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Julian Dorey Podcast

Julian Dorey | QCODE

Curiosity solved. JDP features diverse guests & topics including: Wild Stories, Current Events, Geopolitics, True Crime, Society & Culture, History, Tech, Investigative Journalism and much more. Hosted by Julian Dorey.
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Pr. Rubens Martim e Pra. Juliana Martins

Pr. Rubens e Pra. Juliana

Seja muito bem-vindo ao podcast dos Pastores Rubens Martim e Juliana Martins. O Intuito é propagar a Palavra de Deus para o maior número de pessoas possíveis no menor tempo possível. "Pregue a palavra, esteja preparado a tempo e fora de tempo, repreenda, corrija, exorte com toda a paciência e doutrina. (2 Timóteo 4:2)" Ouça e compartilhe! Instagram: @rubens_martim @julianapcmartins
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Helping organisations thrive is a podcast to provide leaders with insights, discussions and robust strategies to help their companies thrive. We will be interviewing business leaders, owners and experts and thought leaders in the field of business resilience. Hosted by Julian Roberts - Helping Individuals and Organisations Unlock Their Human Potential, Build Growth Strategies, and Cultivate a Resilient Culture | Executive Leadership Coach. If you are looking for a Blueprint to help you and y ...
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Down 'n Dirty with Michael Julian

Michael Julian

Down 'n Dirty with Michael Julian takes you behind the scenes with fascinating people from all walks of life. Your host, Michael Julian, digs deep with his guests, learning about the experiences and challenges that have shaped them into the remarkable individuals they are today. Whether it's overcoming childhood traumas, mental health struggles or other life challenges, this podcast shines a light on the grit and resilience of the human spirit. Guests openly share their powerful stories of p ...
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Beth Juliana

Welcome to the Beth Juliana podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@cbarbalis
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Juliani Rosa

Juliani Rosa

Bem vindo ao meu podcast, onde iremos conversar sobre diversos assuntos! Cover art photo provided by Dmitri Popov on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@dmpop
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Juliana Rosa (Economia)

Grupo Bandeirantes

Economia de forma simples. Esse é o lema da colunista Juliana Rosa, que vai ao ar todos os dias no Jornal BandNews FM, entre 7h e 9h, e no BandNews no Meio do Dia, entre 12h e 14h. Juliana Rosa é jornalista de economia há mais de 20 anos. Começou a carreira na Rádio Tupi como repórter, em 1997. Trabalhou no Jornal do Commercio, na Gazeta Mercantil e no site de investimentos Investshop entre 1998 e 2000. Em 2001, entrou na Globonews como editora e repórter de Economia. Trabalhou nos programas ...
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múltipla ~ por Juliana Garcia

Juliana Garcia

Autoconhecimento, autenticidade, multipotencialidades, viver mais vida na sua vida e outras coisas que couberem. Porque somos múltiplas. *NEWSLETTER: ⁠⁠https://julianagarcia.substack.com/subscribe ⁠⁠ *CANAL DAS MÚLTIPLAS: ⁠https://chat.whatsapp.com/BuE2DYMOHHZ0vQ9Bir5soR⁠ *INSTAGRAM: ⁠http://www.instagram.com/julianaggarcia
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Coffee With Julian

