evangeli, gospel, evangelio
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Good day, music enthusiasts! I’m Evangeline Harrison, the ultimate music aficionado from the wonderful state of Wyoming! Music has always been my heart and soul, my go-to source of joy, and I can’t wait to share that joy with all of you. Information about me: Website: https://musitop.com/author/evangeline-harrison/ Address: 5272 Daniel Trail Suite 545 East Christine, WY Gmail: Evangelineharrison23@hotmail.com Phone number: 12158300749
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Divendres 2 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Viernes 2 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Jueves 2 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Dijous 2 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Dimecres 2 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Miércoles 2 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Wednesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Martes 2 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Tuesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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21 de gener: Sant Fructuós, bisbe i màrtir, i sants Auguri i Eulogi, diaques i màrtirsโดย Evangeli.net
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Lunes 2 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Dilluns 2 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Domingo 2 (C) del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)โดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Diumenge 2 (C) de durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Dissabte 1 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Sábado 1 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Divendres 1 durant l'anyโดย Evangeli.net
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Viernes 1 del tiempo ordinarioโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplar el Evangelio de hoy)
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Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Timeโดย servei@evangeli.net (Contemplating today's Gospel)
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Good day, music enthusiasts! I'm Evangeline Harrison, the ultimate music aficionado from the wonderful state of Wyoming! Music has always been my heart and soul, my go-to source of joy, and I can't wait to share that joy with all of you. Information about me: Website: https://musitop.com/author/evangeline-harrison/ Address: 5272 Daniel Trail Suite …
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