1000x is a crypto markets podcast hosted by professional traders Avi Felman and Jonah Van Bourg. We bring on experts to dive deep into the macro and micro factors that represent the lifeblood of digital money and web3. As an increasing share of economic activity and attention migrates online, tokenomics and price action is increasingly relevant to everyone. If you’re interested in the future of markets and crypto, this show is for you.
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Warum schrumpeln Finger im Wasser? Woher kommt das Seitenstechen? An welchem Tag haben die meisten Menschen Geburtstag? Hier finden Sie viele Antworten - und nützliches Wissen.
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Childhood is finite at just shy of 9.5 million minutes. We only get one shot at it. One of the biggest decisions we make is how we will use that time. Research has confirmed time and time again that what children are naturally and unabashedly drawn to, unrestricted outside play, contributes extensively to every area of childhood development. The importance here cannot be understated. Every year we aim to match nature time with the average amount of American kid screen time (which is currentl ...
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The most insanely intriguing Would you Rather show there is!
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10.000 Fogueres és el programa de betevé 91.0 fm dedicat a la música al carrer conduït per Nando Cruz.
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Home of #TheUndrground #Clips and more! Your one stop shop for raw unfiltered content! Donate to support us directly at cashapp/jedijackson
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Le mythique jeu de France Inter, plus ancien jeu radiophonique de l'Hexagone, présenté par Nicolas Stoufflet Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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A podcast celebrating all things weird (mostly movies).
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Der Interview-Podcast von Oliver Zenglein, dem Gründer von The Boutique Agency. Oliver lädt Gründer:innen ein, um herauszufinden, was die Menschen hinter den Unternehmen bewegt und was wir von ihnen lernen können. Zu Gast sind ausschließlich Unternehmer:innen, die einen besonderen Impact erzielen und einen Wertekompass besitzen, der über Gewinnmaximierung hinausgeht.
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More a life journey than a show, Ron Placone goes on a quest to interview 1000 different people who have piqued his interest in some way. One conversation. One time. Fans of lefty politics, punk rock, folk, garage, cats, comedy, film, horror, REJOICE! From Ren Faire Professionals to Academics to Porn Stars to Journalists, all of the guests are united by having a story the world needs to know.
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Le podcast indépendant fun et politique par Julien Paniac, avec des discussions sur l'actu et des jeux.
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Every day, we experience 1,000 waking minutes on average. How are you spending yours? Join Dr. Wendy Bazilian on a journey to Eat well, Move daily, Be healthy.®, three pillars she believes can optimize these precious minutes toward your healthiest, most fulfilling life. With a healthy dose of Dr. Wendy’s infectious energy, she invites you to share time together to help you develop a real and compassionate connection to your health, your community, your environment, and most importantly, your ...
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The Founder of 1000 Days Sober, the Strive Sobriety System and the Strive Model for Change.
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Welcome to "10000 Adventures," the ultimate podcast for anyone craving Minnesota's thrill-packed escapades. Tune in as we guide you through the best activities, hidden gems, and unforgettable experiences the Land of 10,000 Lakes has to offer. Join our hosts as they chat with local experts, adventurers, and enthusiasts, sharing stories and insider tips to inspire your next journey. Whether you're into outdoor hikes, cultural explorations, or culinary delights, "10,000 Adventures" is your go-t ...
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1000 Ways to Market Your Business by Pushing the Envelope is a marketing communication podcast that will help businesses grow. Hosted by Samantha Scott, APR, President and Owner of Pushing the Envelope, a Fort Myers, Florida-based marketing and public relations agency, 1000 Ways to Market Your Business dives deep into how businesses can succeed using marketing. Find out more at getpushing.com.
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Becoming an entrepreneur takes grit. Deciding to do it solo takes courage. This is 1,000 Routes, the podcast where we explore the stories of solopreneurs who have made the bet on themselves to build a business that serves their life. Every episode you'll hear about the lessons they've learned and the uncommon routes they've taken to stand out in a world that is purposefully trying to commoditize them.
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Die Künstlerin Edda Schnittgard, ehemals Bestandteil des Comedy Duos „Queen Bee“, trifft den Ingenieur Dirk Riepe. So gegensätzlich die beiden sind, vereint sie der besondere Blick auf das Leben; „Der tiefergelegte Blick“, den sie mit den Zuhörenden teilen. Auf der Spur des Erfolgs traf Beide unverhofft die geballte Kraft des Schicksals. Multiple Sklerose. Auf einmal ist alles anders. Man lernt das Leben nochmal ganz neu kennen. Ihren Humor haben sie auf der Reise aber nicht verloren. Gäste ...
