Jede Woche lädt Barbara Schöneberger zum „Frühstück bei Barbara“ ein. Von Matthias Schweighöfer bis Ilka Bessin kommen alle, die sich unbedingt mal von Barbara ein Frühstücksbrot schmieren lassen wollen. Es geht um hartgekochte Eier, um alten Schwitzekäse und wilde, private Gespräche. Trägt Matthias Schweighöfer zum ersten Kaffee morgens nur Socken? Und warum bekommt Max Mutzke Plüsch-Handschellen geschenkt? Das hört ihr samstags ab 6 Uhr in "Frühstück bei Barbara".
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Programs from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
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Join us every week for encouraging sermons, deep discussions, and a faithful pursuit of Jesus through His Word. More info on our website:
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Barbara Rainey mentors women in their most important relationships. She loves encouraging women to believe God and experience Him in every area of their lives.
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Podcast focusing on Barbara Gordon’s path from Batgirl to Oracle
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Sermons from each Sunday at Santa Barbara Community Church
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Welcome to "Barbara London Calling." Join curator and author Barbara London as she explores the most innovative art of our time. Each episode features a conversation with a groundbreaking artist working at the forefront of technology and creativity.
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Fairness, Feminismus und die Frage, wie Gesellschaft wachsen kann. Ich möchte euch jede Woche zu einem spannenden Gespräch mitnehmen, das sich um diese drei Dinge dreht und uns alle ein bisschen schlauer macht. Ich freu mich, wenn ihr mit mir dabei seid. Alles Liebe, Barbara
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Why Struggle? podcast with Barbara J. Faison shares ideas, insights and simple practices to live an intentional life and thrive. Enjoy meditations, affirmations, and practices along with musings from daily living. - all the links
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TV Santa Barbara provides means for diverse communities to tell their stories, hear each other’s stories, and create new stories together. By providing virtual and physical spaces for individuals and organizations to come together, TVSB creates pathways to collaborate, build relationships, and strengthen our community. Our mission is to empower people to grow as a community by making media that matters.
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Financial and retirement planning guidance from Rockford’s Barbara Lane & Phil Guske of Pathfinder Wealth Management.
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Barbara Karlich plaudert jeden zweiten Samstag auf Radio Burgenland mit prominenten Gästen über ihre Lieblingsbücher. Welche Bücher lesen die Stars, wie haben diese ihr Leben beeinflusst und welche literarischen Stellen haben sie besonders berührt - darüber spricht die TV-Talk-Queen mit ihren Gästen auf Radio Burgenland.
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From rabbits to rhinos! Have fun with practical application and get "mental" with behavior science. Animal training expert Barbara Heidenreich helps you solve your behavior problems and reach your training goals.
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The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment with Gilda and Barbara
Barbara Wainwright & Gilda Simonet
This is an introduction to our podcast series where Barbara Wainwright and Gilda Simonet explore concepts of Spiritual Enlightenment with Eckhart Tolle. This is a book study of Eckhart Tolle's work with commentary as to how we interpret the concepts and how we can apply them in our lives now. We have a Facebook group and we'd love to have more like-minded individuals join us.
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Quotidiane curiosità in onda dalle 12 alle 13 su Radio Ticino e Radio Ticino Channel HD.
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Welcome to First United Methodist Church, Santa Barbara (FUMCSB). We are members of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN), a growing movement of United Methodist individuals, congregations, campus ministries, and other groups working to fully include all God's children in The United Methodist Church. We are located at 305 E. Anapamu, Santa Barbara, CA.
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Embark on a journey through the heart of Santa Barbara with the 'Living in Santa Barbara' podcast. Hosted by Kathy Henry, a seasoned realtor and local with deep insights into our vibrant community of Santa Barbara, this podcast unveils the diverse tapestry of lives and stories that often remain unseen amidst the scenic beauty of our town. From eclectic personalities to hidden treasures, join us as we shine a light on the authentic essence of Santa Barbara, one neighbor at a time. Whether you ...
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By the power of the Holy Spirit and with Jesus' transforming love, we draw people to Christ, disciple them in the faith, and equip them for ministry.
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Santa Barbara, California with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Santa Barbara plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Santa Barbara).
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Welcome to the Bárbara ✨💎✨ podcast, where amazing things happen.
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In den „Diversity Insights“ spricht Impact-of-Diversity-Gründerin Barbara Lutz mit Vorreiter:innen im Diversity Management und stellt Unternehmen wie Projekte vor, die sich erfolgreich für mehr Diversität und Inklusion in unserem Arbeitsalltag einsetzen. Ihre Gesprächspartner:innen geben dabei spannende Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und teilen offen ihre Erfahrungen. Jede Episode zeigt beispielhaft, wie Diversity & Inclusion gelingen können, und soll allen Interessierten Mut machen, selbst aktiv ...
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📍560 N La Cumbre Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 🤝Ven con tu familia y recibe la bendición que Cristo tiene preparada para sus vidas!"
