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True North High School Ministry

Compass Bible Church

We Exist to Engage Students with the Saving Gospel of Jesus We Exist to Equip Students with a Biblical Worldview We Exist to Train Students to Make More Disciples for Jesus We Exist to Connect Students with a Community of Serious-Minded Christians
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We studied Joseph’s full-fledged forgiveness of his brothers. There are many helpful insights about what Joseph does and does not do that teach us how to forgive. We pray for this sermon to maintain unity through biblical reconciliation when any conflict or bitterness arises!โดย Compass Bible Church
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God taught Joseph to trust him in prison so that he would honor him when in power. Joseph saved Egypt and his brothers instead of taking revenge. Our students should follow Joseph’s example and give up grudges!โดย Compass Bible Church
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Our next text discusses two brothers who respond in opposite ways when tempted by sexual sin. Judah runs into it and Joseph runs away from it. We need to order our lives by insights we gain from Judah and Joseph’s examples.โดย Compass Bible Church
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We are starting a new series this week on the life of Joseph where he is treated unfairly but patiently trusts God. In Genesis 37, each family member acts selfishly. We should learn from their bad example and also see God’s sovereignty in the sinful choices of the people in our lives.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Jacob has to deal with God before he is confronted by his brother Esau after a 20-year-long break in their rivalry. Jacob needs the mercy of God and his brother! So he struggles all night with the angel of the Lord, and he is humbled, then changed. We must go through a similar experience of “wrestling” as we deal with God to find mercy!…
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In these four chapters, we cover 20 difficult years in Jacob’s life where he is refined by pain that God allows in his life. It all starts with God’s promise to be with Jacob through it all. This is the right perspective for Christians today to have about their pain, trials, and discipline from God.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Each member of the patriarchal family sins in Genesis 27, and they wreck their relationships with each other. Each family acts in their own self-interest without considering what God would want them to do. I want our students to consider God’s desire for their actions every day!โดย Compass Bible Church
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Isaac’s life seems ordinary compared to his father Abraham’s and his son Jacob’s adventurous journeys. Our students can learn to study the truth of old times and walk in the steps of faithful people who have come before us.โดย Compass Bible Church
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We are introduced to Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob: a family of sinners. Our text shows Esau indulging his fleshly appetites and throwing away his future because he doesn’t care about eternal and spiritual things. How many church kids throw away spiritual blessings because they are enticed by their appetites!…
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In a break between Genesis sermons, we spent our time talking about everyone’s favorite question-producing topic: dating. We discussed the things the Bible clearly condemns and then talked about some wise guidelines for navigating romance leading to marriage.โดย Compass Bible Church
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In our day of abundance of Bibles, it is a shame that most Christians choose to direct most of their attention to worthless things instead of God’s life-giving word. This is a self-inflicted wound that our students can avoid by establishing good habits to read their Bibles.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Isaac, the promised son, is finally born after 25 years of waiting in faith. Then Abraham is told to banish Ishmael and sacrifice Isaac. In both scenes, God’s word is clear and Abraham’s obedience is immediate. We need to learn obedience from Abraham.โดย Compass Bible Church
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God told Abraham his plan to destroy Sodom but Abraham pleads for mercy for the sake of the righteous. Then God’s angels mercifully save Lot. Our students need to adopt the attitude of Abraham about God’s wrath and avoid the self-destructive compromises of Lot.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Sometimes God wants his people to wait patiently. Sometimes he wants us act quickly. Abraham and Sarah show us how to fail and how to succeed in these two areas. Our students will benefit from learning patience from their example instead of from the pain of God’s consequences.โดย Compass Bible Church
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In the midst of God’s great promises to Abram, the text of Genesis tells us that Abram trusted God and God considered him righteous. In Romans 4 and Galatians 3, we find out this is the experience of every person who places their faith in Jesus as well.โดย Compass Bible Church
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After a terrible failure of faith in Egypt, Abram bounces back in his separation and subsequent rescue of his nephew Lot. Our faith in God will be tested, and when we fail, we should get back up and respond like Abram.โดย Compass Bible Church
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We are introduced to Abram, the father of people who have faith in God. He receives a command to leave his homeland and a promise from God, so he responds with action. Our students should exercise the same faith in God’s word.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Wrapping up the Primeval History of Genesis 1-11, Moses tells us the tragic account of the Tower of Babel when humanity banded together against God and his authority. The world is still doing the same things today! We should humbly live by every word that comes from God.โดย Compass Bible Church