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1000 Jahre Popkultur - ein popkultureller Gemischtwarenladen aus Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Subjektiv - Prädikat wertvoll - minimal objektiv. Wer sich nicht merken kann, was die Tundra von der Steppe unterscheidet, aber genau sagen kann, wann der erste Walkman auf den Markt kam, wieviel Farben das Farbspektrum des Fernsehtestbildes in den 80ern hatte und warum Uriah Heep niemals cool waren, der ist hier richtig. 1000 Jahre Popkultur - dein neuer Podcast für kulturelle Bildung, Fan ...
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A Scottish Communities Climate Action Network Podcast sharing stories of community led climate action in Scotland to help us all imagine a better future.
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Nach dem erfolgreichenYouTube-Channel könnt Ihr unsere Inhalte nun auch als Podcast empfangen. Wir präsentieren euch unterhaltsame Beiträge und interessante Perspektiven aus dem Warhammer 40k Universum und dem Tabletop-Hobby. "1000 Für den Imperator" is a fan project und in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.
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A podcast asking different questions about everyday life. my goal is to have my listeners answer questions that come to my inquisitive mind.
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My podcast is about questions I have thought about for YEARS.
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Join award-winning sales expert Dale Vermillion every month for high-impact conversations with real estate's heaviest hitters. This podcast is for every originator, processor, and real estate agent looking to gain an upper hand in their business. From sales strategy to business development to personal branding, listeners will learn how to remain at the top of their field by honing their craft with proven best practices developed by the very best.
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Join Nate & Tyler as they discuss the storytelling and gameplay of popular and niche RPGs in serial and one-off formats. Season 2 analyzes Final Final Fantasy VII Remake against its equivalent content in the original release, and Season 1 features 29 episodes through a blind playthrough of Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. Join the adventure by playing these games alongside these episodes as we explore games one chapter at a time. We also have semi-regular video game travelogue audio ...
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10,000 Swamp Leaders is a podcast that wades into muddy Swamp in search of people who have built social impact movements.The world needs 10,000 more people in the next five years who are willing to lead on issues like climate change, income inequality, peace building, and gender equality. If you are one of these people, you have found a home. Rick Torseth and his guests will unpack lessons learned, why small wins matter more than breakthroughs and how failure is our wisest teacher. We contin ...
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Ночь в станбуле
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A theatre producer sits down for one on one conversations with artists over a meal at local restaurants. Sharing a meal is something that is universal across all cultures. For longer than we can even document, we have been sharing meals with family, friends, loved ones, and colleagues. This project is a way to get to know the artists in our community. This is not an interview. This is not a sales pitch. This is a conversation. A chance for us to connect, share stories, and talk about all thi ...
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1000watt helps real estate companies strengthen their brands, improve their marketing, and out-innovate their competitors.
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旅行方法,唔止一百萬種。 有幾多人,就有幾多種旅行、幾多種可能。 -- 林輝:香港人,旅遊狂熱者,以旅行為樂,亦以旅行為業。著有《旅行在希望與苦難之間》及《旅行是一場修行》,且開有旅行公司【輕背包】和旅行主題餐廳【lonely paisley 】。 IG: @1000001ways2travel fb: https://www.facebook.com/goaroundtheworldwithme -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Final project
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Historias con el Rab. Uri y Elo. Como surgió la idea de este Podcast? En el mes de Julio de 2018, Elo invitó un Shabat al mediodía al Rab Uri junto a su esposa e hijo a comer. Mientras transcurría el almuerzo el Rab Uri le propuso a Elo estudiar una vez por semana Tora solos, a lo cual Elo le respondió que le parecía muy egoista que de su clase solo él tenga provecho y le contestó que aceptaba con la condición de filmar las clases para subirlas a Youtube y plataformas digitales para que la m ...
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Podcast by 1000 Cuts
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This is the official podcast for 10,000 Fathers & Mothers. We exist to raise and release spiritual mothers and fathers who creatively shape the future of the church. Learn more about our community at www.10kfam.org
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It has been almost 1000 years since the Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan started - and according to its motto "Tradition and Innovation" we dig deeper into the world of podcasts. Be part of Matthias "Tissi" Ebner's (Brand Ambassador) and Anton "Done" Hirschfeld's (Online Marketing Manager) beer journey. Learn something new while listening to scientific conversations or discussions about beer culture. This is where you will discover beer from a whole new angle.
