Beta สาธารณะ
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show episodes


Igreja Presbiteriana Betânia

Ouça aqui as mensagens dos cultos e breves reflexões e compartilhe. Nos assista 'ao vivo' em nosso canal do YouTube e nos siga nas redes sociais para ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece em nossa Igreja. Vamos espalhar as Boas-Novas do evangelho de Cristo! @igrejabetaniasf Jesus está VIVO! Contato: +55 (21) 99694-7755 Endereço: Av. Rui Barbosa, 679 - São Francisco, Niterói - RJ; 24360-440.
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Igreja Betânia

Bem vindos ao Betacast! o podcast da Igreja Betânia de São Leopoldo, RS. nosso conteúdo é retirado do nosso canal do youtube, venha ver! ✝️O que somos? Somos uma Igreja diferente e descomplicada! 📌Qual nosso objetivo? Temos como objetivo levar as pessoas a conhecerem e serem como Jesus! 📖No que acreditamos? Acreditamos que a bíblia é a palavra de Deus! 📍Onde estamos? Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 2262 - São José, São Leopoldo - RS 🕵 Siga nossas redes sociais! Perfil do Instagram: ...
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Wisconsin Public Radio

"BETA" comes from producer/host Doug Gordon. BETA is a polyphonic mosh pit where high culture and low culture collide, taking an immersive, innovative, playful and provocative approach to exploring arts, culture and technology.
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Samiec Beta

Samiec Beta

Mateusz Płocha i Szymon Żurawski wyruszają na poszukiwania prawdziwej męskości. Przedzierając się przez dżunglę pnączy z testosteronu starają się odnaleźć siebie, a przy okazji trochę się pośmiać. Słuchasz na Spotify? Pamiętaj o zaobserwowaniu i kliknięcia w dzwoneczek. Macie ciekawe screeny albo historie? Prześlijcie je na Jesteś osobą słuchająca i chciałabyś nas wesprzeć? Zapraszamy na nasz Patronite, gdzie znajdziesz próg specjalnie dla siebie: https://patronit ...
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Betatalks the podcast


Welcome to Betatalks the podcast, in which we talk with friends from the development community. We chat not only about technology, but what drives them, inspires them and makes them unique. Rick (Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft) and Oscar (CTO at Virtual Vaults), invite developers, makers, Open Source maintainers and other amazing people from the .NET and Azure development community. Looking for more content? Have a look at our Betatalks video's.
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The Betar Project

Nick Betar

I was once labeled the shy, quiet, introverted kid — a label that became my identity and dictated my life. But in 2019, I made a decision to break free from my comfort zone and start creating the life I truly wanted. That’s when 'The Betar Project Podcast' was born. My mission is simple: to push myself toward becoming the best version of who I can be by engaging with the highest-performing men in the world. And I’m bringing you along for the ride. Through raw, unfiltered conversations, we’ll ...
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"Nathan is brilliant at making the complicated simple..." Amber Rudd (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change 2015-16) BetaTalk is an award winning podcast for Local Authorities, Social Housing Groups, Think Tanks, Government, Journalists, Consultants, Developers, Gas, Oil and Heat Pump engineers and the general public. It is hosted by Nathan Gambling who's family have been involved with heat pump technologies for nearly half a century. "Nathan is one of the UK's clean heat leaders, ...
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Out of Beta

Matt Wensing & Peter Suhm

Follow our journey as we build and launch two startups. Hosted by Matt Wensing, founder of Summit, and Peter Suhm, founder of Reform.
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Betari Aisah

Podcast ini adalah adaptasi dari blog Membahas banyak hal tentang refleksi kehidupan, mental well-being, dan personal growth!
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Thal Pals: The Alpha Beta Revolution

BloodStream Media

Thal Pals: The Alpha Beta Revolution Podcast is intended for patients, caregivers, providers, and the greater community of people who are impacted by thalassemia. Each episode strives to provide listeners with critical education, the latest scientific updates, and voices from the thalassemia community. Learn more about thalassemia by visiting Join an inclusive community and build connections with other hemolytic anemia allies by following @AllyVoicesRising on Instagra ...
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Life in Beta: A Type 1 Diabetes Podcast

Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre

Failed infusion sets? Continuous glucose monitor screaming at you in the middle of the night? Then you’ll find this show super-relatable. It’s by people with type 1, for people with type 1, and we talk about it how it is - like every day is a science experiment! Each episode we share personal stories, tips and tricks, the latest news, and talk about how to manage type 1... so that it doesn’t manage you!
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The betamigos podcast

DJ sets and occasional remixes/mash-ups from Oxford (UK) based, DJ and producer betamigos (bee-ta-me-goes). Spanning the last 15+ years and mixing house, electro, breakbeats, dubstep, EDM and more.
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Podcast Betakopoites ini lebih obrolan santai bersama teman2 pencinta Liverpool garis kenyal. kami bercerita tentan tim kesayangan kami LFC baik dari sisi permainan dalam lapangan. gosip transfer, dan beta punya juga ngobrol seputar kegiatan2 regional baik dalam kepengurusan BIGREDS atau teman2 yang memiliki fans base didaerah tersendiri. Podcast ini podcast nya Tim LFC garis kenyaal :D
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Mark Pesce - Betabank


The global banking system as we know is changing, so will you be ready for it? From transformations in how we save, spend and invest, futurists Mark Pesce & Andrew Davis explore the rise of the ‘Neobank’ on this new series… BETABANK!
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O Betacast é o Podcast da Liga dos Betas do site Nyah! Fanfiction. Ele traz conteúdo de maneira descontraída e animada, ao mesmo tempo em que procura transmitir conhecimento e educação para todas as pessoas que gostam de ler e escrever.
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Iz Betanije

