Julia Louis-Dreyfus returns for Season 3 of her award-winning podcast, Wiser Than Me™. Each week, she has funny, touching, personal conversations with iconic older women who are brimming with the kind of unapologetic attitude and wisdom that only comes with age. Julia sits at the feet of some extraordinary teachers this season, and of course her 90-year-old mom, Judith. Tune in to laugh, cry, and get wise. All Hail Old Women! Photo: Ryan Pfluger and August Image
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Curiosity solved. JDP features diverse guests & topics including: Wild Stories, Current Events, Geopolitics, True Crime, Society & Culture, History, Tech, Investigative Journalism and much more. Hosted by Julian Dorey.
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Digging into the big stories that will shape the day for viewers in Asia as they wake up, tapping into CNN’s network of correspondents around the globe, alongside news-making guests and expert analysis to provide a comprehensive briefing on what matters and why. First Move takes on a broad palate, covering news, finance, business, technology, AI, art, travel, fashion, sports & entertainment. Plus, exploring the frontier science, cutting-edge technologies and innovations driving 21st century ...
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Seit über 18 Jahren sucht Julia Leischik weltweit nach verschwundenen Menschen. Zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Sylvia Lutz erzählt sie nun in „Julia Leischik: Spurlos“ besondere, emotionale und rätselhafte Vermisstengeschichten. Die Betroffenen schildern dabei selbst spannende Details und emotionale Hintergründe. Julia Leischik ist nahe dran an jedem einzelnen Fall. Manche Verschwundenen konnten von ihr und ihrem Team bereits gefunden werden, bei anderen werden die Zuhörer um Mithilfe gebeten. ...
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Julia La Roche brings her listeners in-depth conversations with some of the top CEOs, investors, founders, academics, and rising stars in business. Guests on "The Julia La Roche Show" have included Bill Ackman, Ray Dalio, Marc Benioff, Kyle Bass, Hugh Hendry, Nassim Taleb, Nouriel Roubini, David Friedberg, Anthony Scaramucci, Scott Galloway, Brent Johnson, Jim Rickards, Danielle DiMartino Booth, Carol Roth, Neil Howe, Jim Rogers, Jim Bianco, Josh Brown, and many more. Julia always makes the ...
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The official podcast of Albuquerque Academy, hosted by Head of School Julianne Puente.
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Årets Humorpodd 2023 och 2022! Varje måndag släpps ett nytt avsnitt av Louise och Julia poddar! En solig och rolig podd som avhandlar allt från kaos och sömnbrist och till skam och social baksmälla. Lite som en bikt, fast kul. Det kan också förekomma en del skarpa - och ibland inte så skarpa - omvärldsanalyser och spaningar i denna ofiltrerade podcast. Fram med skämskudden, nu kör vi! För tankar - skriv till oss på Instagram. Där heter vi @louiseochjuliapoddar. För samarbeten - kontakta juli ...
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Post-Modern, Post-Orthodox, and Post-Hassidic, Rabbi Dr. Julian Ungar-Sargon shares his unique take on the world in this remarkable podcast series.
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Julia Sotas is a Certified facilitator of the life changing modality, Access Consciousness® www.juliasotas.com
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Embark on a faith-filled journey with our podcast! Share your stories at www.pastorjuliaonline.com. Discover God's desire for victory in health, career, finances, education, relationships, and business. Immerse in God's word, receive counsel, and learn from real-life experiences. Tune in for lessons, strategies, and practical steps to live your destined purpose. Whether married, divorced, single, navigating change, seeking guidance, or coping with loss, our platform inspires. God bless your ...
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Julia Cunningham lovingly reveals the plot of films that you would rather not see: low percent Rotten Tomato films, muddled adaptations, characters escaping death, on the nose romantic comedies, gender flipped remakes of a remake, plus everything in between. Let me watch so you don't have to ... and tell you everything. New episodes every week, on Mondays.
