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show episodes

A Better Beirut

Nicolas Dahan

A podcast featuring people trying to make Beirut (and Lebanon) a better place to live, now and for the future. New episode every other Monday. Hosts: Samir Ballouz & Farrah Berrou Producer: Nicolas Dahan Patreon:
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Resurrection Church Beirut Sermons

Resurrection Church Beirut

Resurrection Church Beirut's vision is to love God and to love our neighbours. RCB seeks to respond to the incredible needs around us. This includes: caring for those who have fled conflict in neighbouring countries: providing hope, love and community, as well as medical and relief supplies; seeking to educate and train Lebanese and Syrian young people who are likely to drop out of school; providing a place of fellowship and teaching to all who would join.
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From LA to Beirut

Rita Saikali

Hosted by Jihad Saikali & Rita Saikali, FromLA to Beirut is an exciting talk show that interviews Middle Eastern Starts, and gets to know them in a fun and exciting way. The show also focus on the importance of reading and information sharing. Every week, the hosts choose a new book to share with the audience and they discuss it with the guest asking deep questions that are centered around the theme. The show airs on Radio MT Lebanon in Los Angeles KWBP FM 90.1
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أهلاً وسهلاً على بودكاست "ذكريات بيروت"! رح نحكي عن تاريخ بيروت ولبنان قبل الحرب، ونكشف عن الذكريات المنسية. كيف كانت الحياة زمان؟ وشو قصة كل شارع؟ ورح نتعرف على الشخصيات البارزة ونسمع قصصهم مع الحكواتي طارق كوا! استعدوا لرحلة فريدة لتاريخنا المشترك Welcome to the Beirut Collective Memory Podcast! Join us as we explore the pre-war history and uncover the hidden stories of Beirut and Lebanon. What was life like back then? What memories do the streets hold? Get to know the prominent figures as ...
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Voci da Beirut