Radio Ognjišče

"Najstrašnejša revščina je osamljenost in občutek, da te nihče nima rad." Besede svetnice matere Terezije so našle odmev tudi v rubriki, ki trikrat na teden prinaša raznolike vsebine: od obravnavanja pasti sodobnega načina življenja, izzivov zakonskega življenja in vzgoje, do duhovnih spodbud in vsebin za starejše. Naš namen je, da bi iz Betanije (hiše stiske) odšli spodbujeni in vsaj malo manj obteženi.
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show series
W dzisiejszym odcinku ustalamy poziom smalcowości bohaterów masowej wyobraźni: Donald Tusk, Tomasz Lis, Leszek Miller, Jarosław Kaczyński, Pudzian, Jan Paweł II, Marcin Najman, Lech Wałęsa, Mateusz Borek, Krzysztof Gonciarz, Krzysztof Stanowski, Robert Mazurek, Sławomir Mentzen, Krzysztof Bosak, Grzegorz Braun, Jakub Rzeźniczak, Karol Nawrocki, Mar…
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🧊 About the episode Who Do You Want to Be? On the surface, it’s a simple question, but getting to the core is often a devious stumbling through masquerade — “Is this really what I want to be doing?”, “Is this me or who I used to be?”, “What’s next?” Marcus Garcia is turning 50 this year and he’s lived a lot of lives in that time. These questions ha…
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Growing up in a New York City suburb, Corey Robin was influenced by his public high school teachers who taught American history via the Socratic method. Today, Robin tries to replicate that magnetic energy in his own classroom as a political science professor at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center while authoring books and essays that hav…
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Está semana en el Poscast Beta tenemos un episodio muy especial y es que tenemos por primera vez a @RionYun pero de manera presente en la grabación, para hablarnos del remake de Silent Hill 2 y resolver algunas preguntas ¿es el mejor de la serie para comenzar a jugar? ¿por qué no tuvimos primero un remake del primero? ¿que podemos esperar a futuro …
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This week on BETA, guitarist Chris Stein reflects on his pivotal role as a founding member of the rock band Blondie. Also, film writer Ian Nathan takes us on a post-apocalyptic tour of the Mad Max Cinematic Universe. And novelist Holly Wilson introduces us to one of the most intriguing female characters you’ll ever meet.…
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Don't you just hate it when your body doesn't follow the rule book? Today we're adding to the ever-growing list of "your diabetes may vary" with the foot-to-floor phenomenon, caffeine and bacon! We're also diving into the tech troubles with Omnipod controllers (PDMs) — who knew the 3G shutdown could cause so much chaos? Not to worry though, Adam, C…
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On this episode of Thal Pals, NinaMaria hosts Tamara Schryver, president of the Thrive with Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Organization. They discuss the importance of nutrition for patients with hemolytic anemias such as thalassemia and PKD. Tamara offers practical dietary tips and emphasizes the significance of nutrient-dense foods and vitamins. Stay…
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Pare um minuto e analise as afirmações que você fez hoje. O que você disse para as pessoas seria classificado como bem-disse, mal-disse ou apenas disse?É comum, sem nos darmos conta, passar um dia maldizendo. Sua 'dicção' pode ser uma 'maldicção' (sim, daí vem a palavra maldição) para a sua vida e de pessoas que acompanham você.E tem uma maldição m…
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Nathan welcomes back to the show Trystan and Glyn, the brilliant team behind BetaTalk would also like to mention the legendary John Cantor, one of the UK's first ever heat pump gurus, who has helped the team develop this wonderful learning tool This show is PACKED with fantastic information so check out the chapter markers if yo…
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W tym odcinku Samiec Beta staje w szranki z Podcastexem w rywalizacji pełnej nieśmiesznych żartów, ciekawych(?) anegdot i mało błyskotliwych ripost. Wszystko w atmosferze sportowej rywalizacji i pod czujnym okiem Marty Nowak, która swoją charyzmą i humorem pilnowała, żeby panowie nie przesadzili z testosteronem. Kto wygrał? A może zwycięstwem byli …
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“Browsers aren't a business. Browsers don't make money. These are loss leaders for other connected experiences because no one wants to pay for the window to the web." The DOJ wants to take Chrome away from Google. Arc wants to build a better browser for everyone. Rob Kenedi wants to decelerate tech with his new show, which is not (yet) a browser. L…
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In this episode, Sean Tomlin, also known as Hori Humor, shares his journey from growing up in a rough neighborhood in Wellington, New Zealand to becoming a popular social media content creator. Sean discusses the origin of his unique name, his troubled youth involving theft and vandalism, and the transformative impact meeting his partner had on his…
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A movie with a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes... Matt is in a funk... Thanksgiving... Doug finds some hidden treasure... Matt's son provides podcast gold... How realistic is the idea of being offered stuff for a 5 star recruit... All that plus a few things more...
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Notorious heat pump design expert Michael, from Option Energy Solutions in Brighton Sussex, comes on the show with Tom from Somerset. Tom runs Arlow Plumbing and Heating and has a team of five involved in the installation of gas and oil boilers. Tom started installing heat pumps quite a few years ago and has recently teamed up with Michael who has …
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Fé é o assunto mais importante da sua vida. E é possível que, proporcionalmente à importância que tem, seja também o assunto mais negligenciado.Você pode oscilar em algumas coisas na sua vida, mas jamais deveria oscilar na sua fé.Hoje, vamos ver como Jesus desenvolveu uma fé inabalável em uma pessoa que era extremamente oscilante.…
