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Jireh Bible Church Chinese Sermon Series

Jireh Bible Church

以勒圣经教会(Jireh Bible Church)是一个位于休斯顿,不隶属于任何宗派、地方性的教会。教会信仰完全基于聖經。相信新舊兩約六十六卷書, 都是神逐字逐句默示的話,在原卷中毫無錯誤, 為信徒信仰與生活完整無繆的標準。教会多年来蒙神托付多元种族事工,现有中英文两种语言的主日崇拜、细胞小组、以及週三門徒訓練和祷告会等聚會。欢迎慕道友与主内兄弟姐妹与我们一同追求敬拜这位掌管天地的三一真神。 本系列Podcast信息,是教会主任牧师李名功博士礼拜日在中文部崇拜聚会的讲道。
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show series
Speaker: Adam Godshall Series: Philippians: The Joy of Life in Christ Text: Philippians 4:14-20 Theme: Giving is Gain. My giving... One: ...participates in both need and reward. Help for the receiver's need Gain to the giver's account Two: directed to both others and God. v.16 - you sent me help v.18 - the gifts you offering to God.…
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The Roman governor in Jerusalem, Claudius Lysias, whisked Paul away by night to the city of Caesarea, where he handed him off to the regional governor named Felix. Let's tune in as Felix Flounders.1 - The Flimsy Accusations (1-9)2 - The Firm Defense (10-21)3 - The Flaky Judge (22-27)โดย Jim Harris
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Our worship must be reserved for God alone. He is rightly jealous for His own glory to be displayed and adored in the hearts of His people. We must flee from anything that would usurp God's exclusive place in our lives.โดย Scot Chadwick
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Why is the world such a mess?Short answer...people. We have:1. Misdirected Love2. Broken Relationships3. Powerless ReligionThe solution? The gospel. The power of the gospel to change lives. Have you experienced it?โดย Jeremy Estrema
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In Luke 6:46–49 we come to the end of Jesus' sermon the plain. Here Jesus confronts us with a question: will we build our house with a foundation on rock or with no foundation at all? There's no in-between when the floodwaters of life come. We may have said, "Lord, Lord," but if we have stopped with words then we will not be safe on that day. Jesus…
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Join us as we dive into Philippians 4, exploring the intricate blend of conflict resolution and the pursuit of joy within the Christian community. Discover how the Apostle Paul advises addressing conflicts and cultivating a heart that rejoices in the Lord, despite life's tumultuous circumstances. The episode also sheds light on the importance of re…
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Conrad Martin preaches his third sermon on Haggai.The first sermon can be found here: second here: more about IRBC, visit:โดย Conrad Martin
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Новая проповедь Старшего Пастора Библейской Церкви "Дом Молитвы" "Плодоносная жизнь" Карпенко С.С Подписывайтесь на наш канал. Благословений
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