata prezydencka to koniec Bidena? | Kultura Liberalna. W USA odbyła się pierwsza debata prezydencka w obecnej kampanii wyborczej, w internecie można obejrzeć ją w wersji w której umieszczono napisy, a my zapraszamy na komentarz do debaty i kampanii po polsku. Naszym gościem jest Łukasz Pawłowski, współtwórca pro…
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🤑 Komu szkodzi płaca minimalna? 🎙 Odpowiada: @Piotr Lewandowski. 🎧 Podcast @GRAPE #tłoczonezdanych Płaca minimalną… Pomaga pracownikom? Szkodzi przedsiębiorcom? Zwiększa bezrobocie? Zmniejsza zatrudnienie? Hamuje gospodarkę? Ile powinna wynosić? Kiedy może rosnąć szybciej, a kiedy lepiej by nie rosła wcale? Oraz co to jest monopson? Odpowiedzi szuk…
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Watch here: What would have happened if Israel did nothing on October 8th? Can the "war" in Gaza be called a "moral war"? Bret Stephens argues on this week's episode of Liberalism in Question that the "war" in Gaza is an "existential war" for the survival of Israel of the safety of Jewish people internationally. Bret St…
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 9:9 Vi fortsætter samtalen med Henrik Gade Jensen om velfærd før den socialdemokratiske velfærdsstat. Husk at lyt til del 1 først, som giver den historiske baggrund. For nu handler det om selve menneskesynet bag velfærdstænkningen dengang og i dag. Om centralisering og det lokales sårbarhed. Og om der ov…
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 8:9 Hvordan behandlede vi egentlig de fattige og mest udsatte, før velfærdsstaten kom til? De fleste af ud ved nok utroligt lidt om velfærdssystemet i 1800-tallet, men det er en skam. Henrik Gade Jensen har dykket ned i kilderne – han har sågar skrevet en hel bog om det. Derfor har Liberal Alliance besøg…
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 7:9 Hvorfor har vi så mange dumme regler? Hvornår fik vi dem, og hvorfor opstår de? Regelmængden er tredoblet siden 1989, men det er svært at se formålet. Liberal Alliance har inviteret Jonas Herby i studiet. Han er specialkonsulent i Tænketanken CEPOS, hvor han også driver podcasten ’Regelstaten’, der s…
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 6:9 Alle vil gerne være på hold med Grundtvig, men hvad mente han egentlig? Hvad var hans holdning til demokrati og Grundloven? Og hvorfor var han nationalist? Liberal Alliance har inviteret historiker ved Center for Grundtvigforskning, Jens Wendel-Hansen, i studiet til at gøre og klogere på Grundtvigs p…
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 5:9 Er væksten i den offentlige sektor det 20. århundredes mest undervurderede fænomen? Hvilke forklaringer findes der i forskningen? Og bliver det monnogensinde bedre? Liberal Alliance har inviteret tidligere professor i statskundskab Ole P. Kristensen i studiet for at sætte tingene i perspektiv. Vært: …
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Sommerspecial: Den Liberale Danmarkshistorie 4:9 Hvordan gik det egentlig til, da Danmark fik Grundloven? Og hvem kæmpede for en fri forfatning? Liberal Alliance har inviteret forfatter, historiker og borgerlig debattør Christian Egander Skov i podcaststudiet på Christiansborg til at gøre os klogere på historien om, hvordan Danmark blev et demokrat…
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