Francesca Mannocchi – Chora

Voci da Beirut è un podcast live, realizzato lungo le strade del Libano. Francesca Mannocchi, giornalista, documentarista e regista – una delle voci che con più forza negli ultimi anni ci ha raccontato il Nord Africa e il Medio Oriente – ci porta in viaggio con lei in Libano attraverso un podcast registrato in presa diretta per le strade di Beirut. Nel suo documentario in voce ci mostra i numeri allarmanti di un’economia al collasso, spiegandoli attraverso le storie degli uomini e delle donn ...
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show series
Albert Kostanian returns to The Beirut Banyan.In this short episode he candidly shares frustration regarding a campaign to discredit his economic views and media reputation, debunks accusations of shadow funding and behind-the-scenes government orchestration regarding Kulluna Irada, dispels smear tactics increasingly used to sideline reform-minded …
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POINT COUNTERPOINT - Episode 3An exchange on political affairs impacting Lebanon and the Middle East, with a unique vantage point from Beirut. Co-hosted by Michael Young (senior editor at Carnegie’s Middle East Center and editor of Diwan) and Bashshar Haydar (professor of philosophy at AUB) - both Beirut-based analysts sharing their nuanced perspec…
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An episode on a new and unexpected duo: President Joseph Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam.Covering the dramatically shifting security climate that brought about rapid political change, Joseph Aoun's leadership and the consensus that ushered in his presidency, Nawaf Salam's clean slate and the majority vote that guaranteed his prime min…
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Words shared on the closing evening of Aaliya's Books.With Nadia Tabbara, Brother Michael, Wael Taleb, Ronnie Chatah & William Dobson.For Niamh Fleming-Farrel, William Dobson & the Aaliya's community.The podcast is only made possible through listener and viewer donations.Please help support The Beirut Banyan by contributing via PayPal:https://www.p…
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An interview by the gifted Marie Jo Sader, a Paris and Beirut-based independent journalist and 2023 Lokman Slim Prize winner for her investigative work on the circumstances of Lokman Slim's assassination.A discussion on the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, a retrospective on anti-Assad protests that shaped Lebanon in 2005 and wider implications f…
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An episode on the fall of the Assad regime and its implications on Syria and Lebanon.Covering the rapid collapse of the Assad regime, identity formation in the wake of over half a century of minoritarian rule mired by tyranny, where Iran stands in the near future and a wider ambition for the region carried by hope.With Bashshar Haydar, professor of…
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Recorded Thursday, 5 December 2024. Three days before the Assad regime's fall.An episode for Syria & Lebanon. Hosted by Ralph Baydoun (founder of Influeanswers) with George Wardini (director of PolyBlog) and Ronnie Chatah (host of The Beirut Banyan).Ralph Baydoun leads the discussion and posits 'resistance'-focused counter narratives to neutrality …
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Outtakes from an interview on my New Lines piece following Hassan Nasrallah's death titled "Dust Over Dahiyeh".Link to article: podcast is only made possible through listener and viewer donations.Please help support The Beirut Banyan by contributing via PayPal:https://www…
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POINT COUNTERPOINT - Episode 2An exchange on political affairs impacting Lebanon and the Middle East, with a unique vantage point from Beirut. Co-hosted by Bashshar Haydar (professor of philosophy at AUB) and Michael Young (senior editor at Carnegie’s Middle East Center and editor of Diwan) - both Beirut-based analysts sharing their nuanced perspec…
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في هذه الحلقة، نتناول تاريخ سوق القزاز المعروف أيضاً بـ سوق بيهم وعيتاني. تأسس هذا السوق في النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر خلف مبنى بلدية بيروت، وكان مركزاً هاماً لبيع الأدوات المنزلية الزجاجية والبورسلانية.سنكتشف كيف كان محمد البربير من أوائل التجار الذين تعاملوا مع أوروبا، وتلقى فناجين قهوة صينيّة مخصصة له. سنتحدث عن الأجهزة المنزلية التي كانت …
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في هذه الحلقة، نأخذكم في رحلة عبر الزمن لاستكشاف تاريخ شارع المصارف في بيروت. نبدأ من سوق الخراطين القديم، الذي كان يُعرف بصناعة الأدوات الخشبية وتطويرها. ثم ننتقل إلى سوق الرصيف، السوق المفتوح الذي كان يتيح للناس عرض سلعهم على الأرصفة، تمامًا مثل سوق البرغوت.سنتناول أيضًا كيف تحول الشارع ليصبح مركزًا حيويًا للكتابة والطباعة في أوائل القرن العشرين،…