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Última actualidad nacional e internacional: noticias de opinión, cultura, deportes, economía, política, sociedad, tecnología
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Julia Jaccoud e Julia Marcolan são gêmeas de mães diferentes. A cada episódio partem de temas diversos e convergem o papo para aquilo que as uniu: a ciência. Vem papear com a gente e estejam preparados para darem boas risadas e levarem alguns questionamentos para casa! Comente o episódio usando #SomosTodosJulias + EQUIPE - Apresentação e Roteiro: Julia Jaccoud (@amatemaniaca) e Julia Marcolan (@julhamarcolan). - Produzido no estúdio do CETI-SC - Centro de tecnologia da informação de São Carl ...
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Entdecke den Weg zu optimaler Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden mit Julia Tulipan.Erweiter deinen Horizont mit Einblicken in Stoffwechseltherapien und wissenschaftlich fundierte Tools, die deine Gesundheit auf das nächste Level bringen. Tauche ein in die Welt der Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsoptimierung. #Keto #LowCarb #Paleo #LCHF #Stoffwechseltherapie #Gesundheitsverbesserung
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Cześć! Z tej strony Julia Wizowska. Przybliżam świat naturalnych terapii. Zachęcam do dbania o siebie z duchem natury. Zarażam miłością do słowiańskości. Nowy odcinek wychodzi raz w tygodniu: w piątek. Jestem autorką bloga nanowosmieci.pl oraz juliawizowska.com.pl, podcastu "Z duchem natury", książki "Nie śmieci", serii ebooków "Zielsko" na każdą porę roku oraz współautorką kilku innych książek reportażowych. Zostań moim Patronem lub Matronką: https://patronite.pl/nanowosmieci Albo po prostu ...
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The movie star with the megawatt smile. Join TV's Kevin Lanigan & Kat Scott as they dive into the incredible body of work of Julia Roberts. From Ant Bully to Ocean's, we'll talk about them all. Probably! www.patreon.com/tvskevin
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Julian Di Benedetto is a 25-year-old from Sydney, Australia. He is an active individual with a keen interest in various activities and attractions across the country. Follow along as Julian shares insights and recommendations on the best things to do during your visit to Australia, from exploring the vibrant city life to enjoying the natural beauty and unique experiences that the country has to offer. Whether you're interested in sports, cultural events, or simply discovering hidden gems, Ju ...
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Join comedians Carl Donnelly and Julian Deane each Monday morning as they interview a comedy guest (well, Carl tries to interview them while Julian interjects and tries to get them cancelled!) (M)
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Seja muito bem-vindo ao podcast dos Pastores Rubens Martim e Juliana Martins. O Intuito é propagar a Palavra de Deus para o maior número de pessoas possíveis no menor tempo possível. "Pregue a palavra, esteja preparado a tempo e fora de tempo, repreenda, corrija, exorte com toda a paciência e doutrina. (2 Timóteo 4:2)" Ouça e compartilhe! Instagram: @rubens_martim @julianapcmartins
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Julian Di Benedetto is a 25-year-old from Sydney, Australia. He is an active individual with a keen interest in various activities and attractions across the country. Follow along as Julian shares insights and recommendations on the best things to do during your visit to Australia, from exploring the vibrant city life to enjoying the natural beauty and unique experiences that the country has to offer. Whether you’re interested in sports, cultural events, or simply discovering hidden gems, Ju ...
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Seelenschokolade mit Julia Colella | Sensibel, Stark & Selbstbewusst
Julia Colella - Wirtschaftspsychologin und Online Biz Mentorin
Dieser Podcast für feinfühlige Menschen mit Herz und Sinn. Welche ihren Erfolg, ihre Zufriedenheit, ihre Gesundheit und ihr Fülle- und Wohlstand-Bewusstsein auf das nächste Level heben möchten. Denn zu 95% ist dafür dein Mindset verantwortlich. Dies hier ist für Menschen die ihre limitierenden Glaubenssätze und Grenzen sprengen wollen. Und sich ein wundervolles Leben erschaffen möchten. Damit du Morgens Lust auf deinen Tag hast und Abends glücklich und erfüllt einschläfst. Mein Name ist Juli ...