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1000 Fita é um podcast de áudio drama, que se inspira em músicas para criar histórias.
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Rund 1000 Jahre gibt es die Brauerei Weihenstephan nun schon - und getreu dem Motto "Tradition und Moderne" wagen wir uns nun in die Welt der Podcasts. Begleitet Markenbotschafter Matthias "Tissi" Ebner und Online Marketing Manager Anton "Done" Hirschfeld auf ihre Reise durch das Bier-Universum, lernt Neues in wissenschaftlichen Gesprächen oder hört bei Themen rund um die Bierkultur der Welt zu. Von der Weghalben bis zu hochtechnischen Verfahren - hier lernt ihr Bier neu kennen.
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Welcome to 1000 Answers where you can hear me speak about how I would handle life. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tiff-mitchell/support
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"10.000 Watts Show"
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Podcast by ABC Classics
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Welcome to 10,000 Foot View Podcast where you can find tools, tactics, ideas, and insights from some of the best performers from the field of business, sports, writing, entertainment, coaching, medicine, neuroscience, and more that will give you the perspective you need to break through and unlock the next level in your productivity, mindset, career, business, energy, emotions, spirituality, etc. I am Monjyoti, the host of this podcast. I have an obsession for deep transformation and I am on ...
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Personal journey to transform my life through self-discipline.
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Where the president of Club Zero has turned this podcast into one where he release some preaching messages. Preach it just how I meant it.
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Tomasz Kopyra w felietonie z serii 1000 IBU porusza spektrum kwestii dotyczących piwa. Zwykle poziom goryczy sięga 1000 IBU.
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El micropodcast que grabamos mientras intentamos superar el desafío de correr 1000 km en un año
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durée : 00:13:00 - Le jeu des 1 000 € - par : Nicolas Stoufflet - N'hésitez pas à vous abonner au podcast du jeu !โดย Nicolas Stoufflet
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ADHD, Alcohol and the Real Path to Freedom
12:41Is ADHD making it harder to quit drinking? You’re not imagining it. Alcohol and ADHD share a deep connection—one that keeps so many stuck in the cycle of distraction, impulsivity, and regret. But here’s the truth: the freedom you seek isn’t in another coping mechanism. It’s in rewiring your approach to alcohol, your mind, and your identity. Today, …
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Like a Good Neighbor Hulk Hogan is There! w/Jed Shaffer
59:12(Red band)- Passionate gamer, Devoted husband, Loving father, Legendary Pop culture nerd, Podcaster & avid Horror fan. This could be Jed Schaffer's epitaph if he doesn't survive this week's, 1000 Crazy Questions. Which horror movie villain would make the most caring father? Why is Hulk Hogan giving you a not so nice visit every time you drop someth…
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Man kennt etwa 40 verschiedene Gene, die kurzsichtig machen können. Doch alle Gene zusammengenommen haben einen geringeren Effekt als die Frage: Wie lange bin ich in die Schule gegangen? Von Norbert Pfeiffer | Text und Audio dieses Beitrags stehen unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
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Halloween – ein karnevalesker Brauch Halloween ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie man es mit der Kontinuität eigentlich nicht machen sollte. Halloween ist ein fast karnevalesker Brauch, bei dem die Menschen allerlei Unsinn machen. Man hat sehr viele Bräuche, auch die Fastnacht, von den "alten Germanen" hergeleitet, aus heidnischer, aus grauer Vorzeit. Das…
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On this episode of 1000 Ways to Market Your Business, Samantha Scott, APR, is joined by Kinfay Moroti, Storytelling Strategist at Better Together. Learn why storytelling is crucial for both businesses and nonprofits, how to effectively communicate your "why," and tips on integrating emotion into your marketing strategy. This episode covers everythi…
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Science You Can Use: The Truth About ‘Healthy’ Labels, Longevity Hacks & Brain-Boosting Foods
31:35We’re back with a Science You Can Use episode. Why? Because science is always evolving, and with it comes new research, regulations, and insights that shape the way we eat, move, and care for our health. In this special episode of 1,000 Waking Minutes, Dr. Wendy Bazilian breaks down three timely studies and what they mean for your daily life: A tri…
