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Fuel Stop Chats with James & Chris ~ ~ ~ Twitter and Instagram @fuelstopchats

Featuring Chris Black and James Matrisciano

Whenever you are on a motorcycle ride, either a trip across the country, a weekend clover leaf with some friends or just out to get new bottle of whiskey and cigars, if you ever stop for gas, more times than not, someone will walk up and say those famous two words, "Nice Bike..." and a conversation usually goes from there. This podcast is about Motorcycle talk, trip advice, packing lists, history, routes, cigars and more. James and Chris are not professional riders, but are passionate about ...
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show series
A man, or being, dressed from head to foot in camouflage and a gas mask has been seen in the woods near Mauls Switzerland. He hung around for about ten years before vanishing. Along Route 351, people used to see a faceless man, called Charley No Face, walking along, late at night. He was also known as The Green Man. The Poe Toaster used to visit Ed…
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What is going on behind some people's eyes. They don't want to look at those around them. It is said, the eyes are windows to the sole. Can you really see what is going on in a person's mind by looking into their eyes. What happens if you stare into someone's eye for several minutes. How about recognizing criminals just by looking in their eyes.…
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In January 2024 a bunch of giant aliens went shopping at an open air mall in Florida. The videos were all over the internet followed by stories of this being a bunch of kids gone wild. Nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. What was really going on in Miami? Would aliens go shopping on the first of the year, or any tim…
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Over the years people have encountered creatures with human bodies and heads of some other being. Some of these creatures had the heads of humans and the bodies of animals. Here are a few sightings of things that shouldn't be found on our planet.
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As I was searching for other things, like the Luisiana Whistler, I came across several stories I just had to go into further. Things like what ever happened to Rudolf Diesel, the inventor of the engine. How about Ireland's Vanishing Triangle. The Circleville Writer, and the Catman of Greenock. There are some strange things going on around us.…
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Some kids get a toy, play with it for a while, and move on to the next thing. Others get a toy, and it becomes part of their life. What happens when too much emotion is poured into an inanimate object. Where does all that energy go? There are many stories of dols becoming something other than a toy.
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Shortly after the American Civil War, folks began to enjoy the yellow fruit from South America. Bananas became very popular yet hard to find. They had to e grown, harvested, shipped, and purchased, all before they got too ripe to eat. When Costa Rica needed a railroad, the construction was traded for land. Soon bananas could be found in every store…
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People report encountering staircases in the middle of nowhere. These stairs go, up, or down, but there is never any structure for them to allow access to. Some of these steps are old and falling apart, while others look as if built yesterday. Is this just a hoax or is there something sinister going on in the deep, dark, woods.…
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Carlos Casteneda wrote many books on subjects such as Indian teachings, using peyote to enhance the mind, transcendental meditation. He told people he was born in Brazil, yet he was from Peru. He told about his time learning from an old Indian named Don Juan, who was very wise in the ways of magic. In his books he talked about being able to turn in…
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There are some people out there who still claim Columbus discovered America. WE still celebrate his day with parades. Washington DC is named for him. There is an enormous pile of evidence showing others from Europe and Asia were here first. Let's take a look at some of the people who should be credited with finding our country.…
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For centuries people have been finding livestock killed in mysterious ways. Sometimes there is little to no damage. Other times parts have been removed with precise incisions. Bodies are found completely drained of blood. There have been humans found as well.
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Some people believe the Earth is flat. They say this is the real reason we don't fall off the sides. Any photographic evidence is declared fake. Folks have gone to great lengths and expenses to prove we stand on a disc instead of a globe. Here are some of the ideas you van ponder and decide what you think.…
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We have some folks living in Laredo that seem to be existing in their own private world. They talk to people the rest of us can't see. They behave in a manner most of us consider crazy. There are way too many Street People considering the size and location.
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Here is a humorous little video sent to me by Vic Hermanson, of Trailer Trash Terrors, and Paranormal Rundown. I've been saying Organic Man Coffee Trike is the best coffee in the universe, it would appear I'm right.
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Where does our mind go, late at night, while we slumber? Many cultures believe dreams come from the gods. Some dreams might be warnings of bad things in our futures. Here is what I could find about how our minds can be entertaining, or confusing.
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There aren't many companies that have their own army and navy. The East India Co. was granted the power to seize land, ships, and enslave people. They shipped tons of opium into China to control the public. They invaded parts of India in the name of making money. There never was, and hopefully never will be, a company like it.…
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Many years ago, I was a paramedic. I had many hours of training in both emergency departments and ambulances before I became a Wilderness Medic. Here are some of the weird. unexpected, things I encountered while trying to save lives without getting killed.
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In times of war, people see and do unimaginable things. The rules no longer seem to apply. People have reported seeing and doing things the folks back home consider unbelievable. Here are a few stories from Europe during the conflict.