Julian Torres

Julian brings an unsanitized, unedited message directly from successful veterans and veteran non-profit organizations. Our goal is to improve the conversation between civilians and veterans, and create a medium to enhance a veteran’s ability to succeed in the world.
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show series
Batya Ungar-Sargon shares Netziv commentaries on the parsha. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday to its study. May her memory be a …
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(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ @Anyextee is an ancient civilizations historian. He was formerly music industry CEO and is now one of the world’s leading researchers in ancient symbolism, and esoteric traditions. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY: INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodcas…
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We're joined this week by TVI favourite Paul McCaffrey for a chat about his and Julian's atrocious sleep habits, hecklers and much more. Check out Paul on social media @paulmccaffreycomedian as well as his podcasts 'Whats Upset You Now?' and 'Glad Rags' If you enjoy our podcast and would like to support us, head over to www.patreon.com/wearetvi whe…
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In this episode of Helping Organisations Thrive, we explore the future of work with Heather Jerrehian, diving into the impact of AI on the workforce and why talent viability is crucial for business agility. Heather challenges common misconceptions about AI, emphasising that rather than replacing human workers, AI can make work more human by taking …
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Welcome to another compelling episode of "Down 'n Dirty with Michael Julian," where we delve into inspiring stories of resilience and triumph over adversity. In this episode, we sit down with Liz Florek, a remarkable guest whose life was profoundly impacted by the tragic events at the Route 91 music festival in Las Vegas. Liz shares her harrowing e…
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I recently caught up with Nick O’Loughlan, who has been undertaking a profound course in intuitive healing via the teachings of a special acacia, and who has been intensely working with many people to help them deal with physical and etheric parasites. Scroll down to "Parasites, dysbiosis and biofilm" to read about my protocol mentioned in the podc…
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DO SEPULCRO PARA A LUZ - Pr. Rubens Martim - 09/03/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/RubensMartim QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Introducing The Mutant (PODCAST EXCLUSIVE EPISODE) from MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark & Mysterious Stories. Follow the show: MrBallen Podcast: Strange, Dark & Mysterious Stories On a day in 2001, a veteran homicide detective put on his gloves and stepped into a cluttered bedroom. He’d been working a murder case for months, but he still had no cle…
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(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Scot Sherwood is a dedicated father featured in The Telepathy Tapes podcast, where he shares his experience raising his autistic daughter, Lily who demonstrates telepathic abilities. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY: INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodc…
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DISTRAÇÕES QUE NOS TIRAM DO PROPÓSITO - Pr. Rubens Martim - 02/03/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/RubensMartim QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Miriam Gettinger shares insights and analysis of the Netziv's commentary on Parshas Tetzaveh. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday t…
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SPONSOR: 1) Get 15% off with code JULIAN at oneskin.co (***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ John Kiriakou is a former CIA spy who was the agency's chief of counterterrorism in the Middle East prior to being prosecuted by the DOJ. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY: INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/julia…
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WATCH PREVIOUS EPISODES w/ JOHN: EPISODE #249: https://youtu.be/5_FDZozJ9z EPISODE #250: https://youtu.be/5HuyORiWoDM (***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ John Kiriakou is a former CIA spy who was the agency's chief of counterterrorism in the Middle East prior to being prosecuted by the DOJ. PATREON https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey JULIAN on h…
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We're back this week with a fun chat about Julian's old tag name, Jack The Ripper and much more. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us as well as accessing full length episodes, extra episodes and even joining the TVI WhatsApp community then head over to www.patreon.com/wearetvi Follow us on social media @wearetvi @carldonnelly and …
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Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon shares Netziv commentaries on the parsha. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday to its study. May her memory …
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SPONSORS: 1) Get 15% off with code JULIAN at oneskin.co 2) Rocket Money: Go to www.rocketmoney.com/julian to start saving today! (***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Mark Gagnon is the co-host of OfficialFlagrant & Host of CampGagnon . FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodcast/ INSTAGRAM (Personal): htt…
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Batya Ungar-Sargon shares Netziv commentaries on the parsha. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday to its study. May her memory be a …
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In this episode, our hosts talk with Ralph Figueroa, Dean of College Guidance at Albuquerque Academy, about the evolving college application process. Drawing from his extensive experience, Ralph highlights the key changes that have transformed the way students approach their applications. He also provides expert insights and practical advice for st…
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(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Jake Tran is a Vietnamese-born American educational/commentary YouTuber and entrepreneur who makes video essays that discuss business, politics, and other related topics. FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodcast/ INSTAGRAM (Personal): https://www.instagram.com/julia…
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We're back this week for a chat about Carl's stomach bug, anxious dogs, Apple products and much more. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us as well as getting access to full length episodes and bonus content (such as our WhatsApp community) then head over to www.patreon.com/wearetvi Follow us on social media @wearetvi @carldonnelly …
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In this episode of Helping Organisations Thrive, we welcome Dr. Laura Gabayan to discuss resilience through the lens of her Common Wisdom study. Inspired by her struggle with chronic Lyme disease and the lack of thinking outside the box during this time, Dr. Gabayan interviewed wise individuals to uncover the eight key elements of wisdom. As we del…
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DESPERTANDO O AMOR ESQUECIDO - Pr. Rubens Martim - 16/02/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/RubensMartim QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Thank you to our Sponsors: ZBiotics: https://zbiotics.com/JULIAN (***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Matthew Hedger is a former undercover money man for the CIA. PATREON https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodcast/ INSTAGRAM (Personal): https://www.instagram.com/julian…
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(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Rizwan (“Riz”) Virk is a successful entrepreneur, investor, futurist, bestselling author, video game industry pioneer, and indie film producer. Riz received a B.S. in Computer Science from MIT, and a M.S. in Management from Stanford's GSB. PATREON https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY INSTAGR…
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We're joined this week by the very funny Lindsey Santoro (@linzsantoro) for a chat about spiders, snakes bumholes and much more! If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us then join our patreon www.patreon.com/wearetvi for full length episodes and more. Follow us on social media @wearetvi Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastch…
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ISTO É O QUE PRECISO - Pr. Rubens Martim - 09/02/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/RubensMartim QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Rabbi Refoel Moshe Gettinger shares Netziv commentaries on the parsha. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday to its study. May her me…
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Hey guys, We had a slight issue with the audio board in this episode that simply made it come in louder than usual. Turn down the volume lower than you would normally have it for this episode (especially if you're listening on headphones) and you should be all good! SPONSORS: 1) Download DRAFTKINGS CASINO app & use code "JULIAN": https://shorturl.a…
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SPONSORS: - Download PRIZEPICKS & use Code "JULIAN" to get $50 w/ your first $5 play: https://shorturl.at/2XCLm - Buy MANDO WHOLE BODY DEODORANT at https://www.ShopMando.com & use code "JULIAN" to get $5 off your first starter pack (***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Luke Caverns is an Ancient Civilizations Historian, Researcher, and Anthropolog…
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In this episode of Helping Organisations Thrive, we explore resilience through the lens of acceptance with guest Aaron Hill. Drawing from his military background, Aaron shares how resilience is not just about endurance but also about learning, self-awareness, and accepting where you are in life. Aaron discusses how a lack of awareness often holds p…
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CONSELHO DIVINO - Pr. Rubens Martim - 02/02/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/RubensMartim QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Batya Ungar-Sargon shares Netziv commentaries on the parsha. These sessions are held on Zoom every week in memory of our mother in-law whose dedication to the Netziv (her great great grandfather), was legendary. It is estimated she studied the Ha'amek Davar some 78 times throughout her life, devoting every Tuesday to its study. May her memory be a …
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(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Luke Caverns is an Ancient Civilizations Historian, Researcher, and Anthropologist. He specializes in the lost civilizations of Egypt, South America & the Amazon Jungle. PATREON https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey FOLLOW JULIAN DOREY INSTAGRAM (Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/juliandoreypodcast/ INSTAGRAM …
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