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1KHO 444: It's Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn | Greta Eskridge
1:11:49In this powerful and deeply personal conversation, Ginny Yurich welcomes back her dear friend Greta Eskridge for a critical discussion on protecting children from the pervasive reach of porn. Greta shares her own family’s journey, the hard-earned wisdom she’s gained from years of research, and the urgent need for parents to step into these conversa…
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Lee Camp (Unredacted Tonight) - 078
55:00Lee Camp is a comedian, writer, podcaster, and show host. He hosted the teeth-as-sharp-nails political comedy show, Redacted Tonight, which tragically got axed as the result of years of misdirected nationwide hysteria. I’ve known Lee for a long time, given the theme of the show, I’d originally planned for him to be a December episode, but he’s got …
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What top lenders are doing differently in today’s market with Peter Benjamin
45:46In an industry where profitability and production often take center stage, credit unions have a unique edge: a service-first mindset that puts members ahead of margins. No one understands this better than Peter Benjamin, President of ACUMA and a seasoned leader in the lending industry. A Certified Mortgage Banker and Six Sigma Black Belt, Peter has…
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Keys to Building a Business with Goody of BBB
38:06An interview with Entrepreneur Marshawn Goodloe, where he discusses the mindset and keys to running a successful business. This one is great for people looking for gems regarding how to move in the entrepreneurial space
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#257 El IDF desde su creación a la guerra de los 6 días
1:07:32¿Qué eventos definieron el nacimiento del Ejército de Defensa de Israel (IDF) tras la creación del Estado de Israel en 1948? ¿Cómo la lucha por la supervivencia en los primeros años del país transformó a Israel en una potencia militar regional? En este episodio, Julio Sandoval regresa para llevarnos a través de una historia fascinante, profundizand…
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Rerelease: #1 The Andrew Capland Route
1:08:20Andrew Capland is a coach and mentor of growth leaders, an advisor for product-led SaaS companies, and the host of the Delivering Value podcast. Andrew is on a mission to revolutionize his business and build a media empire. In this episode, Andrew shares his transition from a corporate role at companies like HubSpot, Wistia, and Postscript to becom…
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#08 Alma Spribille - Unternehmertum und Aktivismus
1:01:44Alma Spribille ist Co-Founder von WEtell, dem nachhaltigen Mobilfunkanbieter WEtell:https://www.wetell.de/ Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie: https://germany.econgood.org/ B Corp:https://www.bcorporation.de/ Handy Recycling:https://www.nabu.de/umwelt-und-ressourcen/aktionen-und-projekte/handysammlung/ Bundesverband nachhaltige Wirtschaft:https://www.bnw-bundesve…
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Man kann auch Läuse&Flöhe haben. Und Migräne.
30:30Es gibt Hinweise auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen Multipler Sklerose (MS) und Migräne. Studien zeigen, dass Migräne bei MS-Betroffenen häufiger auftritt als in der allgemeinen Bevölkerung. Nur nicht bei Edda und Simone. Fakt ist, das weder Migräne noch MS Krankheiten sind, die die Medizin entschlüsselt hat. Nützliches:https://1000gesichterplus2.depo…
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth 09: Scar-Gazing in Gongaga
1:13:52A jungle brandishes a whale-shaped WEAPON, Tifa earns a scar for not having one, Whispers clash in Lifestream, and Rebirth's Cid loses his temper. This episode completes Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs.โดย Gunblade Guys
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Episode 76 - The Dragon Lives Again
1:31:23What do you get when you cross a dude who looks nothing like Bruce Lee with Dracula, Popeye, Clint Eastwood, and the afterlife? You get The Dragon Lives Again, a bizarre bruceploitation movie that is as insane as it is disrespectful.โดย wivesofweird
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1000 Jahre Popkultur - Episode 71 - Monumente der Popkultur - Chapter V - Teil 2
1:27:02Im zweiten Monumente-Teil treffen wir zuerst auf eine der wohl ikonischsten amerikanischen Schauspielerinnen des 20sten Jahrhunderts, kehren dann nochmal zu unserem Poeten aus Teil 1 zurück und werfen einen Blick auf die Liebe seines Lebens, besuchen eins der berühmtesten Plattenlabels aller Zeiten, treffen dann zunächst auf ein echtes amerikanisch…
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