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We are still living in the post-flood world, where God’s instructions and rules for Noah’s descendants apply! Genesis 9 is an important passage to mold our Christian worldview.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Cain and Abel show us a frightening example of how bad sin can get when we let sin fester in our hearts. My prayer is that those of our students who live like Cain would be turned by God to a new kind of life!โดย Compass Bible Church
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When Adam and Eve sinned, they faced massive consequences from God. We bear the same kinds of repercussions for our sinful actions as well. Thankfully, in the midst of the curse God promises hope of redemption through Christ.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Satan’s main tactic in temptation is to attack the truthfulness of God’s word and the goodness of God’s commands. Our students need to be trained to stand up to Satan’s age-old schemes by trusting and obeying God’s word.โดย Compass Bible Church
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God says it is not good for man to be alone so he makes woman, and he will explain more the implications of this truth in the rest of the Bible. It is essential for our students to know and believe what God says about marriage and gender in our confused and rebellious world.โดย Compass Bible Church
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We studied the creation mandate from God to humanity and pushed our students to consider God’s purposes for men and women in his world. The most important action we can do to live out our purpose is to obey God’s word without hesitation or questioning.โดย Compass Bible Church
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The image of God is the defining characteristic of humanity in the creation account. It is the first thing we learn about humans in the Bible! If our students understand what it means for all people to be made in the image of God and the implications of this idea, they will be equipped to discern whatever lies the world spreads about humanity.…
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Genesis 1 is a text written in the historical narrative style and it teaches that God made our world in six days and then he rested on the seventh. Our students need to see the massive worldview and theological problems with the modern myth of naturalistic evolution.โดย Compass Bible Church
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As we begin our yearlong study of the book of Genesis, we must stop and consider all the theology and worldview data that is contained in the first verses of the Bible. God was in the beginning and created the world by the word of his power. Everything Christians believe depends on this!โดย Compass Bible Church
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John ends his letter with a warning against idols. Christians today can make idols of any good gift from God if we devote ourselves to them more than to God. In our hearts, we need to be on guard against this foolish and shameful sin!โดย Compass Bible Church
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John makes clear that each person who trusts in Jesus will be transformed, no longer prey to sinful temptations but characterized by love and obedience. We are called to confidently and consistently live out our faith because of Jesus’ life-transforming victory.โดย Compass Bible Church
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God’s word is clear that every person is either a child of God or a child of the devil and one’s lifestyle shows one’s spiritual parentage to the world. 1 John 3:1-10 will bring great comfort to true children of God and great fear for those who practice habitual sin and thus prove they are not aligned with God. Our students need to respond rightly …
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We are warned that those who walk away from the faith were never in a right relationship with God. Church kids should be on guard against walking away by being firmly rooted in the truth.โดย Compass Bible Church
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The apostle John warns Christians to stop loving the world and the evil things in the world because that kind of love is incompatible with loving God. Our students need to be warned against the allure of the world so that they would love God most!โดย Compass Bible Church
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We are all sinners before God, but only some people agree with God about how wrong their sin truly is. There is no hope for forgiveness from God without our humble recognition of our sins and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.โดย Compass Bible Church
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The apostle John reminds his readers that God is morally perfect and anyone in a right relationship with God will reflect God’s holiness in their life because the sacrifice of Jesus cleanses them from sin.โดย Compass Bible Church
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This high school ministry exists to prepare your students to live the Christian life in a non-Christian world until they grow old and die. We want True North to be the most important group that your students are a part of (besides your family) for their high school years.โดย Compass Bible Church
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Jesus demands that we do something about what he has taught us. It is not good enough for us to know or agree with what he says, but we need to obey. Our students need to just do what Jesus says over and over again.โดย Compass Bible Church
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God cares deeply about our thoughts, and we ought to be very careful to train our patterns of thoughts to glorify God. It is better for ourselves and everyone around us if our thought life is righteous.โดย Compass Bible Church
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