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اليوم رح نتعرف على 'سوق سرسق والنزهة'، واحد من أشهر الأسواق القديمة في بيروت. هالسوق نشأ بالقرن التاسع عشر بعد ما تم بيع سرايا الأمير منصور عساف سنة 1882، واشترتها عائلات سرسق وتويني. بعد الهدم، بنوا سوق صار يُعرف باسمهم وباسم 'سوق النزهة'.كان السوق مليان بمحلات الأقمشة والثياب الجاهزة، وكان آل سرسق من أشهر تجاره. مع الوقت، صار السوق مركزاً للأرمن …
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أطلق إسم الفشخة، وكان عبارة عن سوق ضيق للغاية، لا يكاد يتجاوز مترين، الأمر الذي جعل أهل ذلك الزمان يطلقون عليها إسم سوق الفشخة أي الخطوة نظراً لضيقه وقد جرى توسيعه في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر وأُطلق عليه إسم الشارع الجديد، وكان يمتد من بوابة السرايا إلى الساحة الحميديّة التي هي اليوم ساحة الشهداء وبعد توسيعه في ذلك العهد جرى تمديده إلى بوابة إدريس. و…
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رح نتعرف اليوم على أحد أبرز الأسواق التاريخية ببيروت، “سوق الطويلة”. إسم هالسوق عنده أصولو وقصصه الفريدة يلي بتعود للماضي. رح نستكشف تاريخ هالسوق وكيف صار مركز رئيسي للتجارة والحرف .اليدوية ببيروت. تعرفوا معنا على بعض الشخصيات البارزة والمحلات الشهيرة لي كانت جزء من هالسوق !تذكروا معنا سحر بيروت القديمة وأيام الأناقة…
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سوق البازركان كان من الأسواق البيروتية الهامة، حيث كان يجتمع فيه البيارتة وأهالي الجبل لشراء الأقمشة وأدوات الخياطة. يقع السوق في باطن بيروت بالقرب من جامع الأمير منذر المعروف بجامع النافورة، وجامع الأمير شمس الدين، الذي دُفن فيه الأمير محمد شمس الدين الخطّا بعد استشهاده في الحروب الصليبية. كان سوق البازركان سوقًا مسقوفًا ومكونًا من طابقين، حيث خُص…
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كان موقع هذا السوق قريباً من سوق سرسق، وكان يختص بصنع الشبق أو الغليون وما يرتبط من صناعات لها علاقة بالتدخين والمدخنين، ومن مصنوعات السوق النرابيج للنراجيل، والعمل على دبغها بمختلف الألوان لا سيما اللون الأحمر، وكان يباع في هذا السوق أيضاً الأدوات الزجاجيّة والنحاسيّة المرتبطة بالنراجيل، وكان صانع الشبق أو صاحبه يُسمى الشبقجي بينما نافخ الغليون أو…
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كان هذا السوق من أكثر الأسواق البيروتية نشاطاً. أنشأه سنة 1864 سعد أفندي حمادة وإخوانه على أملاكهم في تلك المنطقة وأسموه سوق السيد نسبة لوالدهم السيد عبد الفتاح آغا حمادة متسلم بيروت في حينه. وفي سنة 1877 إشتراه إخوة من عائلة اياس وسمي بإسمهم. كان هذا السوق يصل ما بين ساحة مطعم العجمي عند شارع طرابلس شمالاً وبين شارع ويغان عند باب ادريس جنوباً، وكا…
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سوق الجميل كان من أبرز الأسواق البيروتية في منطقة المجيدية، يمتد من شمال شارع البطريرك الحويك وصولاً إلى شارع ويغان في باب إدريس. تم إنشاؤه سنة 1894 على أراضٍ كانت تضم بساتين بجوار حائط السور، وسُمّي 'الجميل' نظراً لجماله وتنظيمه. ضم السوق 72 حانوتاً متنوعة، من بينها محلات للأدوات الكهربائية، الهواتف، التحف الفنية، والأشغال الحريرية. وكان مركزاً لب…
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هالمرة رح نحكي عن سوق العطّارين، اللي كان قلب بيروت النابض بالعطارة والأعشاب والوصفات الطبيّة.هالسوق كان مثل الصيدلية الشعبية، حيث العطّارين بيعرفوا كيف يخلطوا الأعشاب والزيوت ليعالجوا فيها الناس. خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى، اضطر العطّارين ينقلوا دكاكينهم إلى سوق أبي النصر، وهناك صار اسم 'دبّوس' مرادف للعطارة. :مثل ما قال الشاعر الشعبي عمر الزعنّي …
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From a panel that took place in late November 2013, with the presence of Switzerland and Austria’s then-ambassadors to Lebanon.Including some of my father’s last words on the fundamental need for neutrality, 1701’s necessity, what neutralization actually means and how it worked (albeit briefly) in the 1950s & 60s.We should have no role in regional …
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On all that is happening in Beirut's southern suburbs, southern Lebanon and the region vis-a-vis Israel and Iran. Along with absent Lebanese diplomacy and the upcoming port blast anniversary.The podcast is only made possible through listener and viewer donations.Please help support The Beirut Banyan by contributing via PayPal:…
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Recorded Monday, 29 July.Reflecting on escalation between Hezbollah and Israel and deliberately staying in Beirut throughout the conflict.With predictions on post Majd Al Shams retaliation by Israel and a potential response by Hezbollah, along with thinking through worst case scenarios and red lines that have yet to be crossed.Also includes a look …
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Reflecting on the ongoing Hezbollah-Israel war in southern Lebanon and its impact on daily life away from the battlefield.Looking back on periods of relative calm vs manageable instability, the long-term political and societal impact of failed governance, false economies and tourism destinations like Batroun, and an acceptance of impunity and injus…
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مع الوقت، شوارع بيروت كلها تغيرت، بس مع هيك في أسواق وشوارع قديمة اسمائها بقيت معنا لليوم. هالمرة رع نتعمق بسوق أبو النصر، اللي كان معروف بصيدلية الأعشاب البيروتية والمشهور باالعطارة وبيع الحلويات. سُمّي هالسوق نسبة إلى الشيخ محمد أبو النصر عمر اليافي، وانبنى على قطعة أرض منحها له السلطان عبد الحميد، وأقام فيها زاوية كانت النواة الأولى لجامع محمد ا…
