Our mission is to give people the true and lasting hope that Jesus and his disciples boasted to have for the world. We aim to do this by offering sermons and other resources created largely by our teacher, Don Patterson. Take time to tour this website and try out some of the sermons. We believe that your faith and hope life will be enlarged by the work of God here.
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We do not know a lot about Simon of Cyrene. But what we don know is that he got a close-up of his savior. He and his boys had to have processed the meaning of Jesus death and resurrection as we watch Simon carry Jesus' cross. We are thankful that Jesus carried our sins to the cross so we can live the rest of our lives in peace.…
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When God told Moses to put a bronze serpent on a stick and have people look at it who are snake bitten, he was not just healing them but was setting the whole world up to understand Jesus Christ. Only Jesus lifts up and can be the salvation of all humanity. (contentment, old testament sign of Christ, faith in the word)…
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Whenever the gospel is preached it gets one of two reactions: faith or belief. There is no in-between. We don't get our encouragement from how many accept it. We experience it's power to heal us and that is enough for us. (gospel power, faith, wisdom, foolishness, believe, foot of the cross, shadow of the cross)…
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Jesus shows us that his relationship with us is unconditional love after he paid for our sins at the cross and promised Peter he would go to Galilee to restore him. (Lent, Unconditional Love)โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Amory Stephenson
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The apostle Paul tells us how our baptism changed our identity and gave us a new relationship with Jesus that enables us to say no to sin and yes to God. (Baptism, New identity, victory, identity)โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Jesus gives us our "Bucket List." He wants us to make disciples for him, every one of us, so they will be with Him where no bucket lists are necessary. Matthew 28:16-20โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Jesus rules over absolutely everything for the good of his people, the church. The sooner we live by this truth, the sooner we will experience peace in every moment even the storms. Ephesians 1:15-23โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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David was a man after God's own heart and even after his terrible moral failures, God's grace raises him up to teach us how to be spiritually alive in grace. Psalm 51:1-9. February 22, 2023. Pastor Don Patterson. holyword.netโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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God graciously selected each one of us not because we were all that great. So, He wants us to live our Christian life in the place of knowing it was grace and not works that made Him choose us. When we live in this grace, we will be very loving and forgiving people without all of the pressure that self-righteousness puts on us.…
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Jesus was born in humble circumstances and God sent angels to tell the humble shepherds first so all people would know His grace included them. No one should think they are too plain or too sinful for God to redeem. Luke 2:10-15. December 24, 2022. Christmas Eve 4pm Service. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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When life hits us in the mouth our prepackaged plans fail us. Sometimes we doubt God too. John the Baptist doubted his previous paradigm. He took it to Jesus. When Jesus answers John, He helps us quit doubting too. Matthew 11:2-11. December 11, 2022. Pastor Don Patterson. Sermon study questions for Connect Group discussion, and for personal reflect…
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Jesus teaches us that faith must be fueled by His powerful words. When we trust Him to keep us in the faith by fueling our hearts with His Word, we will live our best life. October 30, 2022. Pastor Don Patterson. Sermon study questions for Connect Group discussion, and for personal reflection: 1. Read John 8:31-36. What did Jesus mean by “the truth…
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Pastor Patterson’s 30th Anniversary as a Pastor. Five of the core values of values people have that love God are: 1) Love believers like family, 2) Nice to strangers, 3) Are the for the suffering, 4) Champion marriage, 5) Don't make it about money. Hebrews 13:1-6โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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God set us up for success. He gave his law to bless us and the gospel to bless us more. Deuteronomy 30: 15-20โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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This then, is how you should pray: God centered, grace driven, spiritually committed. Matthew 6:5-13. August 7th, 2022. Pray Continually Series (3 of 3). Pastor Don Patterson.โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Date: July 17th, 2022, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, Connect Group 812 Topic: Mary and Martha Choose the better part by unplugging from the world and plugging in to Jesus. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Ruth 1:1-20 Sermon Date: July 10th, 2022, 5th Sunday after Pentecost, Connect Group 812 Topic: Peace, Purpose, Suffering, Wisdom, Ruth, Naomi, Boaz What in the world was God doing? He was giving Naomi a longing for heaven, giving the world a model of faith based love and was positioning his people to give the world a Savior. Pastor Don…