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The Cosmic We goes beyond race and racism to consider relatedness as the organizing principle of the universe, exploring our shared cosmic origins though a cultural lens that fuses science, mysticism, spirituality, and the creative arts. Together with prominent cosmologists, shamans, biblical scholars, poets and activists, Center for Action and Contemplation core teacher Barbara Holmes and co-host Donny Bryant unveil the “we” of us beyond color, continent, country, or kinship to conjure unse ...
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Quick intro
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Welcome to the Barbara Olori podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Barbara gets an earful about everyday life
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Barbaras brevduer slippes løs. I en digital tid er brevkunst forældet, så Barbara Gjerluff Nyholm genopdager disciplinen i et intimt univers, og sammen med ugens brevgæst giver hun dig inspiration til, hvordan du kan skrive dig tættere på et andet menneske.
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Uplifting and encouraging messages from Mychurch
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Iryna Shev, Olivier Bonamici, José Milhazes e Giuliana Miranda são as Invasões Bárbaras da SIC Notícias. Quatro olhares cruzados com raízes ucranianas, franco-italianas, luso-eslavas e sul-americanas sobre o retângulo nacional (e não só)
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Welcome to the Bárbara Cantú podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast o zdrowym stylu życiu, zmianie nawyków, skutecznym odchudzaniu - bez diet i spiny, samoakceptacji, pewności siebie i rozwoju w zgodzie ze sobą.
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Interviews with polymaths show their way of perceiving the world. We get to know who they are and what they achieved in business and life.
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Hier kommt der Podcast zum Blog "Redefreude mit Barbara" für alle, die noch entspannter und überzeugender präsentieren wollen. Music:
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Kriseninterventionsdienst Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Ein ehrenamtliches Engagement.
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Mit «Barbara Bürers Kosmos» führt Journalistin Barbara Bürer weiter, was sie während zwölf Jahren im Telefontalk «nachtwach» bei SRF Woche für Woche getan hat: Jenen das Wort geben, die sonst nicht im Rampenlicht stehen. Während Menschen aus der ganzen Schweiz am Telefon ihre Lebensgeschichten erzählen, verfolgt das Publikum vor Ort die Gespräche mit Funkkopfhörern mit. Via Live-Stream werden die Telefonate übers Internet weiterhin in die Stuben des Landes übertragen. Daten: 14. Juni / 5. Ju ...
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Podcast by Mortgage Matters Santa Barbara, California
continue reading We are a community devoted to exploring, learning, and engaging with those who have reached a waypoint with God.
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Podcast by Dr. Barbara Taylor Cox, Concierge Pediatrician at Personal Pediatrics of Houston, Texas. Dr Barbara brings 30 years of experience to her weekly podcast focusing on all aspects of children's health and well being.
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Mrs Barbara Nice is finally persuaded to sit down for half an hour or so and share what's she's been getting up to that week. Spend time in Barbara's world and meet some of her friends too as they discuss topics close to her heart.
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Produced for both aspiring and recognized digital thought leaders, the show focuses on how social media contributes to creating and sustaining business in social selling, brand storytelling, content marketing, social search, AI, social media, digital marketing, and digital PR, Barbara interviews friends in high places. Tune into smart insights that will keep you on top of today's fast-emerging trends. Grow your social business, reach, and relationships with Barbara Rozgonyi.
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Men and women deal with life, it’s trials, transitions and triumphs, differently. Over the years of being on the radio with FamilyLife Today I had the privilege to talk about many of these common seasons of a woman’s life with our huge listening audience. We’ve pulled the best of the best for you to download and listen according to your need of the moment. I hope you will listen, pass them on to others and be encouraged by these conversations!
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I’m smart at getting to where I want to go, and I can teach you how to do it! I had 22 jobs before starting my real estate company with a $1000 loan and built it into a $5 billion business. Today I’m a ’Shark’ on ABC’s hit show "Shark Tank." It didn’t take a fancy degree to get here but took street smarts and a lot of courage. Life is too short to waste your time practicing someone else’s fancy theory on success. I give you the straight talk and the confidence to get there. Got a question? C ...
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Welcome to The Transitions Podcast with Barbara! Want to elevate your communication to the next level? Want to learn from the best language experts out there? Ready to create a game changing impact for your business through the power of communication? If that’s you then my Brand New Podcast is exactly the place you want to be tuning in every week. Each episode is a deep dive into understanding the power of communication and learning cultural knowledge when dealing with global clients. You wi ...
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Hope Community Church, a non denominational Christian church serving Santa Barbara, Goleta, Isla Vista UCSB, Montecito, Carpinteria, Santa Ynez, Solvang, Buellton, and Lompoc Contemporary, casual in style, passionate in faith No Perfect People Allowed
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The Sage Money Conversations podcast is telling and candid. In this expose on life and wealth, Barbara Norman, CFP® shares three decades of stories that uncover common financial mistakes and the emotional vulnerabilities of money. Gain wisdom from the experiences and creativity of others who are on a path to financial security. Her weekly chats include life-empowerment experts, professional advisors, CPAs, family law/estate planning attorneys, and more. Advisory services are offered through ...