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Reflecting on the July 2006 War and UNSCR 1701 eighteen years later, during a time of escalation and regional war's expansion.Looking back on humanitarian assistance in times of emergency and crisis, the Lebanese government's negotiating role in helping shape UNSCR 1701, a return to border conflict and battlefield over armistice and deterrence and …
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Episode 405: The War PhotographerA journey into memories of growing up along Beirut's demarcation line during the Lebanese civil war, a professional pursuit of conflict photography across the region and the difficult journey of mental health awareness and personal recovery.With Patrick Baz - award-winning photojournalist and photographer, and autho…
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The final episode for the first season of Social Work Research Hub's miniseries, covering social work history and research in Lebanon along with intergenerational dialogue among social workers.Tonight's guest is Solange Sakr.- Holds a bachelor's degree in social work from Saint Joseph University (1965)- Started working in social security as a socia…
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POINT COUNTERPOINT - a new miniseries for The Beirut Banyan podcast.An exchange on political affairs impacting Lebanon and the Middle East, from a unique vantage point in Beirut. Co-hosted by Bashshar Haydar (professor of philosophy at AUB) and Michael Young (senior editor at Carnegie’s Middle East Center and editor of Diwan) - Beirut-based analyst…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guest is Hyam Hahi.- Over 40 years of experience in social work, primarily in academia.- Holds a BA in social work from Saint Joseph University (1971) & MA in social work from Laval University in Quebec, Canada (1984).Hosted by social w…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guest is Moussa Jadoun.- Twenty years of experience in social development (1964-1983)- First-rank social worker at the “Office du Developement Social” مصلحة الإنعاش الاجتماعي.- Former Director General of the National Employment Office (…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guest is Therese Tawile.- Over 50 years of experience in social, developmental, and awareness raising (CEMEAL and volunteer work camps).- Additionally involved in relief work (SEF) and nine years of volunteering with Caritas Jbeil durin…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guest is Nawal Ghostine- Over 40 years of experience in social work.- Nurse and social work graduate from Saint Joseph University (1959).- First social worker at the Lebanese Electricity Company.Hosted by social worker Aimee Ghanem - fo…
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A conversation with Tamara Rasamny - MA at Columbia University's Climate School.A look at the student encampment at Columbia University in support of Gaza, the wider meaning of a global movement demanding justice and freedom for Palestine, Tamara's own detainment during the police raid on Columbia's campus, and a reflection of her participation in …
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guest is Janne Ghostine.Janne has over 40 years of experience in social work, working with juvenile delinquents and child protection services, and co-founded the Dar Al Amal Association.She is nurse and social work graduate from Saint J…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guests include:Renee Khoury, a specialist in medical social work and activist in mental health issues.And Jeanine Nawfal, with over four decades of social work experience.Hosted by social worker Aimee Ghanem - founder of Sworld.Audio ve…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guests include:Rajaa Chatila, specialized in social work, with 32 years of professional social work experience, social training, and university teaching/education. Consultant in administrative and professional development.Majidaa Jbeily…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guests include:Mirna Dagher, coordinator and professor in the Department of Medical Social Work at the Lebanese University and director of Brad Al-Hay Association. And Helena Rizkallah, a specialist in medical social work and sctivist i…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guests include:Hiyam Kahi - with over 40 years of experience in social work and academia. And Christelle Hleyhel - specialist in medical social work and an activist in child protection issues.Hosted by social worker Aimee Ghanem - found…
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A miniseries covering social work in Lebanon, dialogues between different generations of social workers.Tonight's guests include:Diana Abi Aad, a specialist in medical social work.And Mariam Mauzi, a specialist in medical social work and activist in child protection and environmental issues.مريم موزي، اختصاصية في العمل الصحي الاجتماعي، ناشطة في قضا…
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