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Father Hudgins' Homilies

Father James Hudgins

Homilies given by Father James Hudgins, Pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Ashburn, Virginia. The seven most recent homilies are available via podcast; for the archives, visit www.FatherHudgins.com.
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Kapłaństwo to piękna sprawa. Codzienna Eucharystia, posługa w konfesjonale, spotkania z ludźmi... i głoszenie Słowa Bożego. Tej ostatniej rzeczywistości dotyczy ten podcast. Jest zapisem posługi, jaką wypełniam w parafii, kiedy staję na ambonie. Powstaje głownie dlatego, że czasem ktoś chce powtórzyć, przypomnieć sobie to, co usłyszał w kościele. Ale może służyć każdemu, kto zechce słuchać. A jeśli uznasz, że zasłużyłem - postaw mi kawę: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ksiendzu
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Sunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz


Every week, Catholic priest Fr. Mike Schmitz delivers powerful homilies based on the Sunday Mass Scripture readings, inviting you to live more fully as the person God created you to be. Engaging and motivating, these 20-30 minute homilies will help ground your faith, fortify your heart, and transform your life. Fr. Mike Schmitz preaches from Duluth Minnesota, where he serves as the Newman chaplain for University Minnesota Duluth’s Bulldog Catholic campus ministry.
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Father Rays Homilies

Fr. Raymond Suriani

Father Raymond Suriani served as associate and pastor of Saint Pius X Church in Westerly, RI from 1988 to 2016. He remains active in the parish for masses, confessions etc..There are hundreds of homilies from 2003 to the present. ..................... .. ..You can also visit Fr Ray's Blog which include the printed homilies at http://fatherrays.blogspot.com/..
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No Spin Homilies

Fr. Dan Volkert

No Spin Homilies is a website dedicated for the express intention of teaching Christianity through the utilization of Audio Homilies and Audio Bible Studies. The primary mission is to teach people about Sacred Scripture and help them to not only grow in wisdom and love of it but, also, to apply it in their daily lives.
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Fr. Kris Schmidt Homilies

Fr. Kris Schmidt

Coming to know God's Word in our lives is a bumpy and sometimes complicated road. I know this because it is true in my life. My desire is that, as a priest through my homilies, God might make Himself known to you more clearly for He is simply Beautiful.
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Sunday Homilies

Father Kevin Laughery

A priest of the Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Illinois offers his thoughts on the Word of God as proclaimed throughout the world, Sunday after Sunday.
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Fr Luke's Homilies

Fr Luke Goymour

Homilies preached by Fr Luke Goymour at St Mark's Catholic Church, Holy Family Catholic Church and St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Church, Ipswich Suffolk, UK. Fr Luke is a parish priest and chaplain to the Diocesan Youth Service of East Anglia.
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OLVP Sunday Homilies


Tune in each week to hear Father Greg Shaffer and Deacon Ted provide fresh inspiration for our faith journey. They delve into the heart of the Sunday readings, offering insights and perspectives that bring the Word of God to life.
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Fr. Kyle White's Homilies

St. Leo - Lafayette

Fr. Kyle White is Pastor at St. Leo the Great Church in Lafayette. We form missionary disciples by modeling intimacy w/ God and running together toward heaven. To learn more about St. Leo, visit stleolafayette.com
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Homilies from the National Shrine

The Marian Fathers

These difficult times demand that we turn back to the beautiful mystery of who God is and what it means to be His cherished children. Listen in to the daily homilies from the Marian Fathers at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy, including Fr. Chris Alar, Fr. Kaz Chwalek, and many more. May they help you to live by God’s will that you may play an active and effective role in a world whose wellbeing requires authentic Christian witness!
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Living Beatitudes Community Homilies