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Episodioโดย RFT
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A New Earth - Chapter 7, Section 04 Finding Who You Truly Are - Knowing Yourself & Knowing About Yourself
12:58The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment with Gilda and Barbara In this episode, we cover "A New Earth - Section 04 Finding Who You Truly Are - Knowing Yourself & Knowing About Yourself" by Eckhart Tolle. Gilda Simonet and Barbara Wainwright have been studying Eckhart Tolle's work for ages. For the podcast purposes, we plan to go throu…
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All the links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON This is the podcast about using affirmations for increasing your confidence. If you're new to the podcast, welcome, and if you listen regularly, thank you. If you're interested in learning about the other tools for living that I've covered, check out, episodes, six, seven, and eight. A few weeks ago, I mention…
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030925 Good News! Great Joy! All People: The Need to be Needy
18:39Join Pastor Robb as he continues his series on Luke's gospel - "The Need to be Needy." Scripture Reading: Luke 10:27-35 Visit us on Sundays at 305 E. Anapamu, Santa Barbara, CA. Find out more at www.fumcsb.orgโดย Pastor Robert Fuesler & Pastor Liz Aguilar
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Journalists Panel | Newsmakers with JR
37:56The battle over re-opening the pipeline that ruptured and caused the Refugio oil spill remains unsettled, despite an epic hearing before the Board of Supervisors, Margaux Lovely reports on this week’s edition of Newsmakers TV, as Josh Molina brings the latest on City Hall’s efforts to rein in evictions and e-bikes, and Ryan P. Cruz updates ongoing …
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Pastor David Guzik continues our study through Psalm 119.โดย David Guzik
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Barbara Karlich Buchklub mit Ursula Strauss
1:03:13Barbara Karlich Buchklub mit Ursula Strauss
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#183 Wie erreichen wir endlich Gleichstellung, Doris Schmidauer?
24:32Doris Schmidauer ist First Lady und hört das gar nicht gerne Die Frau von Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen ist auch Politikwissenschaftlerin und war viele Jahre im Club der Grünen tätig, ehe sie beschloss, sich voll und ganz der Unterstützung von Frauen in unserer Gesellschaft zu widmen. Gerade hat sie ihr erstes Buch veröffentlicht, es hei…
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Frühstück bei BarbaraEin frisches Brot vom Bäcker und ein Mundspreizer - was das mit dem Frühstück von Paul Panzer zu tun hat, und ob er verschiedene am Schnarchen erkennen kann, hört ihr in dieser Folge "Frühstück bei Barbara"!โดย barba radio
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Secrets to Low and Nothing Down Strategies
1:13:26Learn the secrets to buying investment properties with little or no down payments in Santa Barbara. This class is Module 25 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the loans you use to invest in real estate with little or no down payment? What are the real estate investing strategies y…
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The Joys and Challenges of Parenting Teens
15:17Teenagers are sometimes headstrong and over-confident. Dennis and Barbara Rainey say there's a reason God gives parents to teens. The Raineys help you navigate the choppy—and rewarding—waters of the teen years.โดย Barbara Rainey
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Learn how paying yourself first, finding a mentor, and understanding compound interest can set you up for a secure financial future. Important Links: Pathfinder Wealth Management: Schedule a 15-minute Consult: Buy the book, Roadmap For A Stress-Free Retirement: Find Ou…
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3.05 | Kameelah Janan Rasheed
46:52In Episode 5, Barbara speaks with Kameelah Janan Rasheed, an artist, author and educator who was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2021. A self-described learner, Kameelah currently teaches in the sculpture department at Yale University.โดย Barbara London
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Falling in Love with Nature: The Values of Latinx Catholic Environmentalism
49:14Through a focus on Spanish-speaking Catholics, Amanda Baugh sheds light on environmental actors hiding in plain sight. Drawing from ethnographic research conducted across Los Angeles, Baugh, Professor and Associate Chair of Religious Studies and Director of the MA Program in Sustainability at California State University, Northridge, demonstrates th…
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Brothers and Sisters! Rev. Dr. Colleen Hurley-Bates (3.2.25)
16:06Brothers and Sisters! Rev. Dr. Colleen Hurley-Bates (3.2.25) by Sermonsโดย Sermons
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โดย Margaret Chapman
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After some brief updates about the Buffalo Bills and my new language journey, I review Batgirl vol. 6 #4 and Birds of Prey vol. 5 #18. Stella’s Dungeon of Smut and my literature recommendations also appear. The post Episode 257 appeared first on The Batman Universe.โดย The Batman Universe
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44. Living in Santa Barbara - Regenerating the Future: White Buffalo Land Trust on Healing the Land
51:07The White Buffalo is a sacred symbol in Native American culture representing hope, renewal, and a balanced relationship between humans and nature. Today, it reminds us of our responsibility to take care of the planet and ourselves. By following its message, we can make more sustainable choices, recognize how everything is connected, and work toward…
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Welcome to Look What You’ve Done!, a brand-new mini podcast series within the Animal Training Fundamentals catalog. This series follows the R.I.A. (Relate, Illuminate, Activate) approach—highlighting the remarkable stories of pioneers in animal behavior science, illuminating their contributions, and providing tangible steps to activate progress in …
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