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Helping organisations thrive is a podcast to provide leaders with insights, discussions and robust strategies to help their companies thrive. We will be interviewing business leaders, owners and experts and thought leaders in the field of business resilience. Hosted by Julian Roberts - Helping Individuals and Organisations Unlock Their Human Potential, Build Growth Strategies, and Cultivate a Resilient Culture | Executive Leadership Coach. If you are looking for a Blueprint to help you and y ...
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Cada semana en Julia en la onda, los chicos de El Orden Mundial nos hablan sobre política y Relaciones Internacionales con el objetivo de comprender cómo funciona el mundo
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Created by The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts, Inside Julia’s Kitchen is your window into the Foundation’s world. Through our podcast, you’ll meet the bright lights of today’s food world, from the organizations the Foundation supports and works with to further Julia’s legacy to individuals at the forefront of cooking, culinary history, and food writing. We’ll be talking to those who are shaping the way we eat, cook and think about food, just as Julia did by invit ...
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Welcome to JulianoTheGreat's podcast Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Die Persönlichkeit des Menschen gibt einer Sache erst ihren wahren Wert.® ~ 3.800 Interviews: als ORF Radio-, TV und- Eventmoderatorin gehören Live-Interviews und -Situationen seit ~ 25 Jahren zu meinem "täglich Brot". Wie funktioniert telepathische Kommunikation (mit meinem Tier)? Wofür brennt eine der mächtigsten Frauen in Österreichs Wirtschaft in ihrer Freizeit? Wieso gibt es Menschen, die die Apokalypse herbei führen wollen? Warum machen Bücher Kinder kaputt? "Julia Schütze #Talk2Me" ve ...
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Welcome to the JuliaXO podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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A podcast about reimagining the good life through the lens of disability, faith, and culture. Host Amy Julia Becker interviews guests in conversations that challenge assumptions about the good life, proclaim the inherent belovedness of every human being, and help us envision a world of belonging.
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L'émission qui donne la parole aux influenceurs et aux entrepreneurs ! On y parle de leurs parcours, leurs motivations, le milieu de l'influence, l'envers du décor de leur métier, leurs passions et leurs projets. Bonne écoute ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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New podcast weblogAhora en la gran pantallaEn julio deun avin de la DEA sac a Virginia Vallejo de Colombia Su vida estaba en peligro por haberse convertido en el testigo clave de los dos procesos criminales ms importantes de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en su pas el asesinato de un candidato presidencial y el holocausto del Palacio de JusticiaVeinticinco aos antes Virginia Vallejo era la presentadora de televisin ms importante de Colombia y la belleza profesional que apareca en las portadas ...
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Interaktif seru,serius,bercanda,sedih,senang semua Ada di sini bareng @andrewjuliantt
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Autoconhecimento, autenticidade, multipotencialidades, viver mais vida na sua vida e outras coisas que couberem. Porque somos múltiplas. *NEWSLETTER: https://julianagarcia.substack.com/subscribe *CANAL DAS MÚLTIPLAS: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BuE2DYMOHHZ0vQ9Bir5soR *INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/julianaggarcia
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Huda, Nathan and Keno provide humorous and insightful commentary on the JuliaCon conference.
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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Nonprofit Nation is hosted by Julia Campbell, digital marketing and fundraising expert, nonprofit consultant, and author of Storytelling in the Digital Age: A Guide for Nonprofits and How to Build and Mobilize a Social Media Community for Your Nonprofit in 90 Days. Julia helps nonprofits build movements, and in her work she teaches nonprofits how to build community, audience and raise influence on social media channels. On Nonprofit Nation, Julia sits down with nonprofit industry experts and ...
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This is a podcast of my life.
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Всего лишь небольшие вечерние чтения книг.
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Julia Cannon carries on the work of her mother, Dolores Cannon, who authored 19 Books (so far) and was a Past-Life Regressionist and Hypnotherapist who specialized in the recovery and cataloging of Lost Knowledge. Dolores is widely acknowledged as a leading authority on Nostradamus and considered the World's Foremost Expert on his Prophecies. She passed to the next realm in Oct, 2014 and now continues to work and inspire from beyond the veil. Dolores' powerful method, Quantum Healing Hypnosi ...