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Sermon Text: Numbers 6:22-27 Sermon Date: June 12, 2022, Trinity Sunday, Connect Group 812 Topic: Trinity, Forgiveness, Grace The blessing that God gave us through Aaron in Numbers, Chapter 6, lets God give us His family identity and assures us between Sundays that we have His blessing in guidance. Pastor Don Patterson…
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"What Babel has to do with Pentecost" - Genesis 11:1-9 Sermon Text: Genesis 11:1-9 Sermon Date: June 5, 2022, Pentecost Sunday Topic: Pentecost What Babel has to do with Pentecost? 1. Problems 2. Purpose 3. Pilgrimage Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: John 10:22-30 Sermon Date: May 8, 2022. , Good Shepherd Sunday We only have one good shepherd. Listen to his voice over the crowd and even over your own voice. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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EASTER FESTIVAL SERVICE Title: "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" - Luke 24:1-12 Sermon Text: Luke 24:1-12 Sermon Date: April 17, 2022, Easter Festival Service Topic: Jesus is Risen, Easter Easter interprets our lives. Be careful not to reserve this. Let the word and work of Christ do its' magic. Pastor Don Patterson…
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Sermon Text: Mark 14:32-42 Sermon Date: March 30, 2022. 5th Wednesday in Lent Keep watch with Jesus, to see his patience and his enormous sacrifice. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Mark 14:1-11 Sermon Date: March 23, 2022. 4th Wednesday Night Lent Service. Topic: Devotion Devotion to Christ is deeply personal and Christ’s devotion to us is deeply personal. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: John 2:1-11 Sermon Date: January 16, 2022. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Topic: The Wedding at Cana, Miracle Don't do life without Jesus. Instead learn to pray and then trust He will do great things for you.โดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Joshua 1:5-9 Sermon Date: December 31st, 2021, New Year’s Eve Topic: God’s Word God teaches us the way He taught Joshua to face the year ahead remembering to follow His word instead of the world and remembering that he is with us. We are never alone against our struggles. Pastor Don Patterson…
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Sermon Text: Luke 1:39-55 Sermon Date: December 19th, 2021, 4rd Sunday in Advent Topic: Blessed Life, Mary’s Song Mary visits Elizabeth and has her faith strengthened by her trusted cousin. Her song teaches us to live by the promises of God. Pastor Don Pattesonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: John 5:23-29 Sermon Date: November 14th, 2021, Saints Triumphant Sunday Topic: Justice in Heaven, Justice, Grace The best day of your life! Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Mark 10:46-52 Sermon Date: October 24th, 2021, 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Topic: Faith, Prayer God wants us to humble ourselves and ask for His help. When we do, He wants us to recognize His greater help in salvation. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: Hebrews 3:1-6 Sermon Date: October 17th, 2021, 21st Sunday after Pentecost Topic: Focus on Jesus! He is our teacher, high priest and the owner of our house. Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: John 17:15-21 Sermon Date: October 3rd, 2021, 19th Sunday after Pentecost Topic: Prayer Jesus prayed that we might live in the gospel. 1. Protected from the devil and his lies. 2. By grace separated from the world that is addicted to self. 3. Unit in love and truth. 4. So that the world gets the best opportunity to meet God. Pastor Don…
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Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 Sermon Date: August 22nd, 2021, 13th Sunday after Pentecost, Communion Conversations Series Topic: Communion In regards to the Lord’s Supper, don’t be an idiot. It is reverent union with God. We fellowship with God and each other. Communion Conversations: What’s the Union in Communion? (4 of 4)…
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Sermon Text: Hebrews 10:11-18, Mark 14:24-25, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Sermon Date: August 8th, 2021, 11th Sunday after Pentecost, Communion Conversations Series Topic: Communion, Sacrifice, Body, Blood Jesus' sacrifice replaced the entire Old Testament system and fulfilled are their imageries. When we take in his body and blood we are intimately con…
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Sermon Text: Luke 16:1-9 Sermon Date: July 4th, 2021, 6th Sunday after Pentecost, UnReal People with Real Life Stories Series Topic: Shrewd Manager Unreal people with real life stories: The shrewd manager. 6th Sunday after Pentecost. Unreal People with Real Life Stories Series (2 of 4) Pastor Don Patterson…
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Sermon Text: Mark 4:26-29 Sermon Date: June 20, 2021, 4th Sunday after Pentecost Topic: God is stoked about his word because it works and because it makes us his partners in life. Senior Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: 2 Timothy 4:7-8 Sermon Date: June 19, 2021, Victory Celebration for Donny Ray Vickers Topic: Peace, Hope, Faith We can be happy for Donny because he was kept safe in the faith and because he has an inheritance that will never fade. Senior Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1:3-7 Sermon Date: June 10, 2021, Victory Celebration Topic: Peace, Hope, Faith We can be happy for Ron because he was kept safe in the faith and because he has an inheritance that will never fade. Senior Pastor Don Pattersonโดย Pastor Don Patterson
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