Living Beatitudes Community

The Living Beatitudes Community is a group of friendly and caring Christians who gather to worship together, work together, and live lives in emulation of the Spirit of the Beatitudes. These homilies were offered during our 10a Sun weekly services. Each homily is preceded by the Gospel reading and followed by discussion. The discussion is not included in this podcast. Living Beatitudes Community 20 W First Street Christ Episcopal Church, Lower Level Dayton, OH
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Niepokalane Poczęcie pokazuje, że w przygotowanie na przyjście Syna Bożego, to nie tylko zaangażowanie człowieka. To także dzieło Boga. Warto o tym panniers, by nie przeszkadzać i współpracować.
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Advent is about embracing John the Baptist's desire to decrease so that Christ can increase in us. Here are three concrete ways to die to your ego so that you would have more room in your life for Jesus Christ. To learn more about our mission, visit stleolafayette.comโดย St. Leo - Lafayette
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Thank you for joining us today at All Saints Parish! #allsaintsparish #allparish #peaceonearth #advent Become a Parish Purpose Partner today and support our online ministry! https://www.wesharegiving.org/app/giving/WeShare-3473?tab=home Please subscribe to our channel!โดย All Saints Parish
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Thank you for joining us today at All Saints Parish! #allsaintsparish #allparish Become a Parish Purpose Partner today and support our online ministry! https://www.wesharegiving.org/app/giving/WeShare-3473?tab=home Please subscribe to our channel!โดย All Saints Parish
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Third Sunday of Advent Today we can use rose vestments. Why? To express our joy because the Lord is coming. Today’s Sunday it is called Domenica Gaudete, because this is how its entrance antiphon begins in Latin: Gaudete, rejoice. It comes from Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice. The Lord is nea…
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Friends, on this Third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete Sunday, I want to draw attention to our second reading, which is from St. Paul to the Philippians. These lines about joy, anxiety, prayer, and peace can run right through our minds, but they’re actually breathtaking, and they open up something at the very heart of the spiritual life.…
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Thank you for joining us today at All Saints Parish! #allsaintsparish #allparish #peaceonearth Become a Parish Purpose Partner today and support our online ministry! https://www.wesharegiving.org/app/giving/WeShare-3473?tab=home Please subscribe to our channel!โดย All Saints Parish
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Genesis chapter 3 verses 9-15, 20 Ephesians chapter 1 verses 3-6, 11-12 Luke chapter 1 verses 26b-38 Bulletin: https://www.mountcalvary.com/2024_12_09IC.pdf We lift up Christ in the beauty of holiness. https://www.mountcalvary.com/ Subscribe to the Youtube Homily Podcast by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCwXXH0wEln7297Z5VRcr…
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In this homily, Father Greg reflects on the significance of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and its implications for our lives during Advent. He emphasizes the importance of humility and the need to lower the mountains of pride and sin in our lives to embrace a more virtuous and grace-filled existence. The discussion highlights the journey of Adv…
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Thank you for joining us today at All Saints Parish! #allsaintsparish #allparish #peaceonearth Become a Parish Purpose Partner today and support our online ministry! https://www.wesharegiving.org/app/giving/WeShare-3473?tab=home Please subscribe to our channel!โดย All Saints Parish
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The Collect: BlessedLord, who hast caused all holy Scripture to be written for our learning; Grantthat we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digestthem, that by patience and comfort of thy holy Word, we may embrace, and everhold fast, the blessed hope of everlasting life, which thou hast given us inour Saviour Jesus Christ.…
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2024 Dec 8 SUN: SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Bar 5: 1-9/ Ps 126: 1-2. 2-3. 4-5. 6 (3)/ Phil 1: 4-6. 8-11/ Lk 3: 1-6 I imagine that many of us, when we're trying to read the Bible, find a particular frustration in that we would like for the Bible to be sort of like journalism or a history book that mentions dates. We want to know when certain events happ…
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And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ Baruch chapter 5 verses 1-9 Philippians chapter 1 verses 4-6, 8-11 Luke chapter 3 verses 1-6 Bulletin: https://www.mountcalvary.com/2024_12_08Advent2.pdf We lift up Christ in the beauty of holiness. https://www.mountcalvary.com/ Subscribe to th…
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