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Down 'n Dirty with Michael Julian takes you behind the scenes with fascinating people from all walks of life. Your host, Michael Julian, digs deep with his guests, learning about the experiences and challenges that have shaped them into the remarkable individuals they are today. Whether it's overcoming childhood traumas, mental health struggles or other life challenges, this podcast shines a light on the grit and resilience of the human spirit. Guests openly share their powerful stories of p ...
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Julias' trip blog, but it's audio.
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It is about the biggest hula hoop in the world.
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Calls from Dad
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Gaetz Withdraws As Trump’s Attorney General Pick
Matt Gaetz ends his bid to be attorney general in the next Trump administration. Russian President Vladimir Putin says a new kind of missile was used to attack Ukraine after a strike on Dinipro raised concerns about the weaponry. Australia considers a bill to ban social media for children under 16 years old. And, why the art market is going literal…
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#138 Johanna Sebag - Presque 20 ans à la tête de l'agence Dresscode
Cette semaine, je reçois Johanna Sebag, fondatrice de l’agence de communication Dresscode. Dans cet épisode, Johanna nous raconte son parcours, de ses débuts dans le monde de la communication au déclic qui l’a poussée à créer sa propre agence, sans business plan. Nous explorons ensemble l’évolution du marché des agences, la manière dont elle a su b…
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#213 Epsilon Theory's Ben Hunt: Markets Have Entered 'What The F*ck Animal Spirits' Post-Election — Why It's Time To 'Take Some Chips Off The Table'
Ben Hunt, the author of Epsilon Theory (https://www.epsilontheory.com/) and co-founder of Second Foundation Partners, returns to The Julia La Roche Show to discuss narratives and how they shape everything from financial markets to politics. ✨ This episode is sponsored by Public.com. https://public.com/julia ✨ Paid endorsement for Public Investing, …
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The New Model for Major Gifts with Gail Perry & Beth Ann Locke
In this episode of Nonprofit Nation, I dive deep into the evolving landscape of major gifts fundraising with two of the industry’s most respected thought leaders, Gail Perry and Beth Ann Locke. Together, they unravel the shift from traditional, scripted major gift solicitations to a transformative, donor-centered approach that fosters authentic rel…
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#169 M. ZANGER & K. KABUS – Hufe lesen 11/24
🐴„Wenn Sie ein Pferd mit Kotwasser haben, könnte es daran liegen, dass ein Huf vorne zu flach ist.“ - & - „Sie können über Hufformen sogar in die Psyche des Pferdes gucken. Wenn der vordere linke Huf größer ist, dann…“, verraten Dr. Michael Zanger und Kerstin Kabus.🐴 Bei Julia Schütze #Talk2Me führen uns die beiden Huf-Experten in das unfassbar fas…
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Julia Gets Wise with Isabella Rossellini
Today on Wiser Than Me, Julia sits down with 72-year-old actress, director, and model Isabella Rossellini, currently starring in the film Conclave. The two dive into a conversation about Isabella’s Long Island farm, why she loves referring to herself as ancient, and her personal journey with sexuality and romance, particularly in her later years. P…
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ADHS, Kohlenhydrate und Fructose- So wirkt Zucker auf dein Verhalten
Danke an die Sponsoren Diese Folge wird durch foryouehealth unterstützt. Selbsttests für zu Hause. Das Messen von Aminosäuren, Mineralien, Vitaminen, Fettsäuren, Hormonen und Darmbakterien ist der Schlüssel zur Gesundheit. Kennst Du Deine inneren Werte, kannst Du sie gezielt optimieren, um ein langes, gesundes und glückliches Leben führen. Genau hi…
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[S03E16] Equações Invisíveis: O lado apagado da matemática.
