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On this Father's Day we kick off a new summer series looking at a story about two lost brothers, a gracious father, and a simple question--will you come home? Luke 15v11-32 Taught by Stephen Collinsโดย 26 West Church
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Paul describes the life of a missionary as a race. We are all missionaries. We are all called to run with passion and purpose. What does it look like to live on mission today? Taught by Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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When we say the word “God” what do we mean? In this teaching we explore a biblical theology of “God” and what that means as we share the Good News in our diverse and eclectic city. Taught by Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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Starting in chapter 7, Paul turns to answering honest questions the church had about following Jesus in their different stages of life. We find practical wisdom for the married, single, divorced, and widowed. We can live faithful to Jesus where we are. Taught By Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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In 1 Cor. 6v12-20, Paul talks about the importance of our physical body. We are the embodiment of Jesus to the world and what we do with our bodies affects this. Ultimately, our bodies are part of the Gospel, bought with a price and promised to be raised again. Taught by Ryan Doucetโดย 26 West Church
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Paul gives both a strong warning and a beautiful promise. Entering into the kingdom of God isn’t automatic. But all who repent and believe are “washed, sanctified, and justified.” Taught by Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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We’re looking at another area where the church has lost its way and forgotten who it is—in this lawsuit between believers. Identity leads to activity, behavior follows belief. In today’s text we find 3 areas where Paul reminds the church of our identity, so we can live in alignment with it today. Taught by Stephen Collins…
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How do we engage in conversations about gender with a biblical worldview? Taught by Jose Zayas (Some audio "echo" problems in the first 10 minutes of the podcast. Audio clears up at 12:12)โดย 26 West Church
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There is a world of difference in comprehending a vision of Biblical sexuality, marriage, and sexual immorality versus actually living this vision out. World of a difference between knowing it and living it. So, how do we live out this Biblical vision of sexuality? How do we walk in sexual integrity for God’s glory, our joy, and the good of others?…
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John 4How did Jesus approach people who lived differently? How do Jesus followers navigate differences in healthy ways? And what about specific questions on how to live this out? Taught By Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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How do we live out the way of Jesus together as a church when it comes to human sexuality? When a Jesus follower steps out of the bounds of Scripture, what do we do? How do we live out a biblical worldview in a world saturated with competing worldviews?โดย 26 West Church
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Based on the Old Testament, it shouldn’t have been so unexpected that the arrival of Jesus would entail a mission to reach the poor with the good news, but coming and living as one of the poor? That was unexpected for many then and perhaps for many still today. Luke 1v39-56 Taught by Ryan Doucetโดย 26 West Church
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What does the word “spiritual” really mean? The Corinthians think spirituality is about the immaterial or other worldly. Paul redefines true spirituality as people empowered by the Holy Spirit. - Taught by Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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Taught by Dan Braga Paul compares and contrasts the wisdom of God with the “wisdom” of the world as seen in the Greek sophists, itinerate philosophers, and teachers. He gives three examples. The third is preaching. After preaching with “eloquence” on Mars Hill, in the genre of the Greek sophists, Paul travels fifty miles to Corinth and changes his …
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Paul compares and contrasts the wisdom of God with the “wisdom” of the world as seen in the Greek sophists, itinerate philosophers, and teachers. He gives three examples. The second is God’s people. “Not many noble are called...” God uses the weak, poor, and broken to glorify Jesus and expand the kingdom.…
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The gospel can’t be understood with the lenses of human wisdom, it’s another way entirely. So will we trust in what makes sense to us according to our human “wisdom” or will we take the risk of faith and trust in Jesus’ counterintuitive cross? ---------------- Taught by Stephen Collinsโดย 26 West Church
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It might be tempting to view the end of Colossians as just a list of random names that has little impact on our lives, but in these "credits of Colossians" there are actually massive revelations and profound truths that we don't want to miss. Taught by Stephen Collins.โดย 26 West Church
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It's one thing to show love and care for strangers or people we don't know well. But what about the people who are closest? What does it look like to follow Jesus in marriage, as parents, and as kids? Taught by Jose Zayasโดย 26 West Church
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How do we live in this new family and Kingdom? We’ve got to get our new clothes on, let Christ saturate to our core, and live all of life all for Jesus. Taught by Stephen Collinsโดย 26 West Church
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How does being made alive in Christ shape our lives? We've been transferred into a new Kingdom and family, but what does life look like in this new Kingdom and family? Paul says that we've got to get our minds right, get violent with our sin, and get our new clothes on. Taught by Stephen Collins.โดย 26 West Church
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Paul addresses specific pressures the Colossians were facing AND we still face today: struggling to truly know what we believe, being influenced by the "unspiritual" ways of the culture around us, and being disconnected from Jesus and His Church. Taught by Ryan Doucetโดย 26 West Church
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In this turning point of the letter, Paul exhorts the Colossians that as you received Jesus as Lord, now walk in Him, He has set you free, so don't be taken captive again. Taught by Stephen Collinsโดย 26 West Church
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