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In this episode, we chat with Stefan Judis, a frontend developer. Stefan shares his journey from mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to his current roles in Developer Relations and as a Playwright ambassador. We discuss the challenges of frontend development today, highlighting the need to balance complexity and simplicity while staying focused on …
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“I’m using failure with intent today, because I don’t want to be ashamed of saying ‘failure.’" Marie Chevrier Schwartz, founder and former CEO of Sampler, explains how her company lost product-market fit after a decade in business. Recorded live on the BetaKit Keynote Stage at SAAS NORTH 2024. The BetaKit Podcast is presented by The BetaKit Quiz. T…
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Está semana regresamos con un tema muy relajado, platicamos de esos extraños comportamientos y manías que tenemos ya sea dentro de un videojuego como lo que hacemos mientras jugamos ¿por qué todos somos acumuladores de items y dinero virtual? En las clásicas secciones tenemos: Opening: Trillion Game Datos Curiosos: Servilletas Random: Materias que …
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In this conversation, Sean Mcinroy delves into the importance of personal boundaries, the necessity of being honest with oneself, and the transformative power of setting boundaries in relationships. Sean shares his journey of emotional growth, the pivotal moments that encouraged him to establish boundaries and prioritise his mental well-being. He e…
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Musician JD McPherson sits down with us to discuss his latest album – “Nite Owls.”Also, Jean Hanff Korelitz joins us to talk about the sequel to her best-selling novel, “The Plot.” It’s called…”The Sequel.” And one of our favorite film critics, Ian Nathan, returns to share his thoughts on Steven Spielberg’s movies.…
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This episode is part of the Meet the Maker series where we highlight an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the story behind some of your favorite – and soon to be favorite – products, that’s what today’s conversation is about. We’re doing this because we believe that thoughtfully-designed gear …
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This episode is part of the Meet the Maker series where we highlight an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the story behind some of your favorite – and soon to be favorite – products, that’s what today’s conversation is about. We’re doing this because we believe that thoughtfully-designed gear …
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Idźcie od kina na "Kneecap". I się trochę pośmiejcie. ***Zapraszamy do wsparcia na:⁠⁠⁠⁠Możesz nam postawić kawę na:⁠⁠⁠⁠ Nasza grupa „Samiec Beka" (memy, komentarze itd.): / 736889207766543 ***Materiał powstał we współpracy z Gutek Film, dystrybutorem filmu "Kneecap. Hip hopowa rewolucja"…
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This episode is part of the Meet the Maker series where we highlight an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the story behind some of your favorite – and soon to be favorite – products, that’s what today’s conversation is about. We’re doing this because we believe that thoughtfully-designed gear …
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Quantas vezes a sua teimosia te impediu de avançar na vida? Você já se sentiu estagnado por ter se magoado com alguém ou com alguma situação? Muitas vezes a forma como reagimos a diferentes circunstâncias que vivemos não condizem com o que é esperado de alguém com a nossa idade cronológica. O fato é que todos, sem exceção, precisamos crescer e amad…
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This episode is part of the Meet the Maker series where we highlight an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the story behind some of your favorite – and soon to be favorite – products, that’s what today’s conversation is about. We’re doing this because we believe that thoughtfully-designed gear …
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The microgeneration certification scheme (MCS) recently became aware of a non-certified business targeting and encouraging MCS installers to break scheme requirements. We chat to Ben who has recently become MCS registered to discuss the situation along with his transitional journey into the world of heat pumps. We also discuss a current topical: Go…
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This episode is part of the Meet the Maker series where we highlight an entrepreneur who is making specialty gear for ice climbers. If you’ve ever wanted to hear the story behind some of your favorite – and soon to be favorite – products, that’s what today’s conversation is about. We’re doing this because we believe that thoughtfully-designed gear …
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The beginning sounds like ass 'cause Matt forgot to hit record... Timezones, who do they work... Doug likes to gaslight people... Matt is a big pussy... Doug takes in the arts... Doug poops in a cave and is ashamed... Matt poops in his pants and is not... A movie can exist by any rules it wants, but it has to obey those rules... Doug throws a curve…
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Está semana toca turno del tradicional programa “al revés” donde comenzamos por la despedida y terminamos con la bienvenida, para el tema de está semana nos ponemos turbios y morbosos con algunos desarrolladores de videojuegos que han sido arrestados ya sea por ambición personal, errores inocentes o gustos personales. En las clásicas secciones tene…
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“Canada is hitting above its weight. It doesn’t always feel like that.” Inovia Capital CEO Chris Arsenault joins to share data and a long-term perspective on the state of the Canadian software industry in 2024, recorded live on the BetaKit Keynote State at SAAS NORTH. Check out Inovia’s report and read along with the podcast! The BetaKit Podcast is…
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