🎙 Neste episódio de “Qual Julia Disse Isso”, as Julias reescrevem a história da matemática ao destacar o legado e as contribuições de matemáticos negros em Equações Invisíveis: O Lado Apagado da Matemática. A dupla mergulha em histórias inspiradoras, revelando como brilhantes pensadores foram apagados da narrativa matemática por um processo de embr…
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A Life Worth Living? Reimagining Life, Choice, and Disability with Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, PhD
Send us a text How do we decide who has a life worth living? Author and professor emerita Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, PhD, joins Amy Julia Becker to discuss what it means to: be human live in community care for one another navigate the complicated ethics of selective abortion find the language and stories to talk about a life worth living _ ADVENT D…
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Wie du deine Angst vor Vorträgen & Sichtbarkeit überwinden kannst
Hast du auch manchmal das Gefühl, dass dich die Angst vor Sichtbarkeit zurückhält? Ob bei Vorträgen, auf Social Media oder im Gespräch mit potenziellen Kunden – die Angst, sich zu zeigen, betrifft viele Menschen. Doch diese Unsicherheit muss dich nicht länger bremsen! In dieser Folge erfährst du: ✨ Warum die Angst vor Sichtbarkeit so tief sitzt und…
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Can episode 126 of the All Spoiler Recap podcast mend our broken heart with a film about imaginary friends voiced by A-list celebrities???? Let's find out! Enjoy a recap of the 2024 film IF from writer, producer, director and Sexiest Man Alive, John Krasinski! Complete the journey with Julia Cunningham and her guest, Tasteless Podcast host Emily Hi…
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140. My papa don't like you
Louise är arg och gör Julia arg men det blir också lite bus i studion. Dessutom hänger någon ut Djur med Julia rakt på gatan och dagens barn vet inte vad en kotte är för något. OCH podden är nominerad i https://www.guldpodden.se/ - Årets podd, Årets humorpodd och Årets poddklippare. Rösta gärna på Louise och Julia poddar. Tack alla gulliga som röst…
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Julia en la onda 17/11/2024
Escucha el programa completo de Julia en la Onda con Julia Otero. Actualidad, entretenimiento y entrevistas, todas las tardes en Onda Cero.
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El orden mundial: La erosión de Teresa Ribera va más allá de Valencia: el efecto dominó que haría descarrilar a toda la Comisión Europea
El señalamiento de la ministra por su gestión de la Dana no sólo tiene una lectura en clave nacional, sino también en clave europea. ¿Los principales salpicados? Úrsula Von der Leyen y Manfred Weber.
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The Metaphysical Hour, November 15, 2024
The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahanโดย Julia@JuliaCannon.com (Author)
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#wird gut: Auf dem Weg in eine bessere Zukunft mit Lars Castellucci
Prof. Dr. Lars Castellucci, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages für die SPD-Fraktion, ist in dieser Folge zu Gast bei Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf. Lars Castellucci vertritt den Rhein-Neckar-Kreis im Deutschen Bundestag und ist geschäftsführender Vorsitzender des Innenausschusses. Er ist außerdem Professor für Nachhaltiges Management an der Hochsc…
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In today's world, many people are silently bleeding from various hurts—psychological, emotional, and spiritual wounds. Some bear these wounds openly, while others hide them, though the scars remain as reminders of their pain. In today’s episode, I want to remind you that, even through the hurt, you can express yourself fully to God. You can lean on…
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#52 Was geschah mit dem Zwillingsmädchen?
Ein Zeitungsartikel, der eine Welt ins Wanken bringt.Urkunden, auf denen seltsame Zeichen stehen.Und ein Baby, das plötzlich verschwindet. Heute – bei Spurlos. KontaktInfo@SpurlosPodcast.de Instagramhttps://instagram.com/julia_leischik TikTokhttps://www.tiktok.com/discover/Julia-Leischik Redaktion Sylvia Lutz Susanne SandykNatalya Prokhorenko Ton M…
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Baba Jaga — wstrętna czarownica czy mądra mentorka?
Pogadajmy o Babie Jadze. Postaci, którą kojarzymy z bajek i legend. Strasznej, wrednej, z parchem na nosie i garbem na plecach. Wstrętna! Ale czy... na pewno?INDYWIDUALNE SESJE lalki #motanki Baby Jagi - https://tiny.pl/jdhz8xv5
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