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In the 1500s, European sailors and explorers reported encountering giants, some up to twelve feet tall, in Patagonia, the southern tip of South America. The folks back home thought they were seeing things or outright lying. A giant was captured to take back as evidence, but it broke lose while out at sea. The crew was forced to kill him. The body w…
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I was asked about the Albatwitch, and the Vegetable Man. I'd never heard of either, so I did what I do, I researched. The Albatwitch is a small, hairy creature that eats apples. The Vegetable Man was an alien that attacked a man in 1975. I also looked into the Beast of Bladenboro, the Dark Watchers, and the Hodag. Here are some little-known encount…
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Right around 1915, the folks in Hollywood began working with the government to get the United States Citizens, ready to go to war. This endeavor continued during World War II. The military found recruitment improved when people were shown war movies. At some point, the people in Hollywood began disguising truth with fiction. Putting out secret proj…
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How does dowsing, or using a pendulum work? Is there any real benefit in lucky charms? Why do people fear Friday the 13? I'll look into whether there is magic involved or is this some natural phenomena. 42 has more significance than Douglas Adams thought.
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For thousands of years people have been seeing creatures in or near the water that look like half human, half fish beings. Some have described them as monsters, that had huge mouths filled with sharp teeth. Others say these creatures were beautiful females. With so many sightings we have to wonder, is there a race living in the oceans that just mig…
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Are there a bunch of soldiers stationed in space ships out watching for alien invaders? Some say this has been going on for decades. There are some who say the Nazis built a Moon Base back in 1942. Is this all just speculation, or is there one, or many, secret space programs going on around us.
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The ability to do things using Natural Power has been with us since recorded time. Some use the "Right Hand Path" for healing and helping others. Some go to the "Left" to gain power and do harm. Here is a brief rundown on magic and how it has been around forever.
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From 1950 up until 1991, the NATO nations and the Soviet Bloc nations were at war. No jets attacked each other's armies, no bombers rains death and destruction down on their cities. The "war" was cold. Massive weapons were stockpiles to a point the world could be wiped out dozens of times. Trillions of dollars were wasted on trying to get the upper…
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What is waking people up at night, scarring them so badly, some...have died. Is the shadow government conducting mind control experiments which has led to deaths. Could there be demons sneaking about interfering with our lives. People have been injured by beings they couldn't see. Here are some stories to think about next time you awake to some mys…
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Here is my third show on these mysterious creatures people report seeing all over our planet. Sometimes people see the shape with a hat on its head, other times they look like animals. What they are or why they're here, is hard to say.
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Do aliens, from some distant star system, live here on Earth? Maybe they use the Moon as a rest area, or an underground base? What would an alien being look like, and more important, why are they here. Here is my take on visitors, or more likely, are we the only living creatures in our Solar System.
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People report seeing a huge, hair covered creature deep in the swamps around the United States. These things leave behind footprints that don't resemble any sasquatch. They have three or four toes, with claws. From the Honey Island, to Fouke Arkansas, here are a few stories.
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That "Lone Gunman" story just doesn't add up. The reason no one wanted to look into the Kennedy murder was the government began ridiculing anyone trying by calling their efforts, "Conspiracy Theories." Who had a reason to kill the president? Who was willing to help him?
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Why do parents send their kids to bed with stories of monsters, hiding under their beds, and expect them to sleep at night? I just about every part of the world, weird creatures are out to get you if you don't behave. Not all Bogymen are there to terrorize children. There are a few that go after the parents who don't take care of their kids.…
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On August 7, 1679, le Griffon was launched into Lake Erie. It managed to sail across Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan before being sunk in a storm. People have been searching for this wreck for hundreds of years, yet it is still a mystery as to where it might be.
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There are some things out there that might just scary you into not wanting to step outside. From flying, blood sucking heads, to headless horsemen. Things to make walking around at night a bit more thrilling just knowing you might not be alone. Get ready for Halloween by listening to some scary stories that are said to be true.…
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This is the second look at people who sustain themselves by drinking blood. All over the world, there are legends, stories, and real-life accounts of blood sucking creatures, some undead, and others still breathing. A little something to get you ready for Halloween.
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Back in the 1800s, they had no idea how to treat the folks with mental problems. Their best idea was to lock them up and hope they got better. Rhoda went from bad to worse until the people responsible for "taking care" of her locked her in a tiny box...for forty-four years. Here is her story.
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In England, they have a bizarre set of hairy hands that attack people driving or riding through the Dartmoor National Park. In the Americas, we have a hairy hand that hides under people's bed. What is i8t that people are seeing? Here is what I could find on this creepy item.
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Most people think of Poe as the writer of dark poetry. Few know he invented what we call Detective Stories today. He also wrote science fiction stories that inspired other writers such as Jules Verne and H G Wells. Here is the story few people know.
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For thousands of years, people have tried to make contact with those who have passed on, to find out what the future might hold. At first, everyone had to employ those with special abilities. Some of these people were just in it for the money. Today we have electronic devices that are cheaper than ever. Here are some of the ways, the dead have been…
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Who was Rudolf Hess and why was he kept in prison so long after World War II ended? Some say this was all simple revenge. Others say Rudolf Hess wasn't the one also known as Prisoner #7. Whoever he was, #7 had an entire prison to himself. Did he commit suicide, or was he murdered to keep some deep, dark secret from the light of day?…
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Unknown objects are being found under the skin of folks all over the country. When removed, some of these odd items are giving off radio signals. No one knows what these things are made of or where they come from. Are they tracking devices, or used for mind control? Here is what is out